The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 900 Weird Spirit Sword Sect!

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Not to mention that there are ten normal summoning opportunities in addition to this, as well as three designated industry summoning opportunities and two special treasure chests.

Opening the special treasure chest has never disappointed Lu Feng.

"I like this reward!"

Lu Feng rubbed his hands together and couldn't wait.

Being able to summon once was enough, a feeling he hadn't experienced for a long time.

"Ding, start the third stage of the main quest 'Endless Death': the foundation of the dynasty."

"Mission description: The establishment of a dynasty should be based on a vast country."

"Mission goal: The host becomes the unique real power hegemon in the southwest of Yuzhou. (Note: When the host completes the third stage of the task, you can complete the main task and get the main task reward.)"

"Main quest rewards: one chance for each of the top five generals of the Western Han Dynasty to be summoned, one chance for each of the top five generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty to be summoned, ten times for ordinary summons, one chance for army groups, three chances for war horses, and three chances for magic soldiers. The host level is increased by three. level, the experience value is 1 million points. There is also a special reward."

"Punishment for mission failure: Nanyan Kingdom loses its qualification to become a dynasty."

When Lu Feng was about to start the summoning, the system prompt sounded in his mind again.

"The reward for completing the third stage quest is actually the same as the main quest reward."

Looking at it, Lu Feng felt a little depressed. At first, he was still thinking about whether the quest reward in the third stage would be an independent one, and then if he completed the main quest, he would be able to get a double reward.


It seems that he thinks too much.

Still, the reward is very tempting.

But it is not difficult to complete.

The goal of the mission is to become the only real hegemon in the southwest of Yuzhou.

This is very difficult to do.

You must know that the previous Spirit Sword Sect was only the nominal overlord in the southwest of Yuzhou.

And the current Zonglan Kingdom is basically under the control of the Liyang Dynasty. If you want to become the real hegemon in the southwest of Yuzhou, you must destroy the Zonglan Kingdom.

Also, the real southwest of Yuzhou includes the northern grasslands.

Those barbarians on the grasslands are nothing to worry about, but the key is that there are witches. They are qualified to negotiate conditions with the dynasty and let the dynasty make concessions. The background is definitely not weak.

It is not too difficult to become the real hegemon over them.

"I didn't expect that the main quest of the third stage turned out to be this."

Lu Feng sighed lightly.

This task made Lu Feng really feel the pressure, and it was still a lot of pressure.


With a determined look in his eyes, Lu Feng whispered, "No matter how difficult this task is, I must complete it!"

If he wants the Nanyan Kingdom to become a dynasty, a dynasty, or even a unique empire, it is impossible to just stay in the southwest of Yuzhou.

If the troubles in the southwest of Yuzhou can't be solved now, what is the point of negotiating a dynasty? Establish a dynasty?

The current difficulties must be overcome!

"But before that, there is one more problem to be solved."

"Spirit Sword Sect!"

There was some murderous intent around Lu Feng's body.

It took some time to go to Shanghai City, which has already delayed a lot of time for the destruction of the Spirit Sword Sect. Now, while Zuo Ci and Hua Tuo have not come out with the solution to the mutant water snakes in the Evil Dragon River, they can go to the Spirit Sword Sect. Jianzong solved it.

After all, although the Spirit Sword Sect is weak now, the Liyang Dynasty has already attacked the Nanyan Kingdom.

If the Liyang Dynasty knew that the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom was over, and cooperated with the Spirit Sword Sect, it might really cause some trouble for the Nanyan Kingdom.

Because the Lingjian Sect is a local snake in the southwest of Yuzhou, the Liyang Dynasty is powerful, but the understanding of the southwest of Yuzhou is definitely not as much as that of the Lingjian Sect.

Lu Feng didn't want any more accidents to happen then.

Anyway, Spirit Sword Sect will have to solve it sooner or later.

"Cut off the water, let someone arrange a teleportation formation, and let's go to Lingjian Mountain."


He plans to let go of the summoning opportunity first, and wait until the Spirit Sword Sect is resolved.

Because just now, when he thought of the Spirit Sword Sect, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, which made him have an inexplicable feeling that he couldn't wait to solve the Spirit Sword Sect.

Although he didn't know what it was, his intuition told him that it was not a good omen.


Lingjian Mountain is named after Lingjian Sect.

It is also a mountain range. Although it is not comparable to the Million Mountain and Senjin Mountains, it has some reputation around it.

Of course, the biggest fame is because there is Spirit Sword Sect on the mountain, the overlord of the southwest of Yuzhou... the former overlord!

Lu Feng did not come with the army, only the Six Swordsmen followed him.

If it was before, if Lu Feng wanted to solve the Spirit Sword Sect, he would have to use the army to break the formation, but now it is completely useless.

"Your Majesty, Lingjian Mountain is ahead."

Standing beside Lu Feng was a Jinyiwei in a flying fish suit. He was the Qianhu Jinyiwei who had been arranged by Jia Xu to monitor the Spirit Sword Sect.

Lu Feng nodded, looking at the towering peaks in front of him, feeling the strong spiritual energy coming from above, nodded and said, "This place is not bad, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very strong, there should be spiritual veins there."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

The Jinyiwei Qianhu next to him bowed and said, "According to the information obtained by Jinyiwei, there is an intermediate-level spiritual vein and several spiritual springs in Lingjian Mountain, so the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very strong."


"But what?"

Jinyiwei Qianhu pondered for a while, and said with some doubts, "Your Majesty, there is something very strange."

"What's the matter?"

"No one from the Heavenly Spirit Sword Sect came out, which is completely different from the previous Spirit Sword Sect." Qianhu Jinyiwei said.

"Hmph, it must be the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect who saw the sect in trouble and left the Spirit Sword Sect early." Chaos God sneered.

Chaos God and Spirit Sword Sect have a great revenge, and today is a good opportunity for revenge.

"Lord Chaos God, that's not the case."

Jinyiwei Qianhu shook his head and said, "The disciples of Lingjian Sect have not left for a while. On the contrary, the disciples from all over the southwest of Yuzhou have returned to Lingjian Mountain."

"Before these disciples would come out to do some things, but in the past few days, there are no traces of them in the surrounding cities controlled by the Spirit Sword Sect."

Lu Feng frowned, this was indeed a little out of place.

Although the Spirit Sword Sect is in decline now, there must still be tens of thousands of disciples.

It is impossible for so many people to stay in the sect!

"Go in and see."

Looking up at Lingjian Mountain, he said, "Go!"

When the sound fell, he flew directly to the sky with the Six Swordsmen and headed for Lingjian Mountain.

Soon, they landed on Lingjian Mountain.

There are many buildings on the mountain, all of which are inhabited by disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect.

But the strange thing is that these should be the places where the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect live now, and there is no trace of anyone, and it is lifeless, like a dead place.

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