The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 895 One night, the world changed!

The shadow guards trained by warriors have terrifying combat effectiveness when there is no military formation to suppress their true qi.

In the blink of an eye, the Guards who had just withdrawn suffered heavy losses, and pieces fell on the ground, blood flowing into rivers.

But the shadow guard's killing didn't end there.

Qu Dawei's order, the purpose of this battle is to kill the enemy with the most damage, and there must be no mercy, then there will never be mercy.

When the massacre was here, the spies of the Li family also sent the news back as soon as possible.

"Father...Father, the spies are here to report that there are...more than 20,000 shadow guards rushed into the Rainbow Leopard City and are now attacking the palace."

Li Shanyi's son reported the news to his father, his voice trembling.


Li Shanyi was shocked and said, "Are you sure it's more than 20,000 shadow guards? Are they the same army that was in our manor during the day?"

"Father, it's accurate, the spy checked it carefully, it's the shadow guard." Li Shuo said anxiously.

" is this possible?"

Li Shanyi was stunned.

He had seen the power of the Shadow Guard in the daytime today. Everyone was a martial artist, and the entire army was well-trained and forbidden.

3,000 people can still accept it, but more than 20,000? This... how is this possible?

"and many more……"

Suddenly Li Shanyi's spirit was shaken, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought of why Guo Jia dared to use 3,000 people to attack the palace of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and dared to fight the 100,000 Guards and the most elite 100,000 Leopard Army. .

"It turns out that you still have 20,000 people who have quietly arrived outside the Rainbow Leopard City!"

With a wry smile, only at this time did Li Shanyi understand how terrifying Guo Jia's plan was.

The shadow guard army of 20,000 to 30,000 was able to make them gather around the Rainbow Leopard City quietly. How did Guo Jia do it?

"Guo Jia, Guo Jia, I'm not as good as you!"

With a long sigh, Li Shanyi looked a little lonely and helpless.

Li Shanyi was dissatisfied in the first battle of Pingguang City. He thought that he just underestimated Guo Jia and failed to know himself and his opponent. Once he knew himself and his opponent, he thought that he would not be worse than Li Shanyi.

He was tricked by Guo Jia during the day, and he just thought that what he did in Hufeng County was not considered, so the handle fell into Guo Jia's hands, and he had to help Guo Jia to let the army enter the city.

But now, when he knew that Guo Jia still had more than 20,000 shadow guards in Hongbao City, he realized that he was far inferior to Guo Jia.

Such calculations, he can't do it!

"Father, I... what should we do now?" Li Shuo asked in a low voice.

"Let's assemble all the family's private soldiers immediately." Li Shanyi thought about it and said.

"Do you want to use the family's private soldiers to escort the family's children out of Rainbow Leopard City?" Li Shuo asked.

"Do not!"

Li Shanyi's eyes flashed, and he said, "I'm going to fight again today!"

"I will use these private soldiers to help Guo Jia!"


Li Shuo was startled and said anxiously, "But father, we..."

"It's nothing." Li Shanyi interrupted him directly and said, "This is a good opportunity for our Li family to soar into the sky, and we must not miss it!"

Although Li Shuo was definitely inappropriate, he did not dare to disobey his father's order, and just asked in a low voice, "Father, what exactly are we using these private soldiers for?"

"What happened in the palace, this is not only known to our Li family, people from other families will also know, many of them are loyal to the royal family, and their private soldiers are also many, if they enter the palace and threaten the shadow guards, It has a big impact on Guo Jia's plan."

"Now we are leading soldiers to block the private soldiers of other noble families, then Guo Jia will definitely accept our love!" Li Shanyi said.

Li Shuo was stunned, and immediately said: "Father, I understand, I'll go down and make arrangements."

Li Shanyi nodded.

After Li Shuo left, he murmured, "Whether the Li family has soared into the sky or is lonely, depends on tonight."


In the palace, when the slaughter of more than 20,000 shadow guards completely unfolded,

The Guards were no longer able to resist.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the 80,000-90,000 Janissaries who had withdrawn from the front were completely beheaded, and none of them survived.

In the entire palace, blood was soaring to the sky, and the smell of blood filled the air, stimulating everyone's nerves.

And the entire shadow guard, the loss of no more than 300 people!

Those janitors, who didn't even have time to use the air-breaking arrows, were already dead.

When a martial artist faces an army that has not formed an army formation and has not yet used Qi-breaking arrows, it will be a massacre, and there will be no accidents.

"Keep going."

After eliminating these Guards, Qu Dawei's order was passed on again and began to attack the Leopard Army.

The army behind the Leopard Army had noticed that the situation was wrong, and the responsible generals began to organize soldiers to defend.

It's just that their defense is too weak.

When the elite shadow guards composed of warriors rushed up, their defenses looked fragile and were broken in the blink of an eye.


The scream of killing was again shouted from the mouths of more than 20,000 shadow guards. Zhentian's killing sound also condensed the killing energy in the sky, but there were no martial arts masters from the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom here.

These killing auras do not need to be condensed into an army to fight the enemy.

"Report, Dutong, I... A large number of enemy troops appeared in the rear of our army, and they are attacking the rear army frantically at this time."

Zhong Zhi finally got the news here.


Zhong Zhi was shocked, he picked up the collar of the soldier who sent the order, and said angrily: "You're talking nonsense, how can there be an enemy army behind our army? Where can the enemy army emerge? …”


His words hadn't finished yet, and the deafening shouts of killing covered the voice of the Leopard Army, causing Zhong Zhi's eyes to turn around.

When he saw the destructive attack of the army in the shadow guard costume, he was completely stunned.

how can that be?

After... How could there be shadow guards in the back?

This... where did these people come from?

Yin Tie, who was standing on the side, flickered, took two steps back, and his eyes were dull.

Now he finally knew where the bad idea in his heart came from.

Outside the palace, there is actually a shadow guard!

And these things, I didn't get any news at all, this... Is it possible that the army of Nanyan Kingdom is so terrifying?

"General... General, what should we do now?"

A lieutenant next to Yin Tie asked with a trembling voice.

His voice woke Yin Tie up.

Yin Tie was shocked and looked at the Leopard Army. Although the rear was being slaughtered, the position of the crossbowmen had not yet been breached.

In the bow and crossbow hands, there are a large number of air-breaking arrows, which are specially aimed at martial artists.

The shadow guards who appeared in the back were all powerful warriors.

He walked quickly to a lieutenant general of Zhongzhi, the capital of the Leopard Army, and said loudly: "Pass my order, immediately let the bowmen shoot arrows at the rear army, and shoot the shadow guard soldiers as much as possible!"


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