The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 884 Do you want to cooperate with us?

Before the defeat of Pingguang City, Li Shanyi was very popular in the entire Hongbao City, and he had many friends, not one hundred but eighty.

Not to mention the entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, having more than a thousand friends is really nothing to talk about.

After Pingguang City, Li Shanyi's reputation was discredited, and there was no one friend of his in the entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

Those friends in Hongbao City used to see him as if they saw the god of plague, and they could not avoid it.

Now the word 'friend' has long since gone away from Li Shanyi.

But the word 'jia' on this letter reminded Li Shanyi of a 'friend'.

Guo Jia!

I remember that in Pingguang City at that time, the two brothers Guo and Li were called, and their relationship was quite "good", and then...

All of Li Shanyi's honors collapsed with this "good", and the original first strategist of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom became a small character that no one cares about.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a huge Li family, Li Shanyi might have been killed long ago.

And all of this is because of Guo Jia's strategy.

Li Shanyi almost died of shame.

Originally, after he came back, he planned to find a chance to come back again, and he had to recklessly return to Guo Jia, but in less than two years, the Nanyan Kingdom had already taken the unstoppable momentum to dominate the southwest of Yuzhou and destroyed the Spirit Sword Sect.

Let him not dare to have the idea of ​​regaining a city!

But today, with the word 'Jia' on the letter in his hand, he dared to conclude that it was Guo Jia.

Because among his 'friends', only Guo Jia has 'Jia' in his name, and this is his "good friend"!

A good friend I wish I could kill!

"Father, what's wrong?" Li Shuo asked suspiciously when he saw that his father's face became ugly and his eyes were even more strange.

"I'm fine!"

Li Shanyi took a deep breath, looked at the servant who had come in to report the news, and said, "Take him to the study!"


"Shuo'er, go and do your own business." Then Li Shanyi said to his son.

"Good father."

Although Li Shuo wondered who his father's friend was, he didn't dare to disobey his father's words, so he obediently responded and went to work.

"Guo Jia, I, Li Shanyi, want to see what you want to do."

Staring at the letter in his hand, Li Shanyi snorted coldly, turned to the study and waited for Guo Jia to come.

Soon, Jiading took Guo Jia to the study.

Only Guo Jia alone.

When he walked in, he looked at Li Shanyi who was sitting behind the study and said with a smile, "Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a long time. I thought you had forgotten my friend?"

Li Shanyi stared at Guo Jia fiercely, his eyes were very cruel, but it did not change Guo Jia's face.

"You go down first."

Li Shanyi waved at Jiading.

Jiading hurriedly retired.

Then Li Shanyi moved his hand, opened a formation, stood up abruptly, glared at Guo Jia, and shouted, "Guo Jia, you dare to come to see me, believe it or not, I will give you to Xingna right away!"

Guo Jia still had the same expression as before, as if he didn't see the angry Li Shanyi, but turned to look at the study and said, "Brother Li, not bad, this soundproof formation can isolate all the sounds inside, unless the realm exceeds the realm. The emperor's sixth-level heaven, or no one can eavesdrop, not bad, quite good, Li brother, you have a heart."

"Hugh, call me Brother Li again!"

Li Shanyi said angrily, "I, Li Shanyi, can't afford to be called 'Brother Li' by you!"

"how come?"

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Could it be that Brother Li forgot that we had a good time talking in Pingguang City?"

Li Shanyi's mouth twitched suddenly, it was okay not to mention it, but when he mentioned it, his face felt hot.


If it wasn't because he was too careless at the beginning and fell into Guo Jia's calculations, how could he be like this now?

Now that I heard Guo Jia's words, my heart was even more angry, and I shouted: "Guo Jia, I think you have no way to go to heaven, no way to hell, you want to break through, I will inform Xingna now and let him kill you. killed."

As he said that, he was about to go outside the study.

It's just that Guo Jia's face still didn't change. He smiled and looked at Li Shanyi who was full of anger. Seeing that, he seemed to be waiting for Li Shanyi to inform Xingna.


Li Shanyi was annoyed by Guo Jia's appearance.

Of course he couldn't really inform Xingna. At this critical moment, if Xingna was notified and his attention turned to him, it is very likely that the matter of Hufeng County would be investigated.

Li Shanyi didn't want to die so quickly.

Taking a deep breath, Li Shanyi returned to his position, stared at Guo Jia, and said solemnly: "Guo Jia, you and I both understand people, so don't be around the corner. What's your purpose in coming to me today?"


Guo Jia also stopped talking nonsense with Li Shanyi and spoke directly.


Li Shanyi sneered and said, "What can we do to cooperate? It's good that I didn't directly tie you to Xingna. You still want me to cooperate with you? It's just a fool's dream!"

"No delivery!"

He's making an expulsion order.

"Brother Li, don't be so absolute."

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "There is still a basis for cooperation between us. After all, I still know what you did in Hufeng County. I will report this to His Majesty the Emperor in the future, and he will definitely remember your credit. "

"Hufeng County? What's the matter? Why didn't I know?"

Li Shanyi's eyes dodged.

He blocked the intelligence dispatched to Ke Yichang's Nanyan Kingdom navy in Hufeng County.

If Guo Jia came to him before the Liyang Dynasty sent troops, he must have admitted it generously, because his purpose was to gain the favor of the Nanyan Kingdom and leave a way out for his family.

But it's different now.

The Liyang Dynasty sent troops to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, and the Nanyan Kingdom would definitely be destroyed. At this time, this matter could not be admitted.

Otherwise, news from the people of Nanyan Kingdom would easily lead to the extermination of the Li family.

Even now, Li Shanyi has some regrets in his heart. He knew that the Liyang Dynasty would send troops. He would never do such a trick in secret, but now he has made it difficult and uncomfortable.

"Do not you know?"

Guo Jia glanced at Li Shanyi and said, "It doesn't matter, I will ask Jin Yiwei to tell you about it, Kona, the Minister of Intelligence of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and let him investigate carefully, and then maybe you will find out."

"Brother Li, goodbye!"

Saying that, Guo Jia is about to turn around and leave the study.

"and many more!"

When Guo Jiagang turned around, Li Shanyi hurriedly spoke.

He was 90% sure that Guo Jia would not let Jin Yiwei tell Xingna, but that 10% made him not dare to take risks.

If Guo Jia really does this, then his Li family is really going to exterminate the clan!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, turned to look at Li Shanyi again, and said, "What? Brother Li, do you remember this now?"

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