The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 892 Offensive and defensive battle!

Zhong Zhi said without hesitation: "It must be a direct attack!"

"Hmph, do you still need to say that?"

Yin Tie snorted coldly and said, "But the key point is that if we attack now, the enemy may directly hurt His Majesty the Emperor. If we don't have a good plan, who will be responsible for the accident of His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Is there nothing wrong with His Majesty the Emperor now?"

Zhong Zhi glanced at Yin Tie and said, "His Majesty the Emperor is now in the hands of the enemy for one second, and there is an extra second of threat. Therefore, we must strive to rescue His Majesty the Emperor as quickly as possible."

"Okay, you'll be responsible for the offense, I'm disappointed by others," Lan Rong said directly.

Hearing this, Yin Tie felt a chill in his heart. He could understand that the point of Lan Rong's question was not how to save His Majesty the Emperor, but to let Zhong Zhi lead the attack.

Zhong Zhi is the prince's person, if the emperor's majesty has some accidents during the battle...


Yin Tie didn't dare to think about it.

"The end will follow orders!"

Zhong Zhi responded immediately, then glanced at Yin Tie proudly, and immediately went to command the army to attack.

Lan Rong looked at it, a light flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

"My lord, the enemy is attacking."

Inside the palace defense line, Guo Jia's personal soldiers pointed outside and said.

"Order the crossbowmen and bed crossbowmen to fire arrows as soon as the enemy reaches the attack range, without any hesitation," Guo Jia said immediately.


Zhong Zhi let the army attack, but he didn't dare to use his bow and crossbow.

After all, the emperor is in the hands of the enemy. If he attacks with a bow and crossbow first and hurts the emperor, even if he is a prince, he will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

Therefore, he directly let the army advance, trying to use the number of people to make a way.

The army at the forefront was the Praetorian Guard, with his own Leopard Army following behind.

Yin Tie looked at it with hatred, but the prince's orders came down, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Fire arrows!"

Soon, under the command of Zhong Zhi, the enemy army came within the attack range of the shadow guard.


Suddenly, a rain of arrows formed in the sky and poured down.

The rain of arrows was like cutting straw, causing the Praetorian Guards to fall one by one.

You must know that the bows and crossbows used by the shadow guards are all specially designed repeating crossbows improved by Luban, with extremely powerful firepower.

Even the shield soldiers walking in the front, the wooden shields in their hands were directly shot and smashed, and they couldn't do anything to stop them.

Those Guardsmen who fought in an instant were afraid to go forward.

"Pass the order of the general, dare to stagnate and stop the former, and punish the nine clans!"

When Zhong Zhi saw it, he immediately said coldly.

If this order goes on, even if the Guards are afraid, they must rush forward with their teeth clenched.


The harsh sound of breaking through the air did not stop, and even more soldiers of the Janissaries who were piling up with their lives fell.

But because the number of the Guards was too large, in just a quarter of an hour, they forced a path with human lives, and they were already in front of the shadow guard defense line.

Those janitorial guards were red-eyed and rushed forward desperately, trying to break through the defense, and then fight hand-to-hand with the enemy, doing what they were good at.

"Order to retreat to the second front."

When Guo Jia saw it, he immediately sent an order.

The shadow guards were banned, the retreat speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had reached the position of the second front.

When the soldiers of the Imperial Guard saw it, they were all overjoyed, thinking that the enemy did not dare to fight, and they rushed forward madly.

"Prepare the crossbow."



It was another piercing sound, even sharper than before.

Puff puff!

The huge bed and crossbow bolts carried terrifying power and pierced through the corpses of the Janissaries.

But just for a moment, those Guards who rushed in front fell one by one, in a series.

"There's actually a bed crossbow!"

Zhong Zhi, who was sitting in the Central Army, saw it, his eyes narrowed, and his tone was a little surprised.

"But what if you have a crossbow and a crossbow? Is it possible that you can stop a 200,000 army with a few thousand people?"

Zhong Zhi sneered,

With a wave of his hand, more soldiers pressed on.

"The catapult is ready!"

Guo Jia watched more soldiers come up, and stopped holding hands. He ordered to go down, and the catapult was pushed up immediately.

"The catapult and the crossbow cross attack, and the bowman shoots the arrows out of his hand at the fastest speed."

Guo Jia stared at the enemy with cold eyes.

After a while, the enemy army pressed up again.


The cribs and catapults fired wildly.

Bang bang bang!


The whistling sound of the big stone and the air-breaking sound of the crossbow made this place tremble.

Under this frenzied attack, the Praetorian Guards suffered heavy casualties, making it impossible for them to move forward.

"Trash, a bunch of trash!"

Zhong Zhi's face was full of anger, so many people attacked, and it was impossible to be beaten by the enemy's simple defense.

The most important thing is that the enemy army only relies on the temporary defense line constructed by the bedroom.

Even if you don't dare to use a bow and crossbow, you won't be so useless, right?

"Let the Leopard Army attack!"

Lan Rong came to Zhong Zhi and looked at the dead and wounded Praetorian Guards in front of him with disappointment.

"His Royal Highness is right at all, they are too wasteful!"

Zhong Zhi flattered and immediately said, "I'll let the Leopard Army come up."

"Send an order to let these wastes of the Praetorian Guards retreat, and let the Leopard Army come up immediately."


The lieutenant went down to give orders, and the Guards immediately retreated.

"My lord, the enemy has retreated." A shadow guard beside Guo Jia said excitedly.

Guo Jia looked at it but shook his head and said, "The one that attacked just now was the Guards, the more powerful Leopard Army has yet to show up, and now that the Guards have retreated, it should be the Leopard Army that will attack later. "

"Go on and let everyone be vigilant."


Soon, the Leopard Army came up and immediately launched an attack.

Unlike the Praetorian Guards, the Leopard Army deserved to be the name of the most elite army in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. After they came up, they did not advance directly like the Praetorian Guards, but were divided into many squads, which formed a triangle, and then moved forward. They are each other's horns and move forward steadily.

"The person who trains the Leopard Army is also a master of the army."

Guo Jia looked at it and nodded secretly, this formation would greatly reduce the power of the bow and crossbow.


With a smile on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth, he said to the shadow guard beside him, "Send the order, let the catapult men aim at the squads in the middle, and have the bed crossbow and bowman aim at the Leopard Army squad in front."


The shadow guard immediately arranged according to Guo Jia's arrangement and completed it soon.



First, the rain of arrows was mixed with huge crossbow bolts covering the past, causing a lot of losses to the Leopard Army squads in the front.

"Go up, come on, go up."

The team behind the Leopard Army was very fast, so let's get to the top right away, and take advantage of the gap between the firepower of the bed and crossbow, and quickly advance a lot of distance.

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