The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 882 Give the famous general some respect

Zhao She in the Warring States Period of Huaxia was a good general, but Lu Feng did not know whether the Zhao She sent by the Hundred Kingdoms Academy was the Zhao She from the Warring States Period of Huaxia.

Lu Feng remembered that after he summoned Lu Ban last time, he attached a military general surnamed Zhao, and his original strength reached the fourth level of the Holy Venerable, which was very strong.

I just thought about Zhao She's record during the Warring States Period. Except for the "Fighting with You", he didn't have any other outstanding records, but he did a good job in enriching the treasury.

"System, is this Zhao She from Hundred Nations College the military general surnamed Zhao that was attached to Lu Ban last time?" Lu Feng asked the system directly.

"Ding, Zhao She information is being generated."

"Zhao She: During the Warring States Period, a famous general of Zhao State, known to everyone for his ability to govern the country, he defeated the Qin army in the 'Fighting with You', and was one of the eight famous generals of the Six Eastern Kingdoms at that time."

"Realm: The original Saint Venerable Four Heaven, the current state is the Emperor Eight Heaven."

"Faction: Hundred Nations Academy."

"Loyalty: 0."

"It's really Zhao She, one of the eight famous generals of the Six Eastern Kingdoms."

Looking at the information, Lu Feng felt a little helpless. If it wasn't Zhao She, it was Zhao Kuo.

On paper, Zhang Liao could kill him by himself.

But this Zhao She can be one of the eight famous generals of the Six Eastern Kingdoms. He must have the ability. Now he has been sent by the Hundred Kingdoms Academy to lead the tens of thousands of allied forces of those small kingdoms, and Zhang Liao will lead the troops to deal with it. The result is hard to say.

After all, Zhao She is not stupid.

After pondering slightly, Lu Feng said, "Let Jia Xu come to see me."


Soon Jia Xu received the order and came to Lu Feng.

"Chen Jia Xu pays respects to Your Majesty."

Lu Feng nodded, without much nonsense, he directly gave the space jade tube to Jia Xu.

After checking the news from Gu Wenqian, Jia Xu said with surprise in his eyes, "You actually sent this Zhao She?"

"You know him too?" Lu Feng asked.

He knew about Zhao She in history, but he really didn't know what achievements Zhao She had in this world.

"Your Majesty, this person led the Eastern Xia Dynasty in the east of Yuzhou ten years ago to resist the coalition of the Dafeng Dynasty and the Guda Dynasty, destroying the Dafeng Dynasty and the Guda Dynasty's purpose of encroaching on the Dongxia Dynasty." Jia Xu said.

"The Guda Dynasty?"

Lu Feng was taken aback and said, "Isn't the Guda Dynasty in the western part of Yuzhou? How can we attack the Dongxia Dynasty together with the Dafeng Dynasty?"

"The Guda Dynasty is different from other dynasties. Their borders are very long and very long. Strictly speaking, they occupy a part of the western part of Yuzhou, a part of the northern part of Yuzhou, and a small part of eastern Yuzhou, because most of the land area is in Yuzhou. The western part of the prefecture is therefore considered to be the dynasty in the western part of Yu prefecture." Jia Xu explained.

Lu Feng suddenly realized that he didn't know much about the ten dynasties at present.


After a short pause, Jia Xu was a little puzzled and said, "I don't understand why, Zhao She was recalled by Hundred Kingdoms Academy after the battle. He hasn't been born for ten years, and I don't know why."

"Because it doesn't matter what, now we have another problem."

Lu Feng looked at Jia Xu and said, "If I give Gu Wenqian an order, he can do something in the teleportation formation and make Zhao She disappear into the teleportation formation, but this way, the relationship between Guxuan Business and I will definitely be exposed. , the Hundred Nations College will not let Guxuan Firm go, this is not a good thing for the Nanyan Kingdom."

"But if Gu Wenqian is kept still, Zhao She will go to the western front of the Nanyan Kingdom and lead the coalition forces of those small kingdoms to attack the Nanyan Kingdom. With Zhao She's ability and the tens of millions of coalition forces, it will also cause harm to the kingdom. No small trouble."


"Wenhe, do you think I should give Gu Wenqian an order at this time and let him do it secretly?"

Lu Feng asked Jia Xu.

Jia Xu pondered slightly, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, I think that keeping Guxuan Business in the dark will benefit the kingdom's future attack on the Liyang Dynasty."

"That is,

Let Zhao She go to the west line smoothly? "Lu Feng said.

"Your Majesty's lesson."

Jia Xu bowed slightly and said, "I think that even if Zhao She has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to take over and train the rabble of a dozen small kingdoms into elite soldiers, with General Zhang Liao guarding the western front."

"With Zhang Liao's ability and his millions of elite soldiers, in the worst case, the Western Front can be held, and the Western Front will never collapse. Then, when Changze City is broken and the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom perishes, those small kingdom coalition forces will no longer be able to survive. A threat to the kingdom."

"And the Guxuan business is deeply rooted in the Liyang Dynasty, and the Liyang Dynasty has developed for thousands of years and has a very deep foundation. When the kingdom attacks the Liyang Dynasty in the future, if it is a strong attack, it will definitely pay a great price. But if there is a Guxuan business. As an internal response, Tonglu City, the northern gate of the Liyang Dynasty, will not be able to have any influence on us."

"At that time, the army will be able to drive straight in and take the capital of the Liyang Dynasty! Therefore..."

Jia Xu looked at Lu Feng and said, "I think that the Guxuan business is an indispensable step in the kingdom's next big plan, and it must not be exposed because of a Zhao She."

Hearing Jia Xu's words, Lu Feng pondered slightly, and said, "Okay, just as you said."

"Come on, notify Gu Wenqian immediately and let him put Zhao She into the teleportation formation."


Zhen Gang immediately went down and gave Gu Wenqian an order through the space jade tube.

And Lu Feng, looking at Jia Xu, thought for a while, and said, "Wenhe, you should immediately rush to Zhang Liao's army to lead the division and assist Zhang Liao in defeating Zhao She and the so-called ten million coalition forces of those small kingdoms."

After all, Zhao She was one of the eight famous generals of the Six Eastern Kingdoms during the Warring States Period of China. To be on the safe side, Lu Feng decided to send Jia Xu over there.

In this way, with Zhang Liao and Jia Xu, even if Zhao She has the ability to turn the sky, he will definitely do nothing.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Jia Xu responded, but paused for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, this minister believes that Meng Zhiwen, who is in Meng Tian's army, can now be transferred over. Now the barbarians in the northern grasslands of General Meng Tian's line do not dare to attack, and Meng Zhiwen is there. There's not much use there."

Jia Xu was worried about the situation on the front line.

Lu Feng shook his head slightly and said, "The barbarians in the northern grasslands have always been a big threat, not to mention our order to kill the barbarians, which makes them want to eat our flesh and drink our blood."

"If they know that the Liyang Dynasty is now raising troops to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, they will inevitably not have an idea about the northern front line of the Nanyan Kingdom. The positions of Meng Tian and Ran Min are both very critical and cannot be moved at the moment, making Meng Zhiwen more useful there. Big here."

"As for the Evil Dragon River and Chuanping County..."

Lu Feng smiled and said, "I have Yue Fei and Zhou Yu by my side, so there is no need to worry."

When Jia Xu heard it, he didn't say anything, and immediately went to Zhang Liao's army as ordered by Lu Feng.

"Liyang Dynasty, Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, you can't get it, Zonglan Kingdom also wants it!"

After Jia Xu left, Lu Feng stood on the deck of the battleship and murmured in a low voice.

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