The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 888 Beheading and Slaying the Dragon

"There are 100,000 imperial guards in the palace, and 100,000 leopard troops in the city. Even if your three thousand people are all powerful warriors, they are warriors who form an army."

"But what about that? Is it possible to defeat the elites of the 200,000 Rainbow Leopard Kingdom with 3,000 people?"

Li Shanyi shook his head and said, "That's absolutely impossible!"

"A lot of times, the impossible is the most possible thing." Guo Jia smiled and said to Li Shanyi, "Brother Li just get ready for a good show at night."


Li Shanyi wanted to say something, but after seeing Guo Jia's confident look, he still shook his head and said nothing.

It's just that he is very worried. He doesn't know where Guo Jia's confidence comes from, or he doesn't care about the source of Guo Jia's confidence.

What he is worried about is that if Guo Jia fails and his cooperation with him is found out, what will happen to his Li family?

It is a pity that after he made a mistake in Hufeng County's decision, he no longer had a choice.

Thinking of this, Li Shanyi could only sigh, and secretly said in his heart, "I hope there will be a miracle!"

That night, when darkness completely enveloped the earth, the door of the Li Family Manor opened silently, and the warriors shrouded in black robes left.

They leave in different directions, and there is no pattern at all.

But half an hour later, in a very remote place outside the Imperial Palace of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, where few people passed by, stood fifty warriors covered in black robes.

Headed by Guo Jia and Zhang Han.

"Is the costume ready?" Guo Jia looked at Zhang Han and asked.

Zhang Han nodded, moved his hand, and took out fifteen sets of armor of the Imperial Guard of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom from the storage ring.

"What about the human skin mask?"

"Also ready."

Zhang Han took out fifteen more leather masks.

These masks are specially made according to their appearance by the Royal Guard squad who will pass the night patrol of the palace here after investigation by Jin Yiwei.

"Quick change."

Guo Jia ordered to go, and immediately came out fifteen people, wearing the armor of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom's Imperial Guard and human skin masks, and at the same time they used the means to hide their breath, and the aura of the warriors in each individual disappeared without a trace. Just like an ordinary person.

This is a secret technique in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, which Zhang Han gave to them. Everyone in the shadow guard has practiced and can hide their breath for two quarters of an hour.

"The Imperial Guards of the Imperial Palace of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom will patrol the night for a quarter of an hour, so we have a quarter of an hour. Later, Zhang Han and I will wait for the troops who are patrolling the night to pass by, and we will immediately start to kill them, and then you will replace them. position, and then follow the route discovered by Jin Yiwei, open the palace gate, and let the rest of the people enter the palace as soon as possible."


These people responded in a low voice, waiting for the people in the palace to pass by.

Soon, the footsteps of the night guards came from inside.

Guo Jia and Zhang Han looked at each other and nodded, and then their figures flashed in unison, and they entered the wall in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, a few muffled sounds were heard.

The shadow guard soldiers who changed their clothes moved, and they also turned over and entered.

"Hurry up and open the palace gate."

Guo Jia ordered several shadow guard soldiers.

These people heard the order and immediately went to the gate of the palace.


But as soon as I walked over, I was found.

"Kill them."

These are the most powerful of the three thousand shadow guards they brought, and they all have the realm of immortality.

Dropped with a bang, and shot quickly.

Before the more than 200 soldiers guarding the palace gate had reacted at all, they had already killed them and quickly opened the palace gate.

The rest of the shadow guards who had been waiting outside immediately rushed in and took control of the palace gate as quickly as possible.

"Let's go, let's go to the Lan Taohong Palace immediately."

Guo Jia didn't waste too much time here, and immediately took Zhang Han and several other shadow guard soldiers from the Immortal Realm to the depths of the palace.

at this time,

The imperial guards in the palace have long been attracted by the movement of the palace gate, and under the leadership of their respective generals, they quickly rushed to the palace gate.

However, no one noticed that Guo Jia and Zhang Han took a few people to the depths of the palace.

"According to the news of Jinyiwei, the most powerful person in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is the ancestor of the sixth-level holy king, General Zhang, and he will be handed over to you at that time." Guo Jia said to Zhang Han while rushing on the road.

After Lu Feng broke through to the realm of the emperor, Zhang Han's realm also reached the seventh heaven of the holy king.

"Don't worry, Master Guo, I will definitely be able to kill him." Zhang Han said solemnly.

Guo Jia nodded.

When most of the Imperial Guards rushed to the palace gate, Guo Jia and Zhang Han brought their people to the outside of the palace of Lan Taohong, the emperor of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

As soon as they came, they saw Lan Taohong and a concubine leave quickly under the protection of two holy kings and three-level heavenly warriors.


Guo Jia gave a cold drink and shot directly.

Zhang Han followed closely.


The reaction speed of the two holy kings of the three-layered heaven is still OK, and they reacted the moment Guo Jia and Zhang Han rushed out.

But to no avail.

Zhang Han, relying on the powerful strength of the Holy King Seventh Layer, killed the two in an instant.

Guo Jia also relied on the strength of the Holy King Triple Heaven to kill the other guards around Lan Taohong.

Soon, only Lan Taohong, his concubine, and Guo Jia were left in this place.

" are you?" Lan Taohong's face was pale, and she looked at Guo Jia with fear in her eyes.

"Lan Taohong, you don't even know your enemy's advisers, but you are not a good emperor." Guo Jia looked at Lan Taohong with a smile.

" are Lu Feng's subordinates!"

Hearing this, Lan Taohong instantly thought of the identities of these people in front of him, but he was not worried anymore, instead he was relieved.

He is the emperor of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, as long as Lu Feng is not a fool, he must know that the benefits of letting himself live are greater than dead.

Because the living self can be used as a bargaining chip, allowing the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom to make huge concessions.

The dead self has no use for anything other than arousing the revenge of the princes and princes of the royal family.

These people in front of them are from the Nanyan Kingdom, and their lives are currently saved.

Immediately, he said, "Are the people from the Nanyan Kingdom so despicable? To do such a sneak attack behind the scenes is simply a vain servant!"

"You are not qualified to talk to me, let Lu Feng come."


Guo Jia looked at Lan Taohong in surprise. Could this guy have a sick head? When the two armies are at war, the sneak attack you told me was shameless?

Could it be that you don't even understand the truth of "the soldier is the deceitful way"?

Shaking his head speechlessly, Guo Jia ignored Lan Taohong at all, and said to Zhang Han, "Send a signal to them to come to us immediately, build a defensive line based on the foundation that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and resist Hong The Panther Kingdom Guards and the Panther Army counterattack!"


Zhang Han immediately released a flare.

"The lord has an order, according to the plan, retreat!"

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