The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 917 Greed will make you lose everything

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"Little friend, what do you mean by that?"

A puzzled voice of the dragon soul came from the Zhenlong card, saying: "The old man's dragon soul has long been suppressed in the Zhenlong card, and he can't move. How can you seize your body and occupy your body? You have misunderstood the old man."

"You're too impatient."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Who would be willing to hand over his life savings to a person he just met and let him do things just because he believes that his eyes will not misjudge people? Do you think I'm a fool? ?"

Lu Feng never believed what the dragon soul said.

Because the person who put down this Dragon Town card must be a master of the Dragon Clan.

Dragons never suppress an adult real dragon for no reason, there must be some reason for them to do so.

Moreover, if only this real dragon committed something, they would only imprison him in the Dragon Island, never outside the Dragon Island.

Not to mention, the Zhenlong card was used to suppress it.

You know, once the dragon soul is suppressed by the Dragon Suppression Card, there is basically no chance of it coming out.

Those true dragons of the dragon clan who protect their shortcomings will never do such a thing to their clansmen.

But right now, the Dragon Suppression Card is suppressing a real dragon dragon soul, and it is still the master of the dragon clan. It would be strange if there were no problems.

For a real dragon who provoked a dragon master to suppress the dragon's soul with a dragon-suppressing card, Lu Feng would completely believe it if he was stupid.

He just wanted to find the storage ring of this real dragon. After all, a real dragon has been treasured for tens of thousands of years, which is really tempting.

But only there.

Lu Feng's vigilance never disappeared.

Hearing this, Gu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, Lu Feng was not blinded by profit, and he did not foolishly believe this dragon soul's words.

I finally don't have to worry about my life being suddenly gone.

"Jie Jie, he is a very smart little guy."

The voice of the dragon soul came from the Zhenlong card again,

But this time the voice was very gloomy.

"It's just a pity, it's too late for you to know. From the moment you were greedy for my storage ring, your fate has been doomed, and you can only be taken away by the old man!"

Dragon Soul said: "Little guy, look at the palm of your hand holding the storage ring, is there a thin gray-black line?"

Lu Feng looked down at the palm of his hand holding the storage ring. Sure enough, there was a thin gray-black line, very, very thin. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't notice it.

"His Majesty……"

Shuan Shui was full of worry, but before he could finish speaking, Lu Feng motioned him to stop saying anything.

Looking at the Zhenlong card, Lu Feng said, "This should be the power of your soul."

"You have some insight, and you can see that this is the power of the old man's soul."

Dragon Soul laughed, but his voice was proud, and said: "The old guys in the clan thought that they could suppress the old man with the Dragon Suppression Card, but they didn't expect that the Dragon Suppressing Card was finally created by humans to restrain the Dragon Clan, they learned However, it is still unable to perform perfectly, giving the old man the opportunity to let a trace of the old man's soul power be attached to the storage ring before the Zhenlong card is suppressed."

"Furthermore, the old man used his keel to build a space profound formation and hid the storage ring. They never found it, so they could only leave. The old man only needs to wait for a living being to enter this space, and then he will be able to seize the house and be reborn. It's just that …”

The dragon soul paused, sighed softly, and said, "Humans are not as good as heaven, I thought it would be easy for people to enter this secret space, but I didn't expect that after waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, until more than three thousand years ago. Only a Jiaolong with low bloodline entered this secret space."

"It's just a pity that the Jiaolong who can enter this secret space is not a mysterious formation master, it's just hateful!"

Speaking of this, the voice of the dragon soul is full of anger, and I don't know who it is angry at.

But soon, his words were full of joy, and said: "Fortunately, fortunately, the old man is waiting now, waiting for you."

The tone gradually became greedy, and the dragon soul said: "You are a mysterious formation master, you found my storage ring, and let the power of the soul hidden in this old man enter your body, and then the old man can occupy yours. body, and regenerate."

"Jie Jie, little guy, you must remember in your next life that you can't be greedy, and greed will make you lose everything you have. Now..."

"It's time to start!"

"Get the house!"

"Your body should belong to me!"

Dragon Soul's voice became very frantic.

He seems to have seen himself successfully reborn, regaining his body, and then going out from this place, rebuilding for tens of thousands of years, and standing at the peak of heaven and earth again.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Thinking of this, Dragon Soul couldn't help laughing out loud.


After a while, his frantic laughter stopped abruptly, and he said angrily, "How is that possible? Why are you still okay?"

"Why am I having trouble?"

