The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 924 Confused Song Tonghao

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In the middle of the night the next day, Wen Chou arrived at the west gate of Changze City as agreed.

"Wen Chou?"

The general in charge of defending the city today watched Wen Chou arrive and said, "Wen Chou, what are you doing here?"

In his eyes, there is some disgust for Wen Chou.

The general who guarded the city came from an aristocratic family. He became a defender by relying on the power of the family. He hated Wen Chou very much, because Wen Chou did not have an aristocratic family background, but his ability was stronger than him.

Wen Chou didn't speak, just approached the general step by step.

"Wen Chou, are you deaf? Can't you hear the general's question?"

When the guard saw Wen Chou and did not answer, he shouted angrily.


What answered him was the sound of a sharp blade scabbard.

All he saw was a flash of light in his eyes, and a pain in his neck.

"you you……"

Looking at Wen Chou, who was still holding a knife, the guard's eyes were confused. He never thought that Wen Chou, who had a low status in Nagasawa City, would dare to kill him.


Wen Chou ignored him, cut off his head with another knife, and shouted loudly, "Kill!"

Ordered out, troop of troops rushed out behind him.

They are all his cronies, with a scale of several thousand people.

Under the leadership of Wen Chou, these people quickly rushed to the city gate and beheaded the soldiers guarding the city.

There were tens of thousands of soldiers defending the city at Ximen, but now their chief general had been killed, and the group of dragons had no leader. In addition, Wen Chou, a fierce general, rushed to kill with his elite, and it was in chaos.

Tens of thousands of people were beaten by Wen Chou and beaten by thousands of people without any precaution.

"Quick, open the city gate, open the city gate."

After the defending soldiers were beaten and defeated,

Wen Chou asked people to open the city gate for the first time.


With a loud noise, the huge gate of the west gate of Nagasawa City was slowly opened.

"Fall into the camp, charge!"

As soon as the city gate opened, there was a full-bodied voice from outside.

"The will to fall into the battle, there is death but not life!"

Followed by the sound of a murderous charge.

The trap camp, led by Gao Shun, rushed into the west gate at the fastest speed.

"Fall into the camp!"

Wen Chou looked at the trap camp that rushed in with shock in his eyes. He didn't expect that Gao Shun would send the trap camp directly.

As the harvest general before Nagasawa Castle, he naturally knew everything about the trump card army trapping camp of the Nanyan Kingdom.

It is also a deep understanding of their combat power.


Under the leadership of Gao Shun, the trapped camp rushed into the west gate at the fastest speed, and happened to meet those soldiers who had been defeated from the city gate.

Immediately, there were shouts of killing.

When these defeated soldiers met the trapped camp, they fell one by one in an instant.

Even if they have generals to condense their army, they cannot be opponents in the camp, let alone become a defeated army now.

Gao Shun took the trapped camp, and quickly eliminated these defeated soldiers. At the same time, he arranged for someone to take control of the city gate, and also sent someone to notify Lu Bu, so that the army from the rear would come immediately.

"Jiang General Wen Chou, meet General Gao Shun."

Wen Chou came to Gao Shun and immediately bowed down.

"General Wen Chou, you and I will be colleagues in the future, how can you be a general?"

Gao Shun looked at Wen Chou and said, "I still need you to inform Nagasawa City of the situation. We must take control of Nagasawa City in the shortest possible time."

Jin Yiwei can inquire about a lot of information, but they are all inquiries. Naturally, it is not as good as Wen Chou, the original defender of Nagasawa City, who knows Nagasawa City.

"The order will be followed."

Wen Chou heard that Gao Shun's words did not despise him, and he was relieved. He was still worried that his status as a general would be looked down upon, and it seemed that he thought too much.

He quickly said: "There were a lot of people before Changze City, but before the war started, the people in the entire Changze City were relocated to other places. Now Changze City is completely a huge military camp in the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom. More than two million, and many generals' private soldiers are not counted."

"There are not many soldiers on the gate of Changze City, but a large number of troops are gathered in the military camp in the center of the city, which can quickly support the Sifang City Gate."

"It's been about two quarters of an hour since the last commander led his troops to capture Ximen. The military camp in the center of the city should have also received news. They will attack in less than half an hour at most."

Gao Shun nodded, Nagasawa City had become a huge military camp under the management of Song Tonghao, the houses of the common people had long been demolished, and the bricks and stones were used to reinforce the city wall.

At present, Nagasawa Castle has no other houses except for those generals' mansions. It is very flat and can make the support of the army very fast.

Song Tonghao arranged this in order to avoid untimely support, which would result in the city gate being broken.

It is precisely because of this arrangement that Gao Shun led his troops to attack the city gate more than once before, but because the reinforcements in Nagasawa City were too fast, they had to retreat in the end, and failed many times.

But this arrangement has a fatal disadvantage, that is, the city gate cannot be broken.

Once the city gate is broken, because there are no houses in the city, there will be no lanes. If the enemy sends a large number of iron cavalry to rush in through the city gate, without the houses to limit the speed of the cavalry, the soldiers in the city can basically only wait to die. .

Right now, that is exactly the case.

"Where is the position of Lu Bu's cavalry?" Gao Shun turned to look at his personal soldiers and asked.

Before coming back, he had arranged for Lu Bu's 300,000 cavalry to be ready to attack at any time.

"General, we have already sent someone to inform General Lu Bu, at most two quarters of an hour, General Lu Bu's iron cavalry will be able to arrive."

"it is good!"

Gao Shun nodded and said loudly, "Meng Tao's name!"

"The end is here!"

Meng Taoming walked out from behind Gao Shun and answered loudly.

Meng Taoming was placed under Gao Shun's command under Lu Feng's arrangement, and now he has become Gao Shun's favorable assistant.

"You lead people to guard the west gate, and you must guard the west gate for two quarters of an hour at all costs, and never allow the enemy to take back the west gate." Gao Shun ordered.

Meng Tao said loudly: "The last will definitely guard Ximen and will never lose Ximen."

"it is good!"

Gao Shun still believed in Meng Taoming's ability. After arranging him, he looked at Wen Chou and said, "General Wen Chou, I want you to lead the way. We must capture other city gates in the shortest time possible."

Although the west gate is open, the east gate, south gate, and north gate are still in Song Tonghao's hands.

Gao Shun wanted to get rid of all the troops of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom in Changze City, so as to avoid worries, Song Tonghao could never escape from Changze City, so he had to control other city gates.

Wen Chou immediately obeyed the order, led the way for Gao Shun, bypassed the military camp in the center of the city, and rushed to the south gate.

"General, something is wrong!"

Outside Song Tonghao's bedroom, a personal soldier shouted in a panic.

"What happened?" Song Tonghao said impatiently.

Because Jing Zhirong was killed, Song Tonghao was busy looking for the murderer during the day, and was woken up just after falling asleep. He was very irritable.

"Great... Great General, West... West Gate is broken, and Gao Shun has already come in with the trap camp!" The guard said with a trembling voice.


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