The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 894 Shocking Soldiers Descend from Heaven


The two masters of the Holy King from the Royal Service Hall responded and prepared to come up with their weapons to block Zhang Han.

At the same time, Lan Nieyun also quickly moved towards Lan Taohong.

"Looking for a dead end!"

Zhang Han's figure flashed, and two sword qi flashed from the long sword in his hand.

After the sword qi passed, the two holy king fourth-level heavenly warriors in the Royal Service Hall of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom had already become corpses.

"What? How can it be so strong?"

Lan Nieyun was shocked. He knew that the warriors in the later stage of the Holy King were completely incomparable to the warriors in the middle stage of the Holy King, but he never thought that they would be so strong.

Zhang Han of the seventh heaven of the holy king turned out to be a warrior who killed two of the four holy kings in an instant.

The two warriors of the fourth level of the Holy King turned out to have no resistance at all.

"it's your turn."

Zhang Han's voice fell, and he stabbed Lan Nieyun with a sword.

"Don't think about killing me so easily!"

Lan Nieyun roared angrily, the blood energy in the body suddenly rose, and the aura in the body became even larger, infinitely close to the seventh heaven of the holy king.

He knew that he could not be Zhang Han's opponent, and immediately cast a secret technique, ready to go all out.

"It won't save you either."

Zhang Hand's long sword was in his hand, and the sword light quickly blocked Lan Nieyun.

Lan Nieyun could only resist when he ascended with the help of a secret technique, let alone a counterattack, he couldn't even break away from Zhang Han's long sword blockade.

"Grandpa Emperor."

When Lan Rong saw it, he was shocked. The reason why his status as a prince was so stable was because he had the support of Lan Nieyun. If Lan Nieyun died here, he couldn't even imagine how his status would decline.

"Quick, attack, attack, use the army formation to help the grandfather to fight the enemy."

The panicked Lan Rong said urgently to Zhong Zhi.

Zhong Zhi smiled wryly, "My Royal Highness, if it were possible, I would have let the army overwhelm me long ago.

The key is that the enemy's catapult and bed crossbow blockade cannot be broken now, and it is difficult for the army to break through.

It's just now that he also knows the seriousness of the situation, gritted his teeth, and loudly ordered: "Order the bowman, shoot the air arrow, aim at the enemy who was fighting with the former army, and shoot indiscriminately!"


The lieutenant next to him heard it, was shocked, and said anxiously: "Totong, there are still many people in the former army. If we attack like this, then our soldiers..."

"Follow General Zhong's orders!" Lan Rong said angrily.

The lieutenant looked at Lan Rong, and although he couldn't bear to shoot his own soldiers, he didn't dare to disobey the order. He could only sigh and go down to pass the order.


As soon as the order arrived, the bowmen all fired arrows at the shadow guards who were fighting the front of the Leopard Army.

"Back, back quickly!"

Guo Jia saw the air-breaking arrows in the sky and ordered loudly.

The shadow guards quickly retreated when they heard the order.

But their speed was still slower, at least 300 people fell under the arrows.

"It's cruel enough!"

Guo Jia looked at these air-breaking arrows, frowning slightly. The enemy's use of air-breaking arrows was expected, but also unexpected.

He originally thought that the enemy would use the air-breaking arrow in the first round of attack, but he didn't, but he didn't expect to wait until now.

And it is still used when the soldiers of both sides are fighting together, completely disregarding the lives of their own soldiers.


"Quick, go up, go up!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the shadow guards' retreat, Zhong Zhi roared loudly.

The follow-up Leopard Army topped at the fastest speed, and soon reached the front of the defensive line.

"Shadow Guard, kill the enemy!"

The enemy has already arrived in front of him, and the bed crossbow can only shoot one round. There is no time to reload the second round. It must be hand-to-hand combat.


The final round of bed crossbow and crossbow shooting.

The fastest Leopard Army soldier was shot to the ground, but more Leopard Army soldiers rushed up.


The Leopard Army of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom rushed forward frantically, and the ordinary soldiers carried their knives, but they rushed towards the shadow guards formed by the warriors.


Under the influence of the army,

The Shadow Guard's True Qi cannot be used, but their combat effectiveness is still higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

"Puff puff!"

At the battle, the sound of sharp knives cutting into the flesh came one after another, which made people panic.

One by one Leopard Army soldiers fell to the ground, but on their corpses, other Leopard Army soldiers would soon step on them, cross their corpses, and rush to the shadow guard defense line.

Although the infuriating energy cannot be used, under the strict cooperation, the shadow guard still guards the defensive line.

But this is only temporary, and over time, they can't hold it.


Guo Jiati cut off a Leopard Army soldier who rushed over, looked up at the palace gate, and murmured, "Qu Dawei and the others should be here!"

"Now the enemy's attention is all here, no one will guard against them, I hope nothing will go wrong."

The reason why Guo Jia has not used Lan Taohong's life to negotiate to delay time is to make the eyes of the Imperial Guard and the Leopard Army in Hongbao City all focus on them.

Only in this way can their army be directed towards the palace.

Facing the direction outside the palace, there was no army formation. At this time, Qu Dawei led the remaining 20,000 elite shadow guards to attack and win.

If Lan Taohong's life is used to negotiate, the people of the Hongbao Kingdom will definitely guard the palace strictly, so that it is impossible to win in chaos.

For this reason, Guo Jiacai decided to personally lead troops to this important position and take control of the overall situation.



Zhong Zhi and the Leopard Army under his command did not know that behind them, an elite army was rushing over. They saw that the defense line of the Shadow Secret Guard was about to be broken, and they were very excited, and they rushed inside frantically.

Outside the palace, the shadow guard led by Qu Dawei finally arrived.

"General, the enemy has not arranged to defend outside the palace, we can launch an attack directly." A shadow guard came to Qu Dawei with information.

"Okay, great."

Qu Dawei was full of excitement and said, "Order the entire army to make a surprise attack at the fastest speed. Be sure to break through the enemy's army without any reaction."

"In addition, the first goal of this battle is to kill the enemy, and there must be no mercy."

Now, there are 200,000 troops gathered in the huge palace of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. Once they are merciful and let them slow down, the formation of the army can suppress more than 20,000 shadow guards.


Several lieutenants beside Qu Dawei immediately went down to give orders.




Two minutes later, under the leadership of Qu Dawei, each of the shadow guards used their abilities to enter the palace.


At this time, the outermost army of the palace was the Praetorian Guards who had just withdrawn from the front.

They are resting after the first battle, and they have no formation at all.

The deputy general in charge hadn't reacted yet, and Qu Dawei, who was in front of him, chopped off his head with a knife.


"Kill without mercy!"

Qu Dawei waved his sword and shouted loudly.


More than 20,000 shadow guards shouted loudly, and the infuriating energy in each individual circulated, and they dived into the crowd and began to kill frantically.

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