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"No wonder those forces in Yuzhou continue to send spies into the territory of Wangqingdaomen in Wuzhou. It turns out that your talent has made them uneasy."

This is the first sentence Xiaomeng said to Lu Feng this time.

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "They think too much."

He naturally knew what Xiaomeng said.

Those forces in Yuzhou sent spies to Wuzhou, wanting to investigate their specific relationship with Wangqing Daomen, and then decide their attitude towards them.

He had already thought of this.

And it has long been thought that they will know that they have nothing to do with Wangqing Daomen.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Feng never thought that it would be impossible to stand at the top of Yuzhou by relying on the name of Wangqing Daomen.

"This matter is already known from the inside of Wangqingdaomen." Xiaomeng said again.

"Oh? What's the problem?" Lu Feng asked in confusion.

To put it bluntly, it was just that Xiaomeng appeared by his side, letting the people in Yuzhou know that he had something to do with Wangqing Daomen, and then out of fear of Wangqing Daomen, he did not dare to do anything to himself.

It has nothing to do with Wangqingdaomen directly.

Because all this is because the forces in Yuzhou think too much, and Lu Feng has never publicized what it has to do with himself and Wangqing Daomen.

"Some people in Wangqing Daomen want to enter the world, and you gave them a chance." Xiaomeng said.

Lu Feng frowned immediately, he was not a fool, he naturally understood what Xiaomeng meant.

Immediately said: "You mean that someone in Wangqing Daomen wants to take this opportunity to enter the kingdom of Nanyan and turn the 'wrong' ideas of those forces in Yuzhou into 'correct' ideas?"

Xiaomeng did not answer, tacitly agreed.

"Heh, forgetting love is a good plan." Lu Feng sneered.

Xiaomeng didn't refute, just said: "Ordinarily I shouldn't be here to tell you this, but someone in Wangqing Daomen owes a life to the royal family of Nanyan Kingdom,

So she asked me to tell you the news to prepare you. in addition……"

Looking at Lu Feng, Xiaomeng said: "For the reason that you gave me the Heavenly Dao Stone last time, I will give you a result. There are only a small number of people in Wangqing Daomen who have such thoughts. Before others change their minds, They didn't dare to act."

"And because of the disputes between Wangqing Daomen and WTO members, they didn't have time to pay attention to the spies sent by Yuzhou forces, so they don't know the specific relationship between Wangqing Daomen and you."

After speaking, Xiaomeng's figure re-entered the space door and disappeared without a trace.

"You told me bad news, but you told me good news."

Looking at the place where Xiaomeng disappeared, Lu Feng murmured in a low voice.

Wangqing Daomen wanted to join the WTO, and wanted to use the Nanyan Kingdom to join the WTO, which was beyond Lu Feng's expectations, or even completely unexpected.

After he appeared in Xiaomeng, he let people collect a lot of information about Wangqing Daomen.

Finally got some news and one thing was clear.

The reason why Wangqing Daomen is called Wangqing Daomen is because they never joined the WTO, and their number is much smaller than the other two Daomen in Wuzhou.

But their disciples were all cultivated from childhood, and they never joined when they grew up.

It is precisely because of this that we can never join the WTO.

This has existed since the establishment of Wangqing Daomen.

But Lu Feng did not expect that there are people in the current Wangqing Daomen who want to change this.

Xiaomeng said that there were only a small number of people, but just this small number of people already made Lu Feng's heart quite dignified.

To be honest, Lu Feng had no interest in joining the WTO or avoiding the world, but when they set their sights on the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng had to think more.

After all, it is the top sect of Wuzhou, and it is also the top sect of the entire Kyushu continent. It is not simple.

As for Xiaomeng's remarks that the small group of people who want to join the WTO do not dare to act until other people agree.

Lu Feng didn't find this sentence useful at all.

They want to join the WTO. With such an idea, they are arguing with the other ungrateful sectarians who want to escape from the world. How can they change casually?

Others do not agree, at most it is to delay the time.

In the end, what should act must be acted.

And this is obviously not a good thing for Lu Feng.

"Alas, one wave has not settled, and another wave has arisen!"

Lu Feng sighed lightly.

These things were really beyond his expectations.

But fortunately, this is not something that will come soon, there is still a lot of buffer time, he must cherish these times and improve his strength.

"However, the current debate about Wangqingdaomen is also a good thing for me."

Xiaomeng said that Wangqing Daomen is now arguing between two factions, ignoring the spies sent by Yuzhou to investigate the news, which is undoubtedly a good thing for Lu Feng.

If those forces in Yuzhou knew that the relationship between Wangqing Daomen and Nanyan Kingdom, which they had always feared, was just because they thought too much, they would definitely become angry.

At that time, maybe some people from the Dynasty, the Ten Great Dynasties, and other forces will let go of their conflicts and kill Lu Feng, the guy who played them in the palm of his hand, and then talk about other things.

"time is limited!"

Walking to the window of the training room, Lu Feng looked at the slowly falling night outside, and murmured, "It must be completed as soon as possible to improve one's own strength."

If Lu Feng can complete the Dynasty Summoning Order and the main quest as soon as possible, his strength will have a big jump.

At that time, I won't say that I have the strength to compete with those guys in the Wangqing Dao sect who want to be on the head of the Nanyan Kingdom, but I won't have no confidence.


When Lu Feng led Zhou Yu and rushed to Lianyun Road with the navy warship, under the threat of Guo Jia, the imperial decree written by the emperor of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom Lan Taohong finally arrived in Changze City.

The first time Song Tonghao, the commander of the garrison of Changze City, received the imperial edict, he summoned all the garrison generals in Changze City to gather in the council hall and told them about the edict.

"Everyone, Rainbow Leopard City has fallen, and His Majesty the Emperor has become a prisoner. This imperial decree must have been written by His Majesty the Emperor under the coercion of Guo Jia. Now, should we obey the Holy Order or not?"

Song Tonghao glanced at the generals at all levels below.

But the generals at all levels below kept silent.

There is no other reason, because they were not originally the defenders of Changze City, but were transferred from other places in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom.

Moreover, in order to avoid the surrender of the generals, Lan Taohong put their family members in the Rainbow Leopard City, under the pretense that they should be protected by the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, but in fact they were being watched.

When the generals fighting in the front defected, their families were killed without hesitation.

Now, the key is here, the Rainbow Leopard City is in the hands of Guo Jia, then their family...

It also fell into Guo Jia's hands!

Under such circumstances, who would dare to be the first to stand up and say whether or not to comply?

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