Lu Feng looked at the Zhenlong card lightly and said, "Do you really think you have the ability to take away my body?"

"No, it's impossible! How could the old man's soul be unable to take over your body? It's impossible!" The angry voice of the dragon soul came.

"Your soul? You mean that?"

With a move of Lu Feng's hand, the profound formation waved and spread out, forming a transparent bubble, and in the center of the bubble, there was a small gray-black dragon floating aimlessly.

"What? You actually imprisoned the soul of this old man?"

Dragon Soul was shocked, and his voice was full of fear.

Originally, he was full of hope for the future, thinking that he would be able to take away Lu Feng's body, then rebuild his life and ascend to the top of the world again.

But in the end, he never thought that the power of his soul, which was full of hope, would be imprisoned by Lu Feng.

This feeling of falling from heaven to hell in an instant made him terrified and frightened.

Even more helpless!

"There's something you said was right."

Lu Feng looked at the Dragon Suppression Card and said to the real dragon soul that was suppressed inside: "Greed is indeed not a good thing, and it will indeed make people lose everything they have."

"But what's wrong is that you used this sentence on me."

Lu Feng said lightly: "Do you think that greed will really cover my eyes and make me ignore any potential danger and ask for your storage ring? You are really too whimsical."

Shaking his head, Lu Feng said again: "On the contrary, I think it may be more appropriate to apply your words to yourself. If you did not choose me as your target, but chose to continue to wait, maybe After thousands of years, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, there will be another goal that is suitable for you to seize the house, and then, you may succeed."

"But you chose me, a very wrong goal, and isn't this also your greed?"

"Greedy really makes you lose everything."

"Now, didn't you just lose everything?"

Lu Feng looked at the Zhenlong card and said, "You know the truth, but why did you still commit it?"

As Lu Feng said, greed makes the real dragon dragon soul in the Zhenlong card lose all hope.

The trace of soul power in his storage ring is all his hope for rebirth. If he did not choose Lu Feng as his target, but continued to wait and stay here, he might meet another mysterious formation master in the future. here.

Although this possibility is small, it is still there.

But now, he chose Lu Feng as the target, not only failed to win the house, but let Lu Feng imprison his only hope of soul.

Now, let alone waiting here for hundreds of thousands of years, even if he waits until the world perishes, he will not be able to be reborn.

Unless someone goes to open the Zhenlong card.

But that is almost impossible.

The strength of the dragon master who laid down the Zhenlong card is definitely the realm of the martial arts emperor.

The current Kyushu Continent is no longer in the ancient times. In the Kyushu Continent in the ancient times, the Martial Dao Emperor has long become a rumored existence.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

The dragon soul in the Zhenlong card screamed miserably, and the fear in the voice was very strong.

This feeling of hope being completely cut off is most despairing and fearful!

"let's go!"

However, Lu Feng ignored the pitiful cry of the dragon soul inside the Zhenlong card, and he directly took Gu Chen and Duan Shui to the outside.

"No, no, no!"

"Please, let go of my soul, please, I can give you my everything, my everything, my everything."

The dragon soul begged for mercy.

But Lu Feng didn't turn his head.

If the dragon soul didn't want to take over his body to be reborn, he might have a chance to help him.

But now, if you want to take me away, how can I give you a chance?

Besides, the soul power of a real dragon, although not much, is also a precious thing.

If Lu Feng could refine it, he might be able to obtain some memories of the period in which this real dragon lived.

let him go?

Impossible in the next life!

"Your Majesty, are we leaving like this?"

Standing on the canyon, looking at the hundreds of feet of keel inside, after they left the canyon, the folded space returned to its previous appearance.

Where there should be a tap, the cut surface appears again, very smooth.

"It can only be this."

Lu Feng sighed lightly.

"Alas, what a pity for a real dragon ball." Gu Chen sighed.

Lu Feng shook his head and said nothing.

To be honest, he didn't want to leave like this, because the temptation of the dragon ball in the dragon head was too great.

But it is a pity that the Zhenlong card sealed the folded space, and Lu Feng couldn't open the Zhenlong card, so he couldn't enter the folded space and take out the dragon balls from the faucet.

"But fortunately, I got the storage ring of this real dragon, no surprise, there should be a lot of good things in it."

Lu Feng looked down at the storage ring in his hand with a smile on his face.

Although he didn't get the real dragon ball, it was already very good to get the storage ring that the real dragon had saved for tens of thousands of years.

Originally, they came here just to kill the Flood Dragon, and it is still possible to get such a harvest.


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