The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 896 200,000 army, no one survives!

The lieutenant looked a little hesitant, and said, "General Yin Tie, there is no order from the capital on this matter, I..."


Yin Tie's face was ugly, and he said, "Look at your leopard army's capital, do you still have the slightest look?"

Zhong Zhi is still in a state of confusion.

Yin Tie was wondering if he could become the commander of the 100,000 Leopard Army because of his relationship with the prince.

Otherwise, how could the resilience be so poor.

The lieutenant looked at Zhong Zhi's appearance, and his face was also not good-looking.

The Leopard Army is the most powerful army in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, but it is indeed a shame that all are like this now.

"Don't waste any more time, let go of the arrows!" Yin Tie shouted angrily.

The lieutenant turned his head to look, gritted his teeth, nodded, and immediately sent an order to the bowman: "The bowman obeys the order, shoots the air arrow, turns the angle, and attacks the rear of the army!"

The crossbowmen quickly turned around, took their bows and arrows, and quickly released arrows.


The rain of arrows appeared in the dark night, and frantically shot and killed the shadow guard soldiers behind the Leopard Army.

Many more Leopard soldiers died in this indiscriminate shooting.


Qu Dawei shouted loudly, and the rows of shadow guard soldiers took out huge shields and quickly blocked them in front of them, blocking the air-breaking arrows pouring down from the sky.

For a moment, the Shadow Guard's advance came to a standstill.

Yin Tie breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. The most worrying thing about the army fighting was that one side would suddenly be beaten and then be eliminated.

Now that he has resisted the offensive of the Shadow Secret Guard, when he adjusts the army formation of the Leopard Army, there is still a chance to fight.


But at this moment, a loud noise came from behind him.

Yin Tie turned his head suddenly, but saw the body of the royal ancestor falling from the sky and smashing on many soldiers, smashing the bodies of these soldiers.

There is no life breath in the body of this royal ancestor.

"Emperor... Grandfather?"

Lan Rong looked at the corpse on the ground, his voice trembling.

In his eyes, the emperor Lan Nieyun, who had always been invincible, was actually killed, and the body was still in front of his eyes. Lan Rong couldn't believe it.

Yin Tie was also stunned. He didn't expect that the top master of the royal family was killed.

"General Zhang, kill all their bowmen."

They were stunned, Guo Jiake was not at all stunned, and immediately said to Zhang Han who had killed Lan Nieyun.


Zhang Han responded, his figure flashed, and he charged directly at the location of the Leopard Army's bowmen.

"not good!"

Yin Tie reacted and said loudly, "Hurry up with the bow and crossbow, use the sky-level qi-breaking arrow to kill Zhang Han, hurry up!"

His reaction speed is not slow, but the reaction speed of those bowmen is not so fast.

Just when they heard Yin Tie's order, Zhang Han's attack had already arrived.

Only saw a few flashes of sword light, and the place where the Leopard Army archers and crossbowmen were located was already full of corpses.

Zhang Han, whose strength has reached the seventh level of the Holy King, can't be easier to kill these unprepared bowmen.

Without the suppression of the archer's air-breaking arrows, the shadow guards led by Qu Dawei were no longer hindered by any more, and began to slaughter frantically again.

The Leopard Army is worthy of being the most elite army in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. Faced with the slaughter of the shadow guards, the first thing they do is not flee, but counterattack.

But the counterattack only lasted for a while, and it was completely broken by the shadow guard, and then the escape began.

It's just that their running speed is not as fast as that of the shadow guards.

One by one, the Leopard Army soldiers fell to the ground and became corpses.

The smell of blood in the palace became a little thicker.

"It's over."

"It's all over."

Yin Tie looked at this scene and murmured in a low voice.

In Rainbow Leopard City, the Leopard Army guards the capital, and the Imperial Guards protect the palace. Now that both the Leopard Army and the Imperial Guard have been wiped out, it means that the Rainbow Leopard City has become a city captured by Guo Jia.

Already belonged to the Nanyan Kingdom!

Rainbow Leopard Kingdom... It's over!

"What are you still doing? Quickly escort Prince Ben out of here,

quick. "

At this moment, Lan Rong yelled at Yin Tie with a face full of horror.

Yin Tie glanced at Lan Rong, shook his head, and said, "His Royal Highness, do you think we can still escape?"

"You're right, you really can't escape."

Just as his voice fell, a laughing voice came.

Guo Jia walked over with someone, and behind him was Lan Taohong pressed by two shadow guards.

"Last commander Yin Tie, pay tribute to His Majesty the Emperor."

Yin Tie was a loyal general. When he saw Lan Taohong, his first choice was to bow down and salute.

Guo Jiaduo glanced at Yin Tie, he noticed him just now when the two armies were fighting, and the way to deal with it was pretty good.

If their opponent is not a shadow guard, but another army with medium combat power, they can completely stop or even destroy it.

It's just a pity that they are facing the shadow guard.

Still being attacked from the rear, without any power to fight!

More importantly, Yin Tie was still loyal to Lan Taohong, and there were not many such officials.

Lan Taohong looked at Yin Tie, sighed and said nothing.

He had just counted on Yin Tie to lead the army to rescue him, but in less than an hour, the Guard Army plus the Leopard Army, a total of 200,000 troops, were defeated.

That's a whole 200,000 army!

Or the two most powerful armies in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, how could he accept this?

But in the end, he had to accept it, because he was already a prisoner.

Now, there is no mood to speak.

"My lord, the palace has been completely cleared, and all the Guards and Leopards will be killed without exception."

Qu Dawei, covered in blood, came to Guo Jia to report.

When Lan Taohong heard this, her face turned pale.

The 200,000 army was not only defeated in the palace, but also slaughtered. What a shame to the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom!

Guo Jia nodded and said, "Send someone to take charge of the harem immediately, and no one can escape."


"In addition, let Jin Yiwei report the situation of various families in Hongbao City." Guo Jia ordered.

"Yes, my lord, I'll make arrangements now."

Qu Dawei responded and went down immediately.

When Lan Taohong heard this, she was overjoyed, yes, why did she forget those noble families in the capital.

Don't look at the fact that they usually don't show the mountains or the water, but each of them has a huge family private soldier.

Adding up all the families, the entire Rainbow Leopard City should still be able to gather around 500,000 private soldiers from aristocratic families.

And Lu Feng's attitude towards the aristocratic family in the Nanyan Kingdom made these families in Hongbao City feel uneasy. They would definitely not sit still and take action.

Hmph, Guo Jia, I would like to see what you can do with over 20,000 shadow guards in the face of the huge family's private soldiers and clan martial arts masters.

Lan Taohong sneered in her heart.

"Master Guo, something happened outside the palace gate. I think it is necessary for you to go and see for yourself."

At this time, Zhang Han came to Guo Jia and said.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

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