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"Enough, what is the purpose of Guo Jia asking you to come?" Wen Chou said coldly.

"I came down here to obey the orders of Lord Guo Jia and bring a good future to General Wen Chou." Chang Zike said.

"Go back and thank Guo Jia for her kindness, but I don't need Wen Chou."

Wen Chou snorted coldly and said, "I am the general of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, not the general of your Nanyan Kingdom."

"If General Wen Chou really thinks this way, why didn't I reveal my identity earlier?" Chang Zike laughed.

Wen Chou did not answer.

Chang Zike continued: "General Wen Chou is a smart man, and he knows the current situation very well."

"Hongbao City, the capital of the King of the Rainbow Leopard King, has already been captured by Lord Guo Jia, and the entire Rainbow Leopard Kingdom has completely lost hope. The defenders in Changze City are only grasshoppers in the autumn, and they can only roam for a few days. In the end, it will either surrender or be attacked by General Gao Shun, all of which are only a matter of time."

"Besides, the current Nagasawa City, because the Rainbow Leopard City has been lost, how many generals here plan to coexist with Nagasawa City? They don't dare to stand up and say they want to surrender now, they are just worried about their own family interests. That's it."

"General Wen Chou, I think you should see this clearly."

Wen Chou still didn't answer. Although he looked rough on the outside and was a simple-minded general, in fact, he was very smart and knew what was going on in Nagasawa Castle.

"Master Guo Jia told me before he came, that General Wen Chou is a very capable general, with the demeanor of a general, and he has lost his ability in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom."

"And right now, the situation in Nagasawa City is just like what I said before. It is Song Tonghao who makes the decision. No matter what he decides, it will not be beneficial to you, General."

After a brief pause, Chang Zike looked at Wen Chou who was still speechless, and said, "If Song Tonghao chooses to surrender, then he will be the one who knows the current affairs of the world. Whether he wants to or not, His Majesty the Emperor will give him a very good one. As for you, with all due respect, General Wen Chou, you are in a low position in Nagasawa City. At that time, you can only be regarded as an ordinary general who surrendered, not an important person. It is too difficult to have a good chance. ."

"If Song Tonghao chooses not to surrender and continue to resist, this Changze City will not last for a month."


nonsense. "

Wen Chou heard it, snorted coldly, and said, "Changze City has thick walls and abundant food and grass, let alone a month, even a year."

"General Wen Chou, why are you deceiving yourself by saying this?"

Chang Zike shook his head and said, "The current crisis in Nagasawa City does not come from other places, but from you generals."

"Lan Taohong, the emperor of the Hongbao Kingdom, is not very good to be the emperor, but he did a good thing for the Nanyan Kingdom. He arranged the families of all the generals in Changze City in Hongbao City and sent people to supervise them. Now, with the capture of Hongbao City by Lord Guo Jia, the families of these generals are also in the hands of Lord Guo Jia."

"As time goes by, even if Mr. Guo Jia doesn't do anything to these people, the generals in Changze City will be upset because of their worries. In addition, the news of the destruction of Rainbow Leopard City spread to Changze City. Those soldiers heard, How many ordinary soldiers continue to have a high fighting spirit after hearing that the king and king have been destroyed?"

"At that time, when the soldiers have no will to fight and the army has no morale, how can they be the opponents of the Nanyan Kingdom's army with high fighting spirit? General Wen Chou, is it possible that you still don't understand this truth?"

"It's true, I can't deny it, but do you really think I haven't heard anything?"

Wen Chou stared at Chang Zike and said, "Now the army of the Liyang Dynasty has begun to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, and it is coming from the Zonglan Kingdom to the Hongbao Kingdom. When the army of the Liyang Dynasty arrives, do you think the Nanyan Kingdom still has resistance? strength?"


Wen Chou asked himself and answered, "The Liyang Dynasty is one of the ten dynasties, and its army far exceeds that of the Nanyan Kingdom. It is absolutely impossible for the Nanyan Kingdom to stop the army of the Liyang Dynasty. At that time, the Liyang Dynasty will definitely be destroyed. China, and we just need to hold Changze City."

"If General Wen Chou thinks so, then you are wrong."

Chang Zike shook his head again and said, "His Majesty the noble emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom has led millions of navy troops into the Evil Dragon River and headed to Lianyun Road. General Yue Fei also entered Chuanping County under the order of His Majesty the Emperor and built a defense. front."

"At that time, if the land and water cooperate in the battle, no matter how powerful the Liyang Dynasty's army is, how can it be able to invade Chuanping County?"


Wen Chou said directly: "The Evil Dragon River is full of brutal dragons, and the navy battleship driving on it is completely courting death."

"It used to be, but now all the so-called flood dragons have been cleaned up. If General Wen Chou doesn't believe what I said, he can send someone to inquire. There are many dead dragons on the banks of the Evil Dragon River, and it is easy to find out." Chang Zike replied.


Wen Chou didn't know what to say for a while.

He knew very well that Chang Zike had no need to deceive himself.

Because just like what Chang Zike said, this matter is easy to find out, and it is impossible to fake it.

He said nothing and remained silent.

When Chang Zike saw it, he immediately said: "General Wen Chou, you should know very well that what military generals advocate is to kill the enemy on the battlefield, make achievements, and honor the prime minister, but now you should be very clear about your own situation, general."

"Even if there is no matter of the Nanyan Kingdom attacking the Hongbao Kingdom, you will never have a chance to go further in the Hongbao Kingdom. Because the Hongbao Kingdom is a kingdom composed of aristocratic families, the first thing that the court does is always the first thing that comes to mind. They are all people from aristocratic families, and ordinary people, no matter how capable they are, have little chance."

"Just like General Wen Chou, he is extremely capable, but he is unwilling to be affiliated to the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom's aristocratic family, so he has all the skills, but he can only be the general defender of a small town.

"And now, the opportunity has come."

Staring at Wen Chou, Chang Zike said: "His Majesty the Emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, he has never had a good impression of the family. He always prioritizes ability when appointing people, and the family does not receive any preferential treatment in this regard."

"Under His Majesty the Emperor, as long as he has the ability, anyone can be named a prince and a chancellor."

"Just like Xun Yu, the current Prime Minister of the Nanyan Kingdom, who was only a poor scholar who was looked down upon by the disciples of aristocratic families, but now he is the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, laying a solid rear for His Majesty's great cause;

Another example is Wenhou Lu Bu. Before, he was just a half-human, half-demon orphan who was shouted and beaten by everyone. No one gave him a chance, but now, he has become the hussar general of the Southern Yan Kingdom, Wenhou Lu Bu, and has made countless military exploits. , the name of the southwest of Yuzhou. "

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