The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 883 Guo Jia has a plan

"General, the soldiers marching in the starry night are already exhausted now. How about we camp on the spot and let the soldiers rest for a while?"

In the territory of Zonglan Kingdom, a lieutenant said to an old man.

The old man is Le Chongjin, the general of the town of Liyang Dynasty.

After receiving the order of Emperor Zhang Liyuan, he immediately sent to the army through the teleportation array, and then killed all the generals who resisted the order with thunder. One and a half million elite soldiers are in control.

Then, according to Zhang Liyuan's order, he ordered the army of 1.5 million to rush to the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

Behind them, there are three million army of Zonglan Kingdom.

It's just that the Zonglan Kingdom's army is not as fast as them, and they are nearly a day behind.

Le Chongjin looked at the map and said, "We are now about five days away from Lianyun Road, the dividing line between Zonglan Kingdom and Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. We can't delay. We must occupy Lianyun Road within three days. Only in this way can we Guaranteed to take the initiative in the war."

Lianyun Road is the only place in the Zonglan Kingdom and the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom other than the Evil Dragon River where one million troops can pass through.

But Lianyun Dao is not so simple. On the left is the Evil Dragon River, and on the right is the mountain. Whoever occupies the mountain on the right first will be able to control the Lianyun Dao.

"But General, if we continue on our way, even if we arrive at Lianyun Road and meet the soldiers led by Yue Fei, the general of the Nanyan Kingdom, the exhausted soldiers will not be able to fight!" said the lieutenant.

Le Chongjin thought for a while and said, "Well, let the army rest in place for three hours, and then send spies to Lianyun Dao at the fastest speed. We must always send back the news of Lianyun Dao."


The lieutenant will make arrangements immediately.

Le Chongjin continued to look at the map, his eyes locked on the Evil Dragon River, and he muttered: "Your Majesty said that Lu Feng is trying to get the navy to pass through the Evil Dragon River, how can the dragons in the Evil Dragon River be so simple? Got it off?"

"As long as you can control the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is basically something in your pocket!"

"At that time, I will be the first general of the Liyang Dynasty!"


In Hongbao City, the capital of the King of the Hongbao King, after the army of the Nanyan Kingdom attacked the Hongbao Kingdom, the entire Hongbao City officials and family were in a state of fear and panic.

Especially when Hufeng County was broken, the news that the enemy general Yue Fei led the army to attack the hinterland of the kingdom from the northeast front line, made Hongbao City even more fearful.

But today, the entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom has swept away the fear.

Because just now, their emperor announced to the entire Hongbao Kingdom that the army of the Liyang Dynasty was heading to the Hongbao Kingdom for support. The enemy general Yue Fei had already retreated quickly and did not dare to attack the Hongbao Kingdom again.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Rainbow Leopard City was decorated with lanterns to celebrate this great blessing.

The aristocratic families in Hongbao City could not wait to erect a longevity monument for the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty.

You know, what these families are most afraid of is the great victory of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Because Lu Feng's attitude towards these aristocratic families has been clearly demonstrated in the Nanyan Kingdom, the last 90% of the families with extremely bad reputations were raided and wiped out, and the remaining 10% were not too bad.

Not to mention asking them to hand over the private soldiers representing the family.

Now that the Liyang Dynasty army is attacking, can the Nanyan Kingdom be able to stop it?

Do not make jokes!

That was the Liyang Dynasty, one of the top ten dynasties, and the Nanyan Kingdom would definitely be beaten!

"Master Li, you have counted everything, have you counted the Liyang Dynasty again?"

In the mansion where Li Shanyi is located in Rainbow Leopard City, an old man looked at him with a smile.

"Shanyi doesn't know what the Prime Minister means by this?"

Li Shanyi took a sip from the teacup and shook his head.

The old man in front of him was the Prime Minister of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, Ke Wenfei.

Also Ke Yichang's cousin.

"Don't know what the old man means?"

Ke Wenfei looked at Li Shanyi with a colder smile.

Said: "Don't you know about Hufeng County as an old man?"

"Hufeng County? Isn't Hufeng County your good brother's territory? Why, now it has been breached by the Nanyan Kingdom, and I want to find a scapegoat for you that lost Hufeng County and put the entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom in a desperate situation. The younger brother is guilty?" Li Shanyi chuckled lightly.

"Li Shanyi, don't be too presumptuous!"

Ke Wenfei was furious and said, "Could it be true that you thought I didn't know that it was you who blocked the intelligence system of Hufeng County, so that my younger brother didn't get any news of the navy dispatched by the Nanyan Kingdom, so he was caught off guard!"

"Prime Minister Ke, you need to talk about evidence."

Li Shanyi glanced at Ke Wenfei lightly, and said, "If you have evidence, you can ask His Majesty to give me death. If you have no evidence, don't blame me for turning your face."


After a brief pause, Li Shanyi stared at Ke Wenfei and said, "The Kingdom's intelligence system is in the hands of the Minister of Intelligence, Yukina, and his information was not transmitted to Hufeng County in time. You didn't go to him, but came to me. Do you think I, Li Shanyi, can be bullied by my Li family?"


Ke Wenfei snorted angrily, stood up, and said, "Li Shanyi, don't think you've calculated everything! Now that the Liyang Dynasty is sending troops, this old man wants to see what your plans, Li Shanyi, will be after the Nanyan Kingdom is destroyed! "

After speaking, Ke Wenfei turned and left angrily.

"Father, the Liyang Dynasty has already taken action, and the demise of the Nanyan Kingdom is inevitable. Is it really worth it?"

After Ke Wenfei left, a young man in his twenties appeared behind Li Shanyi.

Li Shanyi's son, Li Shuo.

"Whether it's worth it or not has already been done."

Li Shanyi sighed softly and said, "The Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is hopeless. I originally thought that the Nanyan Kingdom would become a dynasty in the southwest of Yuzhou, but I wanted to continue this matter and sell the Nanyan Kingdom a favor and not seek the South in the future. The Yan Kingdom will reward us with something, just so that the family will not be exterminated."

"It's not as good as the sky, and the Liyang Dynasty will send troops at this time!"


With another long sigh, Li Shanyi's eyes became a little more decadent.

If the Liyang Dynasty makes a move, even if Lu Feng's Nanyan Kingdom is strong, even if he has the unparalleled ministers and advisors, what can it do?

Is it possible that they can still compete with a dynasty?

"Father, what should we do now?" Li Shuo looked a little flustered.

"There is no way, let it be fate!"

Li Shanyi sighed again, and said, "I just hope that you do that well enough and leave no traces, otherwise my Li family will..."

"Paper, sir, there is someone outside the door claiming to be your friend and saying that he is coming to visit you. And he gave you a letter."

Before Li Shanyi finished speaking, a servant came over and handed him a letter.

"my good friend?"

Li Shanyi was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "When did Li Shanyi have friends? This is something new."

Li Shanyi opened the letter while speaking.

Soon, his eyes narrowed and he stared at the letter, which had only one word on it.


Guo Jia's Jia!

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