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"I write, I write!"

Finally, Lan Taohong couldn't hold on anymore. !

Death is not scary, what is scary is the feeling of waiting to die.

This feeling of only watching his blood flow away a little bit and feeling the death approaching step by step made Lan Taohong terrified and frightened.

He no longer dared to think that Guo Jia dared not kill him.

I am more willing to write the imperial edict to let the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom perish in order to survive.

"Wise choice."

Guo Jia said a word, then waved his hand and left himself on Lan Taohong's neck, taking away the true qi that prevented the wound from healing.

Lan Taohong felt that the wisp of infuriating energy disappeared, and hurriedly circulated the infuriating energy in her body, controlling the blood in her body not to flow.

After doing all this, he was relieved, and finally, the feeling of waiting for death disappeared.

Lan Taohong felt that she could live again.

"Write the imperial edict!"

Guo Jia looked at Lan Taohong lightly, and threw him a blank imperial edict and pen of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

He had already prepared these things.

Lan Taohong looked at the pen and the blank imperial decree in front of her, her eyes were complicated, she opened her mouth, she wanted to say something, but she finally gave up.

With a light sigh, he took the pen and began to write on the blank imperial decree.

Not long after, the decree was written.

Lan Taohong took out the jade seal of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom from her storage ring, and smiled bitterly: "When I go underground in the future, how will I see my ancestors!"


After just a long sigh, he still covered the Imperial Jade Seal.

In the face of death, he really couldn't hold on for the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

As for whether they will meet their ancestors again in the future, it will be decades or even a hundred years later.

"Wise choice!"

Guo Jia said again, and put away the imperial decree and the jade seal written by Lan Taohong.

"Come here, take Lan Taohong down for strict supervision." Guo Jia instructed the shadow guard beside him.

"You... will you kill everyone in the royal family?" Lan Taohong looked at Guo Jia, her voice trembling.

"It's up to Your Majesty to decide, but you are very cooperative today. I will tell His Majesty that your royal family may not be killed." Guo Jia said.

"Thank you."

Lan Taohong said something, stood up slowly, and was escorted away by the shadow guard.

His back was very lonely.

A generation of emperors of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, but in the end, he personally wrote the imperial edict that the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom would be completely destroyed.

However, he is still alive.


"Your Majesty, there is a battle report from Lord Guo Jia."

Evil Dragon River, the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom, really just walked quickly to Lu Feng with a battle report.

Lu Feng has been on the naval battleship for the past two days, waiting for the good news from Zuo Ci and Hua Tuo.

"Is there a battle report so soon?"

Lu Feng was a little surprised. He took the battle report and opened it and looked at it carefully. After reading it, he looked overjoyed and laughed, "Haha, good, good, good Guo Jia, good Guo Fengxiao!"

"Your Majesty, why are you so excited?"

It happened that Zhou Yu came over, saw Lu Feng laughing, and asked strangely.

"Gong Jin is good, come and see the battle report from Guo Fengxiao." Lu Feng was excited and gave the battle report to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu took it over and took a look. After seeing what was written on the face, he exclaimed in shock, "Guo Fengxiao actually led the shadow guards to break the Rainbow Leopard City?"

"Haha, that's right!"

Lu Feng smiled and said, "If it wasn't for this news from Jin Yiwei, I wouldn't believe it myself!"

The 30,000 shadow guards, under Guo Jia's strategy, broke through the city of Hongbao, the capital of the King of Hongbao, which was guarded by 200,000 elite soldiers.

This achievement is unique!

Zhou Yu was full of emotion, and said: "Dare to use 30,000 soldiers to attack the enemy's king's capital, and even break through the enemy's king's capital, capture the emperor of the enemy country, and kill hundreds of thousands of enemy troops."

"His Majesty calls Mr. Guo a ghost, it's not an exaggeration at all."

"Haha, who can decide the world? Only the ghost Guo Fengxiao!"

Lu Feng laughed again.

He didn't even think that Guo Jia would have the courage to break through the rear of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom with the Shadow Secret Guard.

The reason why he handed the shadow guard to Guo Jia at the beginning was just to let him reasonably arrange the shadow guard to play the role of a soldier when attacking the city on the frontal battlefield. Panther City.

In this way, the threat of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is gone, and Lu Feng can focus all the attention of the army on the battle against the Liyang Dynasty.

No worries anymore.

"Your Majesty, this battle is a big victory, and Master Guo should take the lead!" Zhou Yu said respectfully.

When attacking Hufeng County and opening the front line gap in the northeast of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, Zhou Yu believed that his contribution in this battle must have been great.

But now, after knowing that Guo Jia had conquered the Rainbow Leopard City, he would no longer think that his credit was enough.

"It's natural!"

Lu Feng didn't hide his excitement at all, and said, "After this battle, you should be rewarded for meritorious deeds!"


Eyes twinkling, Lu Feng said: "The Rainbow Leopard City has been destroyed, and the enemy king is not there. It is only a matter of time before Changze City is destroyed, and the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom should also perish."

"Really just."

"Subordinates are here."

Really just walked out and said respectfully.

"Send Jin Yiwei to spread the news of the destruction of the Rainbow Leopard City as quickly as possible, and show those who think that the Nanyan Kingdom is over. Our Nanyan Kingdom will not perish!"


Just got down to make arrangements.

"Zhou Yu."

"The end is here."

"You go to inform Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci of the news, and tell them that the frontal battle has been victorious, and we have to hurry up on our side." Lu Feng said.


Zhou Yu also immediately went down to make arrangements.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the second stage of the main quest 'Endless Death': Revenge."

"Congratulations to the host for getting the quest rewards: 100 each of earth-level exercises, martial arts, and supernatural powers, and 10 each of heaven-level exercises, martial arts, and supernatural powers. There are ten normal summoning opportunities, three designated industry summoning opportunities, and two special treasure chests."

The system prompt sounded in Lu Feng's mind just after Zhou Yu left.

The King of the Rainbow Leopard King had already destroyed the Rainbow Leopard City. The entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom had no great rear, and the defenders of Changze City were powerless. The system directly determined that the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom had perished.

"This mission is finally complete."

Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Lu Feng smiled even more.

The rewards for this task are very rich.

Not to mention those summoning opportunities, the earth-level and heaven-level exercises, martial arts, and supernatural powers are also extremely helpful to the current Lu Feng, or to be more precise, it is extremely helpful to the Nanyan Kingdom.

The establishment of the Kingdom College has come to the last moment. There are quite a few exercises in the Sutra Collection Pavilion, but 90% of them are at the prefecture level.

Although there are also heavenly ones, they are very few.

Most of them were obtained by Lu Feng's destruction of the Bailan Kingdom and the annihilation of some aristocratic sects. The cultivation difficulty is not small.

Now that he has obtained heaven-level exercises, martial arts, and supernatural powers, this can greatly enrich the reserves of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Although there are only ten, it is enough in the short term.

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