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A dragon roar came from the depths of the Evil Dragon River. !


The river was washed away, and a dragon that was several hundred meters long flew out of the river.

At the same time, the terrifying dragon power began to permeate this world.

"What? Jiaolong?"

The navy, many soldiers were a little flustered under the shroud of the Dragon Guard.

Few people in the Kyushu mainland are unaware of the power of dragons.

Not to mention that they have all heard of the Evil Dragon River more or less, and naturally they have some fear of the Jiaolong in it.

Coupled with this terrifying Longwei, their minds will be affected even more.

Lu Feng could feel the changes in the army, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. Just as he was about to speak, Zhou Yu's voice came from behind: "Kingdom Navy, consolidate the army!"


When many soldiers heard Zhou Yu's words, they all shouted in unison, and the army formation gradually took shape.

Some panicked soldiers, affected by the people around them, also recovered quickly and merged into the army formation.

The panicked breath disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, a huge army of fighting spirit filled the sky, fighting against the dragon power of this world.

Lu Feng felt and nodded secretly, Zhou Yu still has the ability.

Before he could do it, he had already used the army formation to block the dragon's might of this Flood Dragon.

Although this level of army formation is not enough to stop this dragon whose strength has reached the seventh level of the emperor.

But it is very good for Zhou Yu to have such an arrangement in a short period of time.

"Hmph, ignorant human beings, do you think the mere military formation can stop the emperor who is a dragon?"

"Today the emperor will swallow them all!"

Heaven's Jiaolong snorted coldly,

The dragon's mouth opened, and a suction force was generated, trying to cover the naval battleship.

"A mutated little water snake dares to call itself a dragon? Ridiculous and pathetic!"

At the same time as this suction was generated, Lu Feng's figure flashed and flew into the sky. The noble emperor's might was released, which also permeated the sky and the earth.

At that moment, all the soldiers of the naval battleship below could feel the emperor's majesty spread out from Lu Feng's body.

The majesty of the Flood Dragon is even more obvious. The difference is that under this majesty, they clearly felt that the Dragon Might of the Flood Dragon was retreating under the majesty of the Emperor through the army formation.

Lu Feng could also feel this. He looked at the Flood Dragon, shook his head slightly, and said, "A water snake is a water snake. Even if you mutate into a Flood Dragon, it still won't change the water snake nature of your bloodline."

"Even if you have learned Longwei, you are not really a Jiaolong after all. The Longwei you have learned is even weaker and not worth mentioning."

If there is a true Flood Dragon whose strength reaches the seventh level of the emperor, with Lu Feng's current strength, the power of the emperor unleashed cannot be suppressed at all.

At most, resist for a moment.

But the strength of the dragon in front of him is good, reaching the seventh level of the emperor, but the bloodline is still the bloodline of the water snake, a fake dragon.

Longwei is also fake!


"The emperor wants to eat you!"

Lu Feng's words seemed to have stabbed the sore spot of this dragon. It roared angrily, opened its bloody mouth, and charged towards Lu Feng.

"court death!"

Gu Chen snorted coldly and punched out.

To say that the previous Gu Chen was very unhappy with Lu Feng who controlled him, and wanted to kill him.

Now Gu Chen has changed some views on Lu Feng. This is a genius, a genius with endless potential. Following such a genius may be a great opportunity for him.

So Gu Chen really wants to seize every opportunity to perform well now.

Of course, the most important thing was that Lu Feng had a broken water beside him and his strength was not below him, so he didn't dare to pretend to be dead.


Gu Chen's punch hit the dragon's horn directly.


Jiaolong let out a pained cry, and his body flew away.

Gu Chen is a body cultivator whose strength has reached the eighth level of the emperor. His fighting power is very violent, and the power of one punch is huge. If it is not because this mutant water snake has the body of a dragon, he may be killed with one punch.

But it's not much better now.

Gu Chen's punch cracked the dragon horns of the dragon's head, causing it to roll over and over in the sky in pain.

When the soldiers of the battleship below saw this scene, they were all excited.

Gu Chen has a special status. They don't know who this martial arts master is, but they know that this martial arts master is the subordinate of His Majesty Lu Feng, the emperor they are loyal to.

"I plan to do it myself."

Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, hearing Gu Chen's expression a little embarrassed.

It seems that this is not the right time for this gracious presentation. Did it steal His Majesty's limelight?

This made his next punch a little harder to hit.


"This emperor is going to kill you, kill you."

The Jiaolong eased some pain and roared twice again.

"It seems to be using real skills."

Lu Feng looked at it and said, "Gu Chen, don't take action yet, let me have a good time with it."

After the strength reached the first level of the emperor, Lu Feng had not really fought the enemy well, and he had no idea what his combat power had reached when he used all his methods.

Now the strength of this Flood Dragon has reached the seventh level of the emperor, and it is not weak. For the current Lu Feng, it is a strong opponent.

Having a good fight with it will allow Lu Feng to have an accurate judgment on his combat effectiveness.


Gan unsheathed his sword, Lu Feng held it in his hand, and pointed at the dragon.


Jiaolong roared again and charged towards Lu Feng.

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Zhenwu..."

Before the last 'decision' could be said, suddenly his eyes narrowed and he said in shock, "Damn, is there still such a thing?"

The Jiaolong, which was originally charging towards him, plunged into the Evil Dragon River when it was halfway through, and disappeared instantly.

This operation frightened Lu Feng...


After reacting, Lu Feng's face was full of anger, Mad, I have all the means ready, why did you run away, who did you want me to fight?

He himself took Gu Chen and Duan Shui into the Evil Dragon River to pursue the fleeing dragon.

The soldiers of the navy battleship were also stunned. The sudden appearance of this set of flood dragons shocked them, but now they are even more frightened.

Before the battle with His Majesty the Emperor, did this Jiaolong escape?

Are you too afraid of His Majesty the Emperor?

Many soldiers thought so.

After Lu Feng and the three entered the Evil Dragon River, they kept chasing deep down, trying to catch the Flood Dragon.

But what made him depressed was that the flood dragon entered the water so fast that he couldn't see any trace at all and disappeared without a trace.

"Your Majesty, I have a way to find this dragon."

Following Lu Feng into the Evil Dragon River Guchen, seeing Lu Feng's depressed expression, he said in a low voice.


Lu Feng was delighted and immediately asked, "What can I do?"

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