"Oh? What's the matter?"

Guo Jia looked at Zhang Han with some doubts.

"The Li family brought 100,000 private soldiers outside the palace gate, and they are now fighting with private soldiers from other families." Zhang Han said.

"What? The Li family is fighting with private soldiers and other aristocratic families?"

Lan Taohong was shocked, and immediately shouted: "This is impossible, the Li family is the big family of my Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, how could they bring the army to fight against other families?"

"You must be talking nonsense, trying to disturb my mind, trying to coerce me!"

He looked at Zhang Han, smiled coldly, and said, "You can't deceive me with such a paediatric method!"

Zhang Han didn't even look at Lan Taohong. In his heart, if it wasn't for Lan Taohong's use, he would have been killed long ago.

Now he just looks at Guo Jia, waiting for Guo Jia to speak.

"There are 100,000 private soldiers in the Li family!"

Guo Jia sighed softly and said, "What a Li family, it really surprised me."

"Sir, what should we do now?" Zhang Han asked.

"Don't do anything special."

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said: "The Li family now knows that the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is over and wants to find another backer, so now they come out to show their hospitality and let him and the others continue to fight."

"You bring some shadow guards to control the treasury of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom as quickly as possible, and arrange for people to control the families of the generals in Nagasawa City according to the information given by Jinyiwei."


Zhang Han replied, and immediately went down to make arrangements.


Yin Tie snorted coldly and said, "Guo Jia, I heard that you are one of the five advisors under Lu Feng's command, but I didn't expect you to be a despicable person."

"You can't break through Nagasawa City on the frontal battlefield, and you even threatened them with the generals' family members. You are simply a despicable villain!"

Guo Jia didn't care about Yin Tie's words, but said with a chuckle: "Despicable? What did the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom take advantage of when Nanyan Kingdom was in crisis and attempted to capture Qiushan City?"

"This kind of behavior that takes advantage of people's dangers, do you think it is despicable?"

Yin Tie stopped talking for a while.

The battle on the front line of Qiushan City can be said to be a permanent shame for the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

Taking advantage of the danger, he wanted to bite off a piece of fat from the Nanyan Kingdom, but he didn't expect that the meat was not eaten in the end, and his teeth were broken.

The loss of more than two million troops in Pingguang City greatly reduced the national strength of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. If it wasn't for the fact that the Nanyan Kingdom did not have the energy to go north at that time, I am afraid that the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom would have faced the crisis of annihilation at that time.

"In war, victory is the most important thing! As for the means? It is the best means to allow the kingdom to win at the least cost."

Guo Jia looked at Lan Taohong and said with a smile, "Lan Taohong, as the emperor of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, are you right?"


Lan Taohong just snorted coldly.

As an emperor, he naturally understands very well that all this is just like what Guo Jia said. In war, winning at the least cost is the best means.

It's just that he can't admit it now.

Guo Jia didn't continue to talk nonsense with them. He was here waiting for Zhang Han to finish things, and at the same time, he was also waiting for the sunrise to rise.

Because, the next sunrise will represent a great change in the world!

That night, the Rainbow Leopard City was very unsettled.

With the palace as the center, the sound of the war never stopped.

Time did not stand still because of the war.

Sunrise, rising slowly.

The warm sunlight shone on the blood-splattered ground, and there was no more warmth, only the pungent smell of blood.

"Sir, it's sunrise."

Zhang Han stood beside Guo Jia.

"Sunrise, it's time for this to end."

Guo Jia looked up at the rising sun and said, "How is the Li family's private army fighting?"

"Other aristocratic families in Rainbow Leopard City knew that the Shadow Guard was occupying the palace, realized the crisis of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and also realized the crisis of their family, so they all fought very hard.


"At present, there are more than 500,000 private soldiers from aristocratic families participating in the war in the entire Rainbow Leopard City. The private soldiers led by Li Shanyi have been retreating steadily. In just one night, they have lost more than 80,000 people." Zhang Han said.

"How about the losses of other aristocratic families' private soldiers?" Guo Jia asked again.

"It should be similar to the loss of the Li family's private soldiers, and the combat effectiveness of their armies is similar..."

After a brief pause, Zhang Han looked at Guo Jia and said, "Sir, why didn't we send troops to join the private soldiers of the Li family last night and defeat the private soldiers of other families in one fell swoop?"

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "What you said is indeed a good choice, but it is not the best choice for shadow guards."

"The Shadow Guards went through a battle last night, and there must be some consumption. Only by giving them a rest time for one night can they keep their combat power at their peak."

"Furthermore, the patriarchs of other noble families must have guarded against the shadow guards to help the Li family last night. At this time, the shadow guards will attack, and the price will be very high, so it is not a wise choice."

"But the private soldiers of other noble families must have relaxed their defenses after a night of fighting. Now is the best chance."

Zhang Han is not an idiot. He quickly understood the meaning of Guo Jia's words, and immediately said: "Sir, I will arrange the shadow guard to prepare for the attack!"

Guo Jia nodded and said: "You bring 20,000 shadow guards to join the battle immediately, and you must cause the greatest damage to those families, and you don't have to be merciful!"


Zhang Han answered loudly, and led 20,000 shadow guards out of the palace, ready to attack other aristocratic private soldiers.

"Father, why didn't Guo Jia and the others take action? Could it be that they want us to fight with these private soldiers from aristocratic families and lose both?" Li Shuo's face was full of urgency.

In just one night, the private soldiers trained by their Li family lost more than 80,000 people. If this were to continue, the private soldiers of the Li family would be finished.

Li Shanyi shook his head and did not speak.

"Father, retreat, and if we continue to fight, our 100,000 efforts will really be gone." Li Shuo said anxiously again.

"Never retreat!"

Li Shanyi's eyes were firm and he said solemnly: "Once we retreat, our losses will be lost in vain. Only by continuing to fight can the Kingdom of Nanyan see our sincerity."

"But father, if we continue to fight, our army will..."

"Nanyan Kingdom does not allow noble families to have private soldiers!"

Before Li Shuo finished speaking, he was interrupted by his father.



Just as Li Shuo was about to say something, there was a sudden scream of killing behind him.

Immediately after the figures flashed in front of them, Zhang Han brought 20,000 shadow guards directly into the battlefield.

"The Shadow Guard is here, hurry up, gather the army, hurry up!"

When the patriarchs of the noble families in the back saw the shadow guards joining the battle, they immediately shouted loudly.

However, after the order was given, they discovered that their soldiers could not form an army formation at all.

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