The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 908: One more celebrity

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Looking at the things he had summoned this time, Lu Feng didn't need to mention his excessive depression.

"My health is very good, I don't need this tiger whip medicinal wine!"

Speechless, he continued to call on.

But the next few summons were also some things that were of little use, and even 12 taels of gold were summoned once.

Not at all useful.

"There are still two summoning opportunities left."

Seven summoning opportunities were used five times in a blink of an eye.

With a sigh, Lu Feng continued to start the summoning.

The summoning opportunities are all for use, and it is absolutely unnecessary to keep them.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining Tian Feng, a famous scholar at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty."

"Hey, this is good!"

Lu Feng's eyes lit up, Tian Feng is also a great talent!

Tian Feng was definitely one of the comets in the era of the late Eastern Han Dynasty when there were many talented people.

He helped Yuan Shao destroy Gongsun Zan, thus making Yuan Shao the hegemon in the north, even Cao Cao was very jealous of him.

And Cao Cao did one thing, and his name was left in history, and he took the emperor to make the princes!

After taking control of Emperor Han Xian, who was talented at that time, what Cao Cao wanted to do would directly act in the name of the emperor, occupying absolute righteousness. Then the strength gradually developed, and finally he defeated Yuan Shao and became the second-generation northern hegemon at that time.

However, it is not Cao Cao who has this idea, but also Tian Feng.

At that time, Tian Feng suggested to Yuan Shao, let the emperor usher in and control it in his own hands, and then act in the name of the emperor, develop slowly, and eventually replace him.

You must know that Yuan Shao at that time was extremely powerful, the most powerful among the princes in the world. If he wanted to send troops to win the emperor, even Cao Cao would not be able to defeat him.

At that time, Cao Cao did not have the strength to compete with Yuan Shao.

But unfortunately Yuan Shao thinks,

If Emperor Xian of Han came, his own position would be a bit awkward, and he would even be interfered by the loyal group of the emperor's subordinates, becoming the second Dong Zhuo and ending miserably, so he didn't listen.

The final result proved that Cao Cao took the emperor to make the princes, and his position was justified, and his strength gradually became stronger, and finally defeated Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao didn't have a miserable end because of Yingtian, but because he didn't Yingtianzi ended up miserably.

If Yuan Shao was willing to listen to Tian Feng's advice, the follow-up might be completely different.

Also, on the eve of the Battle of Guandu, Liu Bei betrayed Cao Cao and occupied Pei County. Cao Cao led his troops to attack Liu Bei, but the rear was empty.

Tian Feng took the opportunity to advise Yuan Shao to send troops to attack Cao Cao's rear, completely breaking Cao Cao's foundation, but Yuan Shao refused to listen, and refused to say that the child was sick, and then missed this opportunity.

If Yuan Shao sent troops at that time and Cao Cao's rear was empty, he would definitely be defeated by Yuan Shao in one fell swoop, and there would be no more battle of Guandu in the rear.

Unfortunately, Yuan Shao himself was stupid.

But it was even more stupid at the back. When Liu Bei was defeated and Cao Cao's army returned to Xudu, Yuan Shao led his troops to attack Cao Cao at this time.

Tian Feng tried to persuade Yuan Shao not to send troops, Yuan Shao not only refused to listen, but ordered Tian Feng to be taken into custody, and then led the army to attack Cao Cao.

In the end, the Battle of Guandu broke out and Yuan Shao was defeated.

But at this moment, Yuan Shao was still occupying the north, with vast land and people. If he reused a brilliant advisor like Tian Feng, he would not necessarily lose the ability to fight against Cao Yu in the future.

But after the defeat in the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao's defeated army said, "If Tian Feng was here, he wouldn't have gotten to this point", which made Yuan Shao, who loved his face, unbearable.

He was even more suspicious in his heart, and directly let people kill Tian Feng.

It's a pity that Tian Feng, a famous person of the generation, obviously has great talents and can help the master of Ming to build a career in troubled times, but he met such a foolish master as Yuan Shao. .

If he had followed Cao Cao at that time, the result might have been different.

In the previous life, when he was studying the Three Kingdoms, Lu Feng felt sorry for Tian Feng, but he never thought that Tian Feng would be summoned now.

With this famous person to assist, it can add a few points to his strength.

"Good, very good."

Lu Feng nodded and opened Tian Feng's message.

Tian Feng: A famous scholar in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Yuan Shao's subordinate minister.

Race: Human

Realm: Emperor Jiuzhongtian (The current realm is the grandmaster's seventh-layered sky.)

Loyalty: 96 points.

Identity setting: Tian Feng is the son of a small family in the Nanyan Kingdom. Because the host has developed the Nanyan Kingdom into the overlord of the southwest of Yuzhou in a short period of time, he admires the host very much, so he wants to defect to the host and contribute his own strength under the host. . He is now heading to Nanyan City, waiting for the opening of the Kingdom College, and heading to study.

"Tian Feng's strength is not high!"

Lu Feng sighed lightly, according to Tian Feng's strength, it is definitely more than that.

But because his good suggestions were ignored by Yuan Shao, his historical status was not high, otherwise, with his ability, his strength should be higher.

Just like Guo Jia, he clearly possessed the ability of a top strategist, but he died young and failed to leave more deeds in history, and the strength to be summoned was not high.

But for Lu Feng, the strength of Wenchen is not important, what matters is their loyalty and ability.

Tian Feng's loyalty is as high as 96 points, and he is only four points away from the die-hard, and his ability is not weak. He is very much looking forward to Tian Feng's help under his command.

"As for the remaining summoning opportunities..."

"System, also activate the summon."

Although the things that were summoned in front of several ordinary summoning opportunities made people speechless, but Tian Feng was summoned in the back, which made Lu Feng very satisfied.

As for the last remaining summoning opportunity, he didn't care much.

As long as you don't summon any dragon-patterned underwear. Pants are fine.

"Ding, the call is in progress."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining the half-holy talisman."

"Half-Saint Talisman: After use, the realm of the host can be raised to the peak of half-holy for a quarter of an hour."

"Level: Saint-level low-grade."

"Side effect: The host's soul power will continue to be exhausted for half a month after use, and the soul power can only be used again after half a month."

"Restrictions: None."

"It's a good thing!"

Lu Feng's eyes lit up, this talisman can make his strength reach the peak of the semi-sacred, although the duration is only a quarter of an hour, but this is enough.

For the half-holy realm, a quarter of an hour is enough to change the outcome of many things.

"Hey, I don't come when I want something good, and I come when I don't have hope in my heart."

"It's a bit speechless, but overall it's perfect."

This half-sacred talisman can give Lu Feng a terrifying hole card in the dynasty summoning order that follows!

"Your Majesty, Hua Tuo and Lord Zuo Ci are asking to see you."

Before Lu Feng could enjoy the excitement, a really strong voice came from outside the training room.

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