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With Xuanwen fluctuating, Lu Feng had already discovered where the dragon was.

He hid well, hiding in the keel, and used some means to disguise himself as part of the keel.

After all, this keel has no Longwei, and there is no life breath in this secret space. If Lu Feng didn't put Xuanwen on him, it would be really difficult to find him.

but now……

"kill him!"

Lu Feng told Gu Chen where Jiaolong was and immediately ordered him to take action.


Gu Chen responded and punched out.


This time, Gu Chen didn't hold back at all, and the powerful emperor's eight-layer celestial body repaired the combat power instantly.


This punch hit the Jiaolong.

Suddenly a miserable Jiaolong cry came out.

But there was only enough time to let out a sound, and then Gu Chen smashed his neck with a punch.


The huge Jiaolong's body was smashed to pieces along with its neck, and it fell straight to the ground and was killed directly.

"It was so easy to be killed?"

Lu Feng was very surprised when he saw it. He thought that Jiaolong had escaped to this place, and what kind of cards would he have, but he didn't expect such a weak chicken.

Shaking his head, Lu Feng directly asked Gu Chen to take out the dragon ball of this Jiaolong.

Gu Chen took a quick action, took out the dragon ball of Jiaolong, and handed it to Lu Feng.


Lu Feng's hands exuded Xuanwen fluctuations, covering the dragon ball to check the information in the dragon ball.

But to his disappointment,

There is no valuable information in this Dragon Ball.

And the information about this secret space is also there, and it is very clear.

It was this Flood Dragon who entered here by accident more than 3,000 years ago, and then found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very strong here, and he has been cultivating here, so he was able to improve his strength in just 5,000 years. to the seventh heaven of the emperor.

For monsters, being able to cultivate to the seventh level of the emperor in five thousand years is already very powerful.

During the period, Jiaolong also searched this secret space to see if there were any treasures in it, but in the end he was disappointed that he did not find any treasures in this secret space.

Even the keel himself has swallowed a few small bones, but because the keel has existed for too long, the effect it should have has long since passed away, and it is of no use to Jiaolong.

The only useful thing is the aura of heaven and earth here.

Originally, Jiaolong thought that he would be fine by hiding here, but Lu Feng couldn't find this place, so he planned to continue living in this place, looking for a chance to take revenge.

But he didn't expect that Lu Feng was still chasing after him.

"What a waste!"

Looking at the information recorded in Dragon Ball, Lu Feng said speechlessly.

He thought that Jiaolong had been here for thousands of years and could find something important, but he didn't expect that he thought too much.

And in this dragon ball, if it is really valuable, it may be that there is a trace of real dragon blood in it, which is relatively precious.

Apart from that, Lu Feng really couldn't find anything else of value.

"Look for it, it makes no sense that a real dragon has fallen in this place, but there is nothing."

After putting away the dragon balls, Lu Feng said to Gucheng and Duanshui.

The two obeyed the order and immediately entered the canyon to search, hoping to find something related to the real dragon.

Lu Feng also went in to look for it.

But after a few hours, several people gathered at the position where the keel faucet should be.

Looks a little helpless.

After searching for a few hours, there is nothing of value in this place.

"Oh, if we had come tens of thousands of years earlier, maybe this keel could still be used for refining, but unfortunately..."

Looking at the keel, Gu Chen looked regretful and said: "Now this keel has no aura that a real dragon should have, and it has no value."

The real dragon skeleton is a good treasure for refining. Many refiners are willing to get a little bit of keel and add them to the weapons they refine.

But the premise is that there is still the breath of the real dragon in the bones of the real dragon.

The keel in front of me is hundreds of feet, but without the slightest real dragon breath, this kind of keel, even if it is all given to the refiner, the refiner will find it troublesome to clean up.

have no choice!

Lu Feng's expression is also very regretful. As Gu Chen said, if this real dragon skeleton still has some real dragon breath, then he can really make a fortune this time.

If you can have a batch of keel forged weapons, the combat power of the Nanyan Kingdom will soar over time.

But unfortunately, this keel is useless.

It's the incision on the keel...

Lu Feng looked at the smooth cut surface, sighed softly, and said, "Looking at the length of this keel, it should be an adult real dragon, and its strength is equivalent to a martial arts emperor."

"It's unimaginable that a real dragon whose strength is as high as a martial arts emperor can cut such a smooth surface on its keel!"

The keel is very hard and not so easy to cut.

It's just a pity that no one can answer his question.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Feng looked at the secret realm space and said, "The biggest gain this time may be to destroy the flood dragon, so that the Evil Dragon River will have no worries, we will not be able to get this secret realm space."

This secret space needs dragon blood as an introduction, and the dragon blood in Lu Feng's hand is only the trace of the dragon ball in the dragon ball.

It can only support him to come in once, which is of no use to the Nanyan Kingdom.

As for the Jiaolong that other water snakes mutated into, although it is possible that they have a trace of true dragon blood, Lu Feng felt that the possibility was too small.

Because for monsters with too few true dragon bloodlines, in order to awaken the true dragon bloodline in their bodies, their strength needs to reach the realm of emperors.

Those Flood Dragons in the Evil Dragon River do not have such strength.

And the blood of the true dragon without awakening cannot be extracted, and cannot be used as a primer to open this secret space.

The secret space that can only be entered once at a time is really not very useful.

"Let's go!"

With some regrettable sigh, Lu Feng brought Gu Chen and Shuan Shui to leave here.

But just after taking a step, he suddenly stopped, then turned his head sharply, staring at the position of the keel cut.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Seeing Lu Feng's reaction, Gu Chen asked with some doubts.

At the same time, he also looked at the keel incision, but did not find any problems.

Lu Feng didn't answer, just took a step back, then took another step, and then stepped back.

Stop after a few repetitions.

The moment he stopped, he looked very excited and said, "Space Folding, this is Space Folding!"

"Space folding?"

Gu Chen had a strange face and asked, "Your Majesty, what is space folding?"

"Space folding is a change of the space profound formation. It is able to fold a space and then conceal something in the fold."

Lu Feng stared at the incision of the keel, his expression even more excited, and said, "If there is a space profound formation that can be folded in this place, then what is he trying to hide?"

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