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"Tomorrow in the middle of the night, the general needs to open the west gate city gate. At that time, General Gao Shun will lead his troops from the west gate into Changze City." Chang Zike said.

Wen Chou pondered for a moment, then said, "The general guarding the city at the west gate in the middle of the night tomorrow is not strong. I can take someone to deal with him directly and then open the city gate. But..."

Looking at Chang Zike, Wen Chou asked, "Master Guo Jia just believes in me? Isn't he worried that I am ambushing General Gao Shun?"

"So, this requires General Wen to submit a nomination certificate."

"What is the nomination?"

"Kill someone."


"Jing Zhirong!"

"Jing Zhirong?"

Wen Chou was stunned and said, "Song Tonghao's brother-in-law Jing Zhirong?"

"That's right!"

Chang Zike nodded and said, "Jing Zhirong is the traitor of the Nanyan Kingdom, he must die."

Jing Zhirong's luck was really good. After escaping from the Aoxiang Kingdom, he arrived at the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. With the help of the Heaven-level Qi-breaking arrows from the Spirit Sword Sect, he got on with Song Tonghao.

In addition, he also has some abilities, and was favored by Song Tonghao, and finally married his widow sister to Jing Zhirong.

Although Song Tonghao's younger sister was extremely ugly, Jing Zhirong wanted to rely on Song Tonghao to rise to the throne in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, but he accepted it and became Song Tonghao's brother-in-law.

Just because Song Tonghao didn't want others to say that he was cronyism, he did not assign Jing Zhirong an official position in the army, but just let him follow him and make suggestions.

In Changze City, Wen Chou also met Jing Zhirong several times.

And he also knew the origin of Jing Zhirong, and at the same time he was very disdainful of people like Jing Zhirong who wanted to go to the back door.

But he didn't expect that the certificate Guo Jia wanted to hand over turned out to be Jing Zhirong's life.

Looking at Chang Zike a little strangely, Jing Zhirong said: "With the ability of your Jinyiwei, if you want Jing Zhirong's life, you could have taken away the life of Jing Zhirong a hundred times! Why don't you do it,

And wait until now? "

"Jing Zhirong's life is not important, what is important is his current identity." Chang Zike said.

Wen Chou was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that, indeed, Jing Zhirong is not important, but his status is very special now.

It was Song Tonghao's brother-in-law, and if he killed him himself, he was an enemy of Song Tonghao. No matter what Song Tonghao thought, for the sake of the Song family's reputation, Song Tonghao would solve his murderer, lest others think that the Song family could not keep his own people.

You must know that Song Tonghao's family is one of the largest families in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and their face is very important.

In this way, it would be impossible for him to join forces with Song Tonghao to ambush Gao Shun.

Wen Chou thought for a while and said, "It's easy to kill Jing Zhirong, but after that, Song Tonghao can easily find me, and it won't even be known until tomorrow that it was me who did it. How can I open the Ximen then?"

"General Wen, don't worry, you only need to kill Jing Zhirong. We will help you hide your traces until midnight tomorrow. If you don't open the city gate by then, Song Tonghao will know all about it." Chang Zike said.

When Wen Chou heard this, he stopped thinking about it and said, "I'll do it now."

After talking about Wen Chou, he changed into inconspicuous clothes and went directly to Jing Zhirong's mansion.

Relying on his relationship with Song Tonghao, Jing Zhirong also has a large separate mansion in Changze City.

This is convenient for Wen Chou.

If Jing Zhirong lives in Song Tonghao's mansion, he still has some troubles if he wants to do it, because there are masters in Song Tonghao's mansion, and several martial artists from the Grand Master Jiuzhongtian.

But a single mansion, it would be too convenient.

After Wen Chou sneaked in, he quickly found Jing Zhirong.

"Hey, General Wen Chou?"

When Jing Zhirong saw Wen Chou who suddenly appeared, he was stunned and asked in doubt, "General Wen Chou, when did you come? Why didn't you..."


Before the words were finished, Jing Zhirong's head flew straight into the sky.

Wen Chou withdrew the knife, turned around and left, neat and tidy.

Jing Zhirong's head fell to the ground, and there was still the doubt of seeing Wen Chou in his eyes.

It all happened so fast that he was killed before he could react.

"Tsk tsk, this general is really decisive. If he joins Jinyiwei, he will definitely have a bright future."

Just after Wen Chou left, Chang Zike and another Jin Yiwei appeared here.

"If his appearance is added to Jin Yiwei, Jin Yiwei will be exposed soon." Chang Zike shook his head.

The other person thought for a while and said, "Yes, although his appearance is not too ugly, it is also hard to forget at a glance."

"Okay, deal with it here, and report the news back to Lord Guo Jia."


All they have to deal with is the infuriating fluctuations that remain in the air.

This is the only thing that can expose the ugly.

And the way to deal with it is very simple, spread their true qi fluctuations here, then Song Tonghao's investigation will not be so easy.

It would take at least a day and a half to be able to discern the fluctuations of infuriating Chinese ugly.

This time is enough.


Outside Changze City, Guo Jia has returned from Hongbao City.

"Fengxiao, will Wen Chou really surrender?" Gao Shun looked at Guo Jia and asked in the account.

"Most definitely."

Guo Jia said very confidently: "All I have done is aimed at his ugly character. There is no reason to fail."

"Oh? That imperial edict too?" Gao Shun was surprised and asked aloud.

Guo Jia nodded and said: "I know very well that Lan Taohong's imperial decree cannot make those generals in Changze City surrender, because although they seem to be loyal to Lan Taohong, for them, they are truly loyal to themselves. My family, even though my family is under my control, it will not simply surrender."

"However, it's fine if they don't surrender. If they surrender, they are surrendering generals. If we want to deal with the noble family they belong to, we have to think more, because it is the noble family of surrendering generals. If we don't pay attention, there will be news that the kingdom It's not good news for the kingdom to turn his face and not recognize anyone."

"So, I chose Wen Chou, because he is the only capable military general in Nagasawa City, and he has no family background behind him. This imperial decree is only to make him have no scruples in the sense of righteousness, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan."

"Wen Chou is not a fool, he knows how to choose, we just need to wait for good news."

Gao Shun nodded, for Guo Jia, he was still very relieved.

And he also understands very well that he can accomplish the task of marching and fighting, but when it comes to strategy and calculation, he still has to rely on a strategist like Guo Jia.

"Report, General, Jin Yiwei has sent a secret letter."

At this moment, Gao Shun's personal soldiers handed over a confidential letter of Jin Yiwei.

Gao Shun took it and looked at it, smiled and said, "Fengxiao, everything is as you planned, Wen Chou surrendered, and the west gate will be opened in the middle of the night tomorrow."

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face and said, "General, the next thing is left to you."

"Changze City, it's time to break it!"

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