The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 912 True Dragon Secret Realm

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"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

The water cutoff spoke at this time.

If the Jiaolong, whose strength has reached the seventh level of the emperor, is not dealt with, it is very likely that it will pose a fatal threat to the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom in the future.

Lu Feng looked at the bottom of the river, pondered slightly, and said, "The Jiaolong disappeared only after arriving here, it must have entered the secret realm space, we must find the entrance to this secret realm, and then we can find a way to enter the secret realm space and cut it. Kill that dragon."


Following Lu Feng's order, Gu Chen and Duan Shui quickly spread around, looking for the entrance to this secret realm.

Soon, Gu Chen ran over with excitement on his face and said, "Your Majesty, I found the entrance to the secret realm."

Lu Feng was overjoyed and immediately said, "Take me over there."


Gu Chen immediately took Lu Feng to that secret space.

This is a low position at the bottom of the Evil Dragon River. The outside is covered with mud. It is basically the same as the surrounding area. Generally speaking, there is no difference.

But if you look closely, you can see that the soil is slightly loose.

This is not the same as the surrounding dirt.

"found it!"

With a smile on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth, he waved his hand to disperse his true energy and open up the dirt.

Soon a profound formation that did not reveal any aura appeared here.

"The level of the person who laid this profound formation is at least Heaven level."

Lu Feng's eyes moved slightly.

To be able to make a profound formation not show any breath, plus the previous defensive formation, this is not easy.


Lu Feng moved his hand slightly, and a mysterious quickly condensed in front of him and placed it into the profound formation below under his control.


Xuan has just fallen into the profound formation,

A low and low dragon roar reached Lu Feng's ears.

"The bloodline profound formation of the dragon clan?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, and this low-pitched dragon yin let him know what this profound formation was.

"The bloodline profound formation of the dragon clan?"

Gu Chen sucked in a breath of cold air, and looked at the profound formation in front of him with shock in his eyes.

Although the Gu family is not an ancient clan, but because the previous Gu Xuan Shengzun was really powerful, he also got a lot of ancient books in the family, which had records about the dragon clan.

He has also heard of its bloodline profound formation.

Dragon bloodline profound formations have a characteristic, as long as they possess dragon bloodline, they can enter the profound formation.

If he wanted to forcibly attack, the defensive profound formation that bounced his attack back could make the attacker pay a heavy price.

Moreover, the bloodline profound formation of the dragon clan can only be arranged by the people of the dragon clan.

In other words, the secret space left in the depths of the Evil Dragon River was definitely left by a dragon master.

It's no wonder that the six sword slaves did not find this dragon in the Evil Dragon River when looking for this dragon whose strength reached the seventh level of the emperor. The Jiaolong must have discovered this place and entered it with the power of the blood in the body, and avoided it perfectly. Six Swordsmen.

"Your Majesty, what are your plans?" Although Gu Chen asked, his expression was helpless.

The bloodline profound formation of the dragon clan, Lu Feng is considered to be a low-level profound formation master of the sky, and it is absolutely impossible to open the bloodline profound formation of the dragon clan.

Unless Lu Feng's profound formation master level can instantly reach the heaven level, or it is absolutely impossible to open the bloodline profound formation of this dragon family.

"Use a powerful and complete defensive profound formation to block the entire secret realm space, and then use the bloodline profound formation to create a secret realm entrance. A dragon that can possess such means is probably not low in the dragon clan!"

Lu Feng did not answer Gu Chen's words, but looked at this bloodline profound formation and said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, are we going to let that dragon go and leave here?" Gu Chen said again.

"Let it go?"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I don't have such kindness."

"But Your Majesty, we can't open this dragon bloodline profound formation at all, and we can't enter the secret space to kill the Jiaolong hiding inside, we..."

"If your words were correct a few minutes ago, but now they are completely wrong." Lu Feng interrupted Gu Chen's words.

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at Lu Feng, and said, "Your Majesty, is it possible that you have a way to open this dragon's bloodline profound formation?"

Before Lu Feng could answer, he shook his head and said, "This is impossible!"

"Your Majesty, I definitely don't mean to look down on you. It's just that I know too much about the dragon's bloodline profound formation from the ancient books left by Holy Venerable Gu Xuan. Your current level of profound formation master really cannot be opened."

"Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the case, but now the situation is very special." Lu Feng raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and continued: "At this time, I will thank Zhou Qilin."

"Thank you Zhou Qilin?"

Gu Chen was even more stunned, not understanding what Lu Feng said.

But soon he was shocked and said in shock: "That jade bottle that contained dragon blood? Your Majesty, do you want to use the dragon blood in that jade bottle to open this bloodline profound formation?"


Lu Feng was quite satisfied with Gu Chen's response.

Although he controlled Gu Chen, he could see that Gu Chen's attitude towards him was much more respectful now.

And he looked at the identity of Gu Chen's body repair, if Gu Chen willingly swears allegiance, he still has some ways to make Gu Chen's strength stronger.

At that time, what he needs will naturally not be a simple-minded man with well-developed limbs.

Gu Chen is not stupid, which is good.

Lu Feng took out the jade bottle that Gu Chen had found earlier, and said, "This jade bottle has dragon blood in it. Although thousands of years have passed, the dragon blood is very tenacious, and it still leaves a trace of breath."

"This trace of breath is enough for Zhen to open this bloodline profound formation."

After the sound fell, Lu Feng quickly made a few handprints with both hands and condensed in front of him.


When the handprint appeared, Lu Feng let out a low voice, and an attraction appeared in the handprint, covering the jade bottle.

The jade bottle trembled slightly, and a trace of blue-red lines flowed out.

This is the last breath left by the dragon's blood.

Lu Feng controlled the handprint to incorporate this trace of breath into the handprint, and his right hand quickly crossed two lines in the void.

These two lines soon merged with the handprint, and began to change, forming a mysterious with the breath of dragon blood.


Lu Feng was in control of Xuan, and slowly fell into the bloodline profound formation of the dragon clan.

Soon, Xuan had already landed on the face.

The bloodline profound formation did not make any sound, but only flickered a few times. After a while, a door of light appeared in the profound formation.


Seeing this light gate, Lu Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This bloodline profound formation was finally opened by himself. Fortunately, there is a hidden formation in the jade bottle, which hides the aura of dragon blood and did not let the dragon find it. Otherwise, Lu Feng really has no way to open this bloodline profound formation. array.


Lu Feng stared at the gate of light, his eyes flashed, and he muttered, "Let me see what's in the secret space created by this dragon!"


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