Li Shanyi looked at the three thousand soldiers arranged by Guo Jia standing in his backyard, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Now he knew why Guo Jia had arranged for three thousand people to come in.

Because the weakest of these 3,000 people actually have the realm of condensing pills!

What is this concept?

In the entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, it is quite difficult to find 3,000 warriors in the realm of condensing pills. The Nanyan Kingdom actually formed an army?

There are so many warriors in the realm of condensing pills found in the Nanyan Kingdom?

Naturally, Li Shanyi didn't know that after Lu Feng killed the barbarians, many warriors arrived in the three northern counties of the Nanyan Kingdom and began to kill barbarians.

Many of them were secretly accepted by the Nanyan Kingdom, and many of them were in the realm of condensing pills.

Coupled with the news of the Sutra Collection Pavilion and the Kingdom College, more warriors from the entire southwest of Yuzhou entered the Nanyan Kingdom.

In fact, it is not that difficult to recruit a warrior.

Ninety percent of the warriors need nothing but money and beauty. The martial arts and skills they need, especially for some loose cultivators, are desperately trying to get them.

Lu Feng's Book Collection Pavilion can provide what they want, as long as they pay enough military exploits, naturally, many warriors will join the Nanyan Kingdom.

Don't look at a martial artist in the realm of condensing pills is vulnerable to a master, a holy king, or even a warrior in the realm of emperors.

But if they can be trained into an army that is proficient in military formations, the condensed killing energy will be even more terrifying, and it will greatly suppress high-level warriors.

"Alas, I still underestimate the Nanyan Kingdom!"

Li Shanyi sighed, but he was a little excited. Now he is basically in the same boat with the Nanyan Kingdom.

The stronger the strength of the Nanyan Kingdom, the higher the winning rate against the Liyang Dynasty.

Maybe he can really defeat the Liyang Dynasty in the end and let his family survive.


Looking at the army formed by the three thousand condensing pill realm warriors, Li Shanyi murmured: "Before they were in the caravan, they didn't show the slightest fluctuation of infuriating energy. Could this be Lu Feng's formation? And..."

Glancing at these people, Li Shanyi said to himself: "Guo Jia arranged for 3,000 warriors from at least the sixth level of Ningdan to enter the Rainbow Leopard City, what exactly does he want to do? Is it true that he wants to assassinate Lan Taohong? ?"

As soon as this thought came out, Li Shanyi trembled physically and mentally. If that was the case, then Guo Jia was too crazy.

"Brother Li, I will definitely take credit for you in front of Your Majesty!"

At this time, a voice came.

Following the figures of Guo Jia and Zhang Han, they appeared in the backyard.

Zhang Hand!

Li Shanyi's eyes narrowed, he naturally knew that the general of the shadow guard of the Nanyan Kingdom, and that Zhang Han's strength was not weak.

But now that Zhang Han is here, the purpose of Guo Jia...

Li Shanyi uncontrollably remembered what he had just thought.

"Thank you Fengxiao."

Li Shanyi responded to Guo Jia, thought about it, and asked aloud: "Fengxiao, what is the purpose of arranging 3,000 warriors of the condensing pill realm to enter the Rainbow Leopard City?"

"Why, Brother Li, can't you guess it?" Guo Jia asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Shanyi suddenly smiled bitterly, affirming his thoughts, and said, "Do you really plan to assassinate Lan Taohong?"

"It wasn't an assassination, it was killing him directly!" Guo Jia corrected Li Shanyi's words.

After Guo Jia received an order from Lu Feng, he had to break the city of Nagasawa as soon as possible, and after he also got the 30,000 shadow guards that Lu Feng gave him, he kept thinking about how to break the city of Nagasawa quickly. .

But after thinking about it for a long time, he found a very helpless problem.

The city walls of Changze City are tall and thick, and because the people of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom are also very aware of the importance of Changze City, millions of troops are stationed in it, and many magicians have also been invited.

A lot of defensive formations are arranged on it.

In addition, the news of the Liyang Dynasty attacking the Nanyan Kingdom has greatly increased the confidence of the Hongbao Kingdom's army, and the increase in combat effectiveness is even more terrifying.

Such Nagasawa City, even if Luban's improved catapults attacked it, it would not be possible to break through it within seven days. It would take at least ten days. Even with the help of 30,000 shadow guards composed of warriors, it would be difficult do it.

But ten days is too long. For the current Nanyan Kingdom, there is no more than ten days to wait for the destruction of Nagasawa City.

Therefore, after Guo Jia knew this, he decisively changed his way of thinking.

Since it is impossible to directly attack Nagasawa Castle from the front, then think of other ways.

In the end, he set his sights on Rainbow Leopard City!

Rainbow Leopard City is the capital of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. If they can break through the Rainbow Leopard City and capture or kill the Emperor Lan Taohong alive, they can make the generals and soldiers of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom in Changze City lose their cohesion.

At that time, with Gao Shun's ability and an army of more than 2 million to attack, it will take less than three days to directly break through Nagasawa Castle.

The shadow guard is an army composed of warriors, and its combat effectiveness is very strong.

Maybe fighting on the frontal battlefield is not as good as Gao Shun's trapping camp, but if it is used to attack the rear, with the mobility of the warriors, the effect is even greater than the trapping camp.

The idea in Guo Jia's mind is very simple. Let the shadow guards attack Hongbao City, and there is a great possibility to break through Hongbao City, and then complete what he thinks in his mind, kill the emperor of the Hongbao Kingdom Lan Taohong or capture him alive.

But Shadow Guards are not the kind of army that is used for frontal combat after all. It is almost a nonsense to want to use them to attack the King's Capital of the Rainbow Leopard King, and to break through them.

You must know that in the capital of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, there are still 100,000 leopard troops and 200,000 imperial guards, which are extremely strong.

The strong attack is not shown, so Guo Jia fixed his eyes on Li Shanyi.

I was going to calculate Li Shanyi and asked Li Shanyi to help, but Jinyiwei checked it out. Well, no need to calculate, Li Shanyi had already made a deal with Nanyan Kingdom in Hufeng County and helped Nanyan Kingdom a big favor.

If before, Guo Jia sent someone to look for Li Shanyi, Li Shanyi must have agreed immediately without saying a word, but because now the Liyang Dynasty is attacking the Nanyan Kingdom, Guo Jia is not very sure, so he went there in person.

The final result was very good, Li Shanyi had no other choice and agreed to cooperate.

After successfully letting the army of 3,000 shadow guards enter the Rainbow Leopard City, we will watch the performance of Guo Jiazhang and these 3,000 people.

"Guo Fengxiao, I have to say, your idea is really bold."

Li Shanyi praised, but quickly said: "But it's just a bold idea, it's not realistic at all."

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