This is the difference between the Leopard Army in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom and other armies.

In the face of such a situation before, the Guards did not take advantage of the gap between the bed crossbows to stop firing, but instead they were a little afraid.

The Leopard Army did not have such a situation. When the order arrived, they decisively stepped up and closed the distance with the Shadow Secret Guard.

"Order the crossbowmen to raise the shooting angle of the crossbow, and put the front Leopard Army team forward."

"Also have the catapult ready, ready to launch, using special stones."


Guo Jia's order went down, and the bowman immediately fired his arrows.

Repeated crossbow shooting, although the number of people is less than ten thousand, but the power is no less than ten thousand arrows.

In an instant, there was a huge vacancy in the middle of the Leopard Army.

"The shadow guard on the left listens to my order, kill!"

"Slay the vanguard of the Leopard Army at the fastest speed."


About a thousand shadow guards suddenly rushed out from the defensive line.

All of them are warriors, and they are extremely fast, and they are in front of the enemy in the blink of an eye.

Before those soldiers could react, the butcher knife had already begun to harvest their lives.

"What? Martial Artist? Or Martial Artist in the Condensing Pill Realm?"

Zhong Zhi was completely stunned when he saw this scene. Has anyone in the southwest of Yuzhou heard of an army composed of warriors?

how can that be?

You must know that in the Kyushu Continent, the status of warriors is respected, and all of them are arrogant. How can they be willing to join the army, accept the training of others, and accept so many rules in the army?

Even the Liyang Dynasty, which was the closest to the southwest of Yuzhou, had never heard of an army composed of warriors.

How could these people in front of them be an army of warriors?

"Puff puff!"

On the battlefield, the sound of a sharp blade piercing into the flesh sounded.

In just an instant, the Leopard Army squads standing at the front fell instantly.

The Leopard Army lost at least 3,000 people!

If you add the people who were killed by the bow and crossbow, at least 4,000 people died here.

And it all adds up to less than half an hour!


Zhong Zhi finally reacted and shouted angrily: "Army formation, hurry up, gather the army formation for this general!"

Fighting with warriors, the biggest strength of the ordinary army is the army formation.

As long as the army formation is formed, unless it is the Holy Venerable, or I dare not say that the threat brought by the army formation can be completely ignored.

Zhong Zhi knew very well that even if the troops in front of him were made up of warriors, they were too few in number. Once they were suppressed by the army, they would definitely win if they were defeated.

The Leopard Army is well-trained, and upon hearing the general's order, the army formation takes shape in an instant.

A huge momentum condensed in the sky, pressing towards the shadow guard in front of him.

The shadow guards who rushed out of the defensive line and slaughtered in the Leopard Army stopped for a moment, and their power was greatly reduced.

Zhong Zhi took this opportunity to order the follow-up Leopard Army to press up at the fastest speed, trying to make a gap and break into the defensive line.

"Order catapults, crossbows, and bowmen to fire immediately!"

Guo Jia ordered to go, and the catapult, the crossbow, and the crossbow that had been prepared for a long time were aimed at the central position of the enemy and fired immediately.

Bang bang bang!

A stone the size of a millstone was thrown by the catapult and smashed into the Leopard army, killing many enemy troops.

And the moment those big stones touched the ground, they suddenly exploded, and many iron pieces flew out of them.

Puff puff!

Only the sound of sharp blades piercing into the flesh was heard, and all soldiers who were hit by iron pieces fell to the ground and died without exception.


Zhong Zhi was shocked when he saw this scene.

What is this means?

Why does the army in front of me have so many defensive equipment?

But before he could understand, the catapult frantically threw special stones into the Leopard Army.

In an instant, a large number of casualties were caused, and it was a devastating blow to the formation of the Leopard Army.

At the same time, the attack of the bed crossbow and bow crossbow did not stop.

The three cooperate,

In an instant, the Leopard Army was divided into two, and the former army and the follow-up army were completely separated.

At the same time, the army formed by the Leopard Army is also crumbling, and the suppression force on the warriors has been reduced a lot, which makes the shadow guard soldiers who are difficult to operate with true qi feel a lot better.

Immediately, they turned on their infuriating energy and launched an attack on the enemy's former army again.

"Catapult, bed crossbow, bow crossbow."

"A well-trained army!"

Yin Tie in the back stared at this scene with a very solemn gaze.

The enemy army was obviously prepared, and all the things prepared were top-notch defensive equipment, especially the catapult's continuous crossbow. The army of 3,000 people had no less firepower than the army of 10,000 people.

Not to mention that this is an army trained by warriors.

Generally speaking, such an army is a kingdom, or even the trump card army of a dynasty, but how can it appear here now?

Even if they came to execute the beheading operation, they should retreat immediately after killing the Emperor Lan Taohong. Why would they use this as a position to establish a defensive front and a bloody battle between the Praetorian Guard and the Leopard Army?

Even if their defensive equipment is powerful, even if the army is strong, but there are only 3,000 people, or this kind of offensive and defensive battle without the slightest backup, facing an army of 200,000 people, they will die sooner or later.

What does the enemy's choice mean?

The general's intuition told Yin Tie that something bad seemed to be happening here.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

He secretly brought the experts from the Royal Servant Hall to rescue the Emperor Lan Nieyun, his face full of anger. He also counted on the Leopard Army and the others to exert pressure on the enemy's defensive line, or to break through the defensive line, so that he could save people easily.

But now it's better, not only does the enemy have no pressure on the defensive front, but the Leopard Army is being pressed and beaten.

Hundreds of thousands of people attacked the defensive line composed of 3,000 people, and they fought like this. Lan Nieyun really wanted to slash Zhong Zhi, a piece of shit.

Looking inside the defensive line, Lan Nieyun took a deep breath and said to the two holy kings of the fourth level of heaven who were following him in the royal service hall: "There are about a thousand enemy troops who are not in the line now, so let's start immediately and take the opportunity to save them. Back to Emperor Lan Taohong."

Now is not a good opportunity to make a move, but it is an opportunity to have to make a move.

If Lan Taohong was killed, the news spread that the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom would really become a laughing stock.

The two people from the Royal Service Hall nodded, followed Lan Nieyun, their bodies flashed, and in the blink of an eye, they entered the defensive line of the Shadow Secret Guard.

They are all masters of the Holy King, and ordinary shadow guards can't find them at all.

They looked, and soon found Lan Taohong who was thrown on the ground, looked at each other, nodded, and rushed over.

"Hmph, you still want to save people in front of this general? Courting death!"

It's just that they just arrived, Zhang Han snorted coldly, appeared in front of them, held a long sword in his hand, and slashed at them.

"It really is the Seventh Heaven of the Holy King!"

Lan Nieyun felt the sword energy and was shocked, but quickly said to the two masters of the Holy King in the Royal Service Hall: "You hold him, I will save people."

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