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"Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci are asking to see you?"

Lu Feng heard it, thought for a while, and muttered: "It should be something to solve the mutant water snake in the Evil Dragon River."

"Let them in!"


Soon Zuo Ci and Hua Tuo walked in and said respectfully, "Chen Hua Tuo."

"My minister Zuo Ci."

"Meet Your Majesty, Long Live My Emperor, Long Live Long Live."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lu Feng looked at Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci who were standing in front of him, and asked, "Yuanhua, Yuan Fang, have you already made something to solve the evil dragon river?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the two ministers have indeed made it, but as expected, they can only deal with mutant water snakes below level 8, and those above level 8 are useless." Hua Tuo said respectfully.

"It's very good that you can achieve this step in such a short period of time."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Since that's the case, don't waste any more time, let's start now!"


Zuo Ci responded and said, "We have prepared the things and put them on the frontmost battleship. We only need to wait until His Majesty's order can start."

"Okay, I'll go in person."

Lu Feng asked Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci to lead the way to the naval battleship at the forefront.

Zhou Yu arranged the navy, and the battleship with the strongest attack power was always in the forefront, and Luban's improved catapults could be seen everywhere.

Extremely powerful.

When they got to the deck, Lu Feng looked at three jade bottles that were one person tall, filled with blue liquid.

"Your Majesty, the medicinal liquid in this place was researched by Mr. Zuo Ci and I. The medicinal liquid for the blood of the mutant water snake, as long as it is poured into the Evil Dragon River, within three hours, the mutant water snake below the eighth level can be completely eliminated. exterminate.

"Hua Tuo pointed to the three jade bottles and said.

Lu Feng nodded, looked at it, and asked, "Does this thing have any side effects?"

"There are no side effects."

Hua Tuo shook his head and said with great certainty: "Except for the deadly threat to these mutant water snakes, it has no effect on other fish."

"So good."

The Evil Dragon River will become a good water transportation channel in the future, and Lu Feng does not want to have any problems with the water quality in this place.

"let's start!"

Without any other concerns, Lu Feng directly ordered to start.

Under the command of Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci, several soldiers began to pour the blue liquid from the jade bottle into the Evil Dragon River.

After the liquid enters the Evil Dragon River, it dissolves in water in the blink of an eye.

"You only need to wait for three hours, and the effect of the medicine will start to play." Zuo Ci said.

Lu Feng nodded.

Three hours is not a short time, but Lu Feng did not intend to leave, but chose to wait here, waiting for the effect of the medicine to begin to show.

When these mutated water snakes in the Evil Dragon River are resolved, it is very important for the Nanyan Kingdom and the Liyang Dynasty to take the initiative in the battlefield.

Time passed slowly, and three hours passed quickly.

"hold head high!"

Just when the time came, a strange cry came from the Evil Dragon River.

The sound was so miserable that it made people panic.

Then they saw the flood dragons appearing several meters above the river. Their stomachs were facing, and they were already dead.

The medicine has started!

Lu Feng looked at Jiang Mian and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not disappoint himself.

The effect of the medicine has begun, and the next step is to wait for these dragons to be killed by the liquid medicine aimed at their blood.

Looking at the Flood Dragons that these water snakes mutated into, Lu Feng shook his head slightly and said, "False Flood Dragons!"

These Flood Dragons also have the body of a Flood Dragon, but they don't have the dragon power that a Flood Dragon should have, far less than the Silver Flood Dragon King Lu Feng met in the Senjin Mountains.

"Your Majesty, all the mutated water snakes below the fifth level are dead now. After a while, the medicinal effect will thoroughly penetrate into the bloodline of those dragons, and the bloodline of the dragons above level five will collapse and die."

Zuo Ci said respectfully, "However, those eighth-level monsters will definitely show up at that time. We have to make sure that we are safe."

There are eight-level demon emperors in the Evil Dragon River.

When he had just led his troops into the Evil Dragon River, Duan Shui reported to Lu Feng that there was a demon king in the depths of the Evil Dragon River with a realm of strength equivalent to that of a human king.

But the strange thing is that the demon emperor didn't come out at all.

It's not that Lu Feng didn't let Duan Shui go deep into the Evil Dragon River to check, but in the end he couldn't find anything. The demon emperor's breath was still there, but he couldn't find his body.

"I'm ready, waiting for the demon emperor to appear." Lu Feng said.

As Zuo Ci said, with the passage of time, the corpses of the dragons on the river surface increased, and the strength of the dragons became stronger and stronger.

"I didn't expect that there are so many mutant water snakes in this Evil Dragon River!"

Hua Tuo looked at the corpses of Jiaolong on the river in the distance, and his words were shocked.

The number of Flood Dragons in their line of sight alone has exceeded a thousand.

Although they are warriors and can see a long distance, but within this range, there are still too many dragons that have mutated from water snakes.

Not to mention that there are many places out of sight that you can't see at all, and it is very likely that they add up to more than 10,000.

"Evil Dragon River has been like this for thousands of years, thousands of years, there are only these mutant water snakes in the Evil Dragon River, and there are no other natural enemies. Before, because of the presence of the Beast King's Mansion, no one was there to deal with these mutant water snakes."

"Naturally, these so-called Flood Dragons will become more and more numerous. In addition, these Flood Dragons have a long lifespan. After a few thousand years, it will not be strange if there are more than 100,000."

This is also the reason why Lu Feng did not choose to directly let Liu Jiannu and Gu Chen slaughter these dragons.

The number is really too many. It is considered that Liujian Slave and Gu Chen are both powerful warriors, but the Evil Dragon River is too vast, and the depth of the water is not known how many meters. If you want to kill the flood dragons that have mutated these water snakes in a short time, it is simply an impossible thing.

Fortunately, he had Zuo Ci, an alchemist, and Hua Tuo, a medical master, beside him.

The two joined forces, and finally did not let him down, and made a liquid medicine to solve this trouble.

"But why these mutant water snakes have been in this Evil Dragon River for thousands of years, and have not developed into other waters at all. You must know that the end of the Plain River is close to the Evil Dragon River. If these dragons want to go against the current, it is completely You can enter the plains of Hanoi.”

"Why haven't they left this Evil Dragon River for thousands of years?" Zuo Ci said with some doubts.

Lu Feng shook his head, he didn't know that.

Before, he thought that the people from the Beast King's Mansion had used some means to prevent these mutant water snakes from leaving the Evil Dragon River, but after destroying the Beast King's Mansion and the remnants of the ancient Zhou Dynasty behind the Beast King's Mansion, he asked people to look for it, but he didn't find any. aspect reasons.

Very weird!


"Damn human beings, you dare to kill the descendants of this emperor, this emperor will make you pay the price!"

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