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Looking at the keel under the canyon, Lu Feng's eyes were a little deep. For some reason, he felt that the position of the Dragon Suppression Card was not right, and the faucet in the folded space gave him some strange feelings.

It's just that he couldn't tell why this feeling occurred.

After taking a few more glances at the canyon, Lu Feng did not stop, and left with Gu Chen and Shuan Shui.

Now, all the Jiaolongs that need to be solved have been solved, and the next thing is that the Kingdom's navy should immediately rush to Lianyundao to stop the army of the Liyang Dynasty from entering Chuanping County.


"His Majesty."

After Lu Feng returned to the naval battleship, Zhou Yu immediately walked up and bowed in salute.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Gong Jin, you should immediately lead your troops to Lianyun Road. Be sure to seize the initiative before the army of the Liyang Dynasty, and never let the army of the Liyang Dynasty enter Chuanping County!"


Zhou Yu was overjoyed and immediately responded loudly.

After waiting for so long at the entrance of the Evil Dragon River, I finally waited for the Jiaolong in the Evil Dragon River to be resolved, and now I can lead the troops to Lianyun Road.

He immediately ordered the naval battleship to dispatch according to Lu Feng's order.

The location where they are now is still quite a distance from Lianyun Dao, and it will take a long time to arrive at full speed.

"I don't know what's in this storage ring."

Lu Feng looked down at the storage ring he got from the True Dragon Dragon Soul, muttered in a low voice, and quickly made a few fingerprints with his left hand, condensing them into a mysterious script and falling on the storage ring.


But the storage ring did not open directly as he thought, but there was a resistance.

"Sure enough, the real dragon is not dead, it is not so easy to open this storage ring."

Lu Feng sighed lightly, but his expression didn't look much worried.

Because he has a trace of the real dragon's soul in his hand,

He can completely use this trace of soul as a carrier to open the storage ring.

Soon, he used the soul power of the real dragon to penetrate his soul into the storage ring.


However, looking at the contents of the storage ring, Lu Feng frowned slightly.

The storage ring of the real dragon has a large space, very large, and the most loaded are the spiritual stones, which are countless, occupying 150% of the entire storage space.

And all of them are high-level spirit stones, and it is conservatively estimated that there should be five or sixty thousand.

The rest are some manuals, magic weapons, and a lot of panacea.

What makes Lu Feng very depressed is that these exercises are not as powerful as he thought, but a powerful existence in ancient times.

These exercises belong to a complete cultivation system, ranging from the realm of body training to the exercises of martial arts emperors.

very good.

However, when it is flawed, this is a complete cultivation system, and no cultivation method of any realm can be cultivated alone. It must be cultivated step by step according to the system.

The rest of the martial arts supernatural powers are also matched with this cultivation system. Martial artists who are not in this cultivation system cannot cultivate at all.

This is obviously the preparation that the real dragon made for himself after he was reborn.

According to this training system, coupled with these many high-level spiritual stones, you can enter the realm of sainthood again in just a thousand years. If you seize the body of a martial artist with excellent talent, it is even more likely to cultivate to the realm of martial arts emperor.

In addition, the dragon soul was originally a real dragon of this realm, and it is more likely to do this.

That's why he only put things of this cultivation system in a huge storage ring.

"Tsk tsk, if I didn't have a system, I would be tempted by this cultivation system."

Lu Feng was very moved when he saw the magical powers of martial arts that this training system matched.

There are dozens of saint-level martial arts, and there are also many supernatural powers.

More importantly, there are several kinds of god-level martial arts and god-level magical powers.

But unfortunately, all of them are matched with the training system in the storage space. Unless you practice according to the above exercises, or you simply cannot successfully cultivate these martial skills and supernatural powers.

This made Lu Feng very depressed.

In front of this cultivation system and system, he would of course choose the system without hesitation.

But it was the panacea that made him more depressed.

These panacea are not limited by the cultivation system, there are all kinds of medicinal pills, and there are even medicinal pills suitable for physical cultivation.

But it is a pity that although these medicinal pills are kept in the storage space, their existence is in ancient times, and it may even be in ancient times. By now, the efficacy of the medicine has long since passed away, and there is no longer any use. .

Become the most complete waste pill.

Fortunately, the dragon soul may have thought of this possibility. There are pill recipes next to each medicine pill. As long as the pill recipes are followed, it is still possible to refine these ancient elixir medicines.

The premise is that enough medicinal materials can be found to refine.

The current Kyushu Continent is not the Kyushu Continent of that period, and many medicinal materials have long since disappeared.

But just these pill recipes are absolutely invaluable.

It is no exaggeration to say that the circulation of one of these ancient or even ancient alchemy recipes can make the alchemists in the entire Yuzhou crazy.

That Dan City, which is known as the Holy Land of Alchemy Masters in Yuzhou, will be obtained at all costs.

For alchemists, pill recipes are as important as life.

There have been many records for a long time, and many powerful alchemists would personally risk their lives for the sake of an alchemy recipe, even losing their lives.

Ninety-five percent of alchemists are paranoid people, and medicinal pills are supreme in their hearts.

That's why Lu Feng was just a little depressed, not too disappointed.

These pill recipes alone have increased the foundation of the Nanyan Kingdom several times, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of high-level spirit stones.

So many high-level spirit stones, even if the dynasty is ten years old, may not be able to get it.

"Overall, the harvest is still pretty good."

Lu Feng had a smile on his face.

But his smile hadn't disappeared, and suddenly his brows were slightly wrinkled.

At the same time, around his body, streaks of withered yellow gas appeared, covering his training room.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng smiled again and said, "The world is pale, Miss Xiaomeng, I haven't seen you for a long time, why use such a 'big gift' when we meet again?"


There was a slight vibration in the space, a space door appeared in the void, and Xiaomeng walked out of it.

Xiaomeng is still the same as Lu Feng saw last time, with white hair, a cold face and indifferent eyes.

The only thing that is different is her strength. From the half-emperor realm when she separated from Lu Feng, it has already reached the seventh heaven of the emperor.

This is not just because Lu Feng's realm has risen to the emperor's realm, which led her to unblock a few small realms.

In addition, she also broke through the bottleneck from the middle stage to the late stage of the emperor, and her talent is really amazing.

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