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"Also, Lord Lu Ban, he had no talent before, but because of his low background, he traveled around in many kingdoms in the southwest of Yuzhou, and wanted to make use of what he had learned all his life, but because he was not a disciple of an aristocratic family, he had no chance and was unhappy. But under His Majesty the Emperor, he is now an important minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the catapult he improved must have impressed General Wen Chou very deeply."

When Wen Chou heard Lu Ban's name, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of fear.

Gao Shun led the army to attack Changze City many times, and the catapult was used in it. The terrifying power left an impression on Wen Chou's heart not only profound and simple.

If it weren't for the loss of Nanxiang Road, Nagasawa City had become the first heavy city to defend the Nanyan Kingdom. It had been reinforced many times, and it would have been broken under the bombardment of catapults.

But even so, Luban's improved catapult made Nagasawa Castle terrified.

Whenever the catapult attacked, the generals in Nagasawa Castle closed their eyes and couldn't bear to watch their soldiers being crushed to death without any resistance.

Fortunately, there were not many catapults, otherwise, even if a lot of Nagasawa Castle was reinforced, it would have been breached early.

"In addition to these three, there is Liu Ji, a wanderer, and Guo Jia, a drunkard in the eyes of others. The two of them didn't have the opportunity to display their talents before, but now they are two of His Majesty's five advisors. The Nanyan Kingdom has made great contributions to its current scale."

"General Wen Chou, you also have a talent. Is it possible that you are willing to be wasted in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom? Make yourself useless?" Chang Zike asked rhetorically.

Wen Chou listened, his face changed again.

Guo Jia's name made these generals of the Nanyan Kingdom especially remember, not the matter of capturing the Rainbow Leopard City, but the previous battle of Pingguang City.

If it wasn't for the fact that Guo Jia's plan was not for the millions of troops in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, the current Rainbow Leopard Kingdom would not be so passive, and now the capital, Hongbao City, would have been lost.

I also have a talent, maybe not as good as Guo Jialubu and the others, but if I have the opportunity, I can definitely build an industry, so why should I give up this good opportunity?

Wen Chou began to question himself in his heart.

"General Wen Chou, if it was before, you would betray the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom by joining the Nanyan Kingdom, but now, the order of the Emperor of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, Lan Taohong, has been issued.

Let them surrender, and surrender at this time, how can it be regarded as betrayal? "

Wen Chou's heart moved. In fact, the other reason why he hesitated to make a decision was that he didn't want to have a reputation for betrayal.

This is something that will follow the general for a lifetime, and he doesn't want to carry it on his back.

"And if you choose to continue to resist, when Nagasawa Castle is broken, the general who resists will have nothing to gain."

Chang Zike continued: "And if Song Tonghao finally chooses to surrender, you have to surrender as well. Since it's all surrender, why didn't you do a great job ahead of him?"

Wen Chou's eyes moved, he pondered for a while, and said, "Why did you choose me?"

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Chang Zike, and he said, "In Changze City, I am a light-hearted person, and it is not an important task. You have a better choice. Even if you go to lobby Song Tonghao, as far as the current situation is concerned, he will There is a very good chance that you will be successful in lobbying."

"Why did you choose me as an ordinary defending general?"

A smile appeared on Chang Zike's face. Wen Chou's question means that he is ready to surrender. If he only needs to answer this question himself, Wen Chou will most likely surrender.

He said, "Master Guo Jia had already anticipated the problem of General Wen Chou, so Master Guo Jia asked me to tell the general..."

Looking at Wen Chou, Chang Zike said: "Master Guo Jia said that he chose General Wen Chou for three reasons. First, General Wen Chou was a person with real skills in the investigation of Jin Yiwei. This is because of other generals in Nagasawa City. Not even Song Tonghao, His Majesty likes people with real skills, so Lord Guo Jia chose you, thinking that His Majesty will appreciate you and give you a chance;"

"Second, General Wen Chou is not a member of an aristocratic family. As for the aristocratic family in the Hongbao Kingdom, Jin Yiwei has already reported the news to Lord Guo Jia. These families are all focused on family interests, and His Majesty does not like such generals, so Guo Jia The lord chose you."

"Thirdly, General Wen Chou is a smart man, and Lord Guo Jia said that you will make the right choice."

Wen Chou heard it, sighed deeply, and said, "Guo Jia is really amazing."

"If I told you that since I contacted you, everything I said was taught to me by Master Guo Jia, would you believe it?" Chang Zike said with a smile.

"What? Guo Jia taught you these words?" Wen Chou was shocked and said, "Could it be that he can count all my reactions?"

Chang Zike nodded and said, "I'm just the commander of the Jinyiwei spy, not a negotiator. If it wasn't for Mr. Guo Jia who taught me this, how would I say this?"

When Wen Chou heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "Guo Jiazhen deserves to be a famous ghost in the southwest of Yuzhou. He can count all this. Is he really human?"


After a pause, Wen Chou sighed again and said, "Compared to Guo Jia's greatness, what I admire more is the Emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, who can reuse a drunkard in the eyes of outsiders, but this drunkard is now famous in Yuzhou. The genius of the Southwest."

"His ability to discern talents with such a discerning eye is the most terrifying!"

Chang Zike agreed very much with Wen Chou's words. No one would have imagined that the new emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, who was less than twenty years old, could develop the Nanyan Kingdom from a weak and weak kingdom to the overlord in the southwest of Yuzhou in a short period of time.

But after looking at Wen Chou, Chang Zike said, "So, General Wen Chou, what is your choice?"

I already knew in my heart how Wen Chou would choose, but when Wen Chou said it himself, Chang Zike could be considered to have completed this mission.

Wen Chou didn't hesitate and said, "I choose to worship His Majesty the Emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom."

He chose to surrender.

Because he needs an opportunity, an opportunity to let himself show off his abilities, Nanyan Kingdom now has such an opportunity.

In fact, Wen Chou longed for the Nanyan Kingdom very early, because Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, knew how to use people well and did not stick to his background. This was too tempting for a general like Wen Chou who had no background.

If it weren't for the fact that he was the general of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom before, and he didn't want to carry a reputation for betrayal, he might have gone to the Nanyan Kingdom to join the army.

Now, with such an opportunity, and never with a reputation for betrayal, he had little reason to miss it.

"After many years, General Wen Chou will definitely be glad for today's choice!" A smile appeared on Chang Zike's face.

Wen Chou decided to surrender, and his mission was accomplished.

"I believe so too."

After Wen Chou replied, he asked again, "But I don't know what Mr. Guo Jia needs me to do now?"

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