The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 913 True Dragon Skeleton

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The scene in Lu Feng's eyes changed.

Once again, it was clear that it was no longer at the bottom of the Evil Dragon River, but in a forest.

In the forest, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very abundant, but there is no trace of any monsters. Except for those trees, there is no trace of life.

Like a dead place!

"Strange, how come there is no breath of life?"

Gu Chen looked puzzled and said, "Could it be that the Flood Dragon is not here?"

"Apart from here, the Flood Dragon has no other place to hide."

Lu Feng shook his head, flew into the sky with Gu Chen Duan Shui, looked at the forest in front of him, and said, "Look, there must be some place in this place to hide the trace of the dragon."


Gu Chen and Duan Shui responded, and when they were about to look for it, an angry and frightened voice suddenly came: "Damn human, how could you come in here?"

Soon, the Flood Dragon appeared in front of Lu Feng and the others, right in the forest.

At this moment, there was panic in those huge eyeballs.

Originally, after this Flood Dragon entered this secret space, he thought that no one would find him again, so he planned to cultivate in it, improve his strength, and then go out to seek revenge against Lu Feng and the others.

But he didn't expect that not long after he came in, Lu Feng led someone to chase him in.

But isn't this place where nothing else can come in except yourself?

Lu Feng was stunned for a moment when he looked at this Flood Dragon. Isn't it lifeless? Why did this Jiaolong suddenly appear in front of you?

"Is it possible that the breath of life can be isolated in this space?"

When Lu Feng was thinking about this, the Jiaolong had already reacted, his body swayed, and he quickly fled for his life.

"Do you still want to run?"

Gu Chen snorted coldly and was about to rush over.

"Don't worry.


But Lu Feng said at this time.

"Your Majesty?" Gu Chen looked at Lu Feng with some doubts.

Lu Feng stared at the way the Flood Dragon was running away, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "This Flood Dragon knows a lot more about this secret space than we do, and the direction he wants to escape now is most likely in this secret space. It's important to him, or a place where he thinks he can escape, and we follow him to see what secrets are there."

"Also, I feel that the reason why this Flood Dragon did not expand with other Flood Dragons in the Evil Dragon River is most likely because of this secret space."

When Gu Chen heard it, he suddenly realized, and immediately said: "Your Majesty has a high opinion, your subordinates are extremely inferior."

Looking at Gu Chen in amazement, he actually flattered?

But Lu Feng didn't think much about it, and after waiting for nearly a minute, he took Gu Chen and Duan Shui after him.

Although he was stunned for a moment when he first saw the Jiaolong, he quickly reacted and threw a tracking Xuanwen on Jiaolong without a trace.

Now, following the fluctuations of this Xuanwen, Lu Feng soon caught up with Jiaolong.

At this time, the dragon was in a huge canyon.

"This is……"

Lu Feng looked at the canyon, his eyes narrowed, and he said in shock, "Keel?"


Gu Chen and Shuan Shui were also surprised.

I hurriedly looked into the canyon, and sure enough, at the bottom of the canyon, there was an incomparably huge keel, hundreds of feet long.

"This... Is it possible that a real dragon has fallen here?"

Gu Chen murmured incredulously.

A real dragon, that is a legendary existence. It is rumored that an adult real dragon is no less powerful than a martial arts emperor.

How could such a powerful real dragon fall in this place?

But if it's not a real dragon, how can there be a keel?

"Wait, why doesn't this keel have a head?"

Lu Feng looked at the keel and could see the tail, but he couldn't see the head at all.

Moreover, in the position where the faucet should exist, the keel actually has a smooth cut surface, as if... this faucet was cut off by someone!

And very neat.

"Could it be that someone couldn't slay the dragon?"

Gu Chen exclaimed in shock.

The rumors of slaughtering dragons have always existed in the Kyushu mainland, but those rumored dragon slayings never really slaughtered real dragons, but hunted some monsters with the blood of real dragons in their bodies.

Many of these monsters have the same size as a real dragon, but they do not have the strength of a real dragon.

But here, it is definitely a real dragon keel, because under this keel, there are five dragon claws.

This is the sign of a real dragon!

The rest of the monsters with the blood of a real dragon, even if they are the same size as a real dragon, will never have five dragon claws, only four at most.

"Although I can't believe it, it really seems like this at the moment!"

Lu Feng stared at the keel below and said, "However, this keel has no real dragon's majesty. Maybe this real dragon has fallen here for more than hundreds of thousands of years. It fell here in ancient times."

The skeleton of a real dragon has the power of dragon, and it will not dissipate even for tens of thousands of years, but this keel does not carry the slightest dragon's power. Obviously, the time to fall is long enough for the dragon's power on it to dissipate.

And this time is extremely long!

"Your Majesty, this subordinate feels something is wrong." Gu Chen thought about it but said.

"What's wrong?" Lu Feng looked at Gu Chen and asked.

He has not been in this world for a long time, although he has obtained many ancient books, but to be honest, in some ancient books with ancient rumors, he must not be able to compare to Gu Chen.

After all, there was also a Guxuan sage before the Gu family, and the name shocked Yuzhou!

"There is a broken ancient book record about the real dragon in the ancient family. It says that in the place where the real dragon fell, it will definitely turn into a dragon blood pool. The dragon blood pool is not big, but the blood of the real dragon flows in it, forever. won't dissipate."

"And the dragon blood that has been circulated in the world in the Kyushu mainland was accidentally discovered by some people and brought out of the dragon blood pool, not directly from the real dragon's body."

"Ordinarily, since a real dragon has fallen here, why doesn't there exist a dragon blood pool?" Gu Chen asked in confusion.

"Dragon Blood Pond?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, this was the first time he had heard of it.

"Are you sure the rumor of the Dragon Blood Pond is true?" He asked Gu Chen looking at him.

"The dilapidated ancient book that recorded all this was obtained by the ancient family's Gu Xuan Shengzun from an ancient ruin, and it must not be wrong." Gu Chen said.

"Could it be that the Dragon Blood Pond was swallowed by that Flood Dragon?" Duan Shui said at this time.

"This is impossible!"

Gu Chen shook his head directly and said: "Although the dragon blood pool is not big, there is a lot of dragon blood in it. If it is really the dragon that swallowed the dragon blood in it, even if it hasn't been refined, the dragon's might on its body will still be there. It will also be almost the same as a real dragon, and I can kill me just by relying on Longwei. But he did not have such a Longwei in the previous battle with him."

"If we want to know this, we can only find it in this canyon ourselves."

"But before that..."

Lu Feng's eyes locked on one of the keel's bones, and he said slowly, "We have to get rid of this Flood Dragon first!"

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