The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 925: The Battle of Ximen

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The irritable Song Tonghao was sober in an instant, and ran out of the bedroom in a hurry, looking at the personal soldiers and said in a hurry, "You said that the Ximen was broken? How could the Ximen be broken? There are tens of thousands of soldiers guarding the city!"

"Big... General, Wen Chou betrayed him. He led his cronies to kill the general Ximen defending the city, and then took advantage of Ximen's unprepared soldiers to capture Ximen. Now he has put Gao Shun's trap camp into the city."


Song Tonghao was stunned.

"Trapped... Trapped camp and entered the city?"

Muttering a word, fear appeared uncontrollably in Song Tonghao's voice.

The reason why Changze City was able to stop the attack of Gao Shun's army was because of the reinforced city wall. Now that the trap camp has entered the city, the city wall is useless, how can it stop Gao Shun's army?

"Damn Wen Chou, I'm going to break your corpse into tens of thousands of pieces!"

Song Tonghao, who had reacted, jumped like thunder.

If Wen Chou hadn't opened the city gate, he would have been able to defend it with the help of the city walls of Changze City.

Right now the ugly ruins everything in Nagasawa City.

But what he couldn't figure out was that Guo Jia had already coerced the emperor of the Hongbao Kingdom, Lan Taohong, to write an imperial decree for them to surrender. previous arrangement?

He even had some regrets in his heart. Knowing that Gao Shun and Guo Jia were so impatient, he should have surrendered first. Maybe at that time, Lu Fengfeng thought he was someone who knew the current affairs and would give him some official positions.

But now, not only was Wen Chou preempted, but Wen Chou opened the city gate and attracted Gao Shun to the camp.

"Big... General, what should we do now?" the soldier asked cautiously.

"Fast, let the Huo Lin Army rush to the west gate at the fastest speed. At all costs, it must be to retake the west gate. At the same time, let the masters of the Song family worship hall pass at the fastest speed to assist the Huo Lin Army."

In response, Song Tonghao said anxiously.

The Huolin Army did not belong to the army of Changze City, but belonged to Song Tonghao's own confidants and elites, with a total of 100,000 people.

Even if you are fighting against the Leopard Army, you might as well let it go.

Song Tonghao used to regard this army as a treasure, and was reluctant to let them go to the front to consume them.

But now there is no way.

The west gate was broken, and now the trap camp came in. Gao Shun must have wanted to rely on the strength of the trap camp to guard the west gate and create a passage for the cavalry in the rear.

Once Lu Bu rushed in with his cavalry from the west gate, the situation in Changze City would definitely not be able to stop the 300,000 cavalry.

By then it will be all over.

Song Tonghao couldn't care less about Huo Lin Jun's heartache at this time.

The soldiers immediately went down to give orders.

At the same time, Song Tonghao also rushed to the military camp in the center of the city. Right now, he must lead the army of more than two million troops to form a defensive front.

In case the Huo Lin army could not retake the west gate and let Lu Bu's iron cavalry rush in, it would be up to them.

The Huolin Army was not in Song Tonghao's mansion, but was also near the barracks, and was quite close to the west gate city wall.

After they got Song Tonghao's order, they rushed to Ximen immediately.

The Huolin Army is indeed an elite, and after receiving the order, they arrived at Ximen in less than a quarter of an hour.

"The whole army obeys the order and defends the city gate!"

Meng Taoming stood on the city wall, drew his sword, and shouted loudly.

Gao Shun took the 50,000 trapped camp to capture the other three gates, and left 50,000 people to hand over to Meng Taoming.


The archers in the 50,000 trap camp fired arrows in unison, and there was a piercing cracking sound under the dark night sky.

"Shield player, block the crossbow, block!"

The Huolin Army defender also quickly ordered, the shield soldiers stepped forward, raised their shields, and blocked most of the arrows shot by the trap camp.

Meng Taoming frowned when he saw it, this army is elite!

He also wants to suppress the bow and crossbow to help guard the city gate, but since the place is the elite, this idea is difficult to realize.

For elite soldiers, once they form a defensive formation and advance slowly, the effect of the bow and crossbow will be very poor.

"Listen to the camp, condense the army, kill!"

Meng Taoming decisively gave up the suppression of the bow and crossbow, and directly led the trap camp to form a formation under the west gate city wall.


"The will to fall into the battle, there is death but not life!"

The 50,000 trapped camp shouted in unison, advancing quickly.

Soon, it collided with the Fire Forest Army.


The two huge army formations collided with each other, making a huge collision sound.


A soldier in the camp cut off the head of the enemy with a long knife.

The headless corpse fell to the ground, and the enemy behind him wanted to make up for it, but before he could come over, a tall shield soldier from the trapped camp went straight up.

The hard shield blocks people directly.

At almost the same moment, a long spear pierced from behind the shield, directly piercing the soldiers of the Fire Forest Army.

Such scenes are everywhere on the battlefield.

With their tacit cooperation, the trapped camp shattered the Huolin Army's army bit by bit and continued to advance.

This made the situation on the entire battlefield weird.

Originally, the Fire Forest Army came to attack and was trapped in the camp to defend, but now it has become a trap camp to attack and the Fire Forest Army to defend.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Fire Forest Army kept falling to the ground, but they rarely saw the soldiers in the trapped camp fall.

Because the soldiers trapped in the camp can rely on the cooperation of the army formation to ensure that the shield soldiers will always be in the forefront, and it is difficult for the Huo Lin army to attack.

Most of the axemen and pikemen stood behind the shield soldiers and stabbed them.


The general of the Fire Forest Army shouted angrily when he saw this scene.

He did not expect that the elite army he brought with him would be beaten and retreated so quickly.

"Everyone, it's your turn."

He turned his head to look at the dozen or so people in warrior robes standing behind him, and said, "You must find a way to kill the generals who are trapped in the camp. Only in this way can the trapped camp be ledless and we have a chance to retake it. Simon."

Several of them are masters of the worship hall of the Song family where Song Tonghao is located, and they are all warriors in the late grandmaster. Two of them are warriors of the grandmaster Jiuzhongtian, and the rest are the seventh and eighth grandmasters. Weak combat power.

Several people nodded and said, "Leave it to us."

When the sound fell, several people flew out directly, walked in the air, and went to the army formation of the trapped camp.

As for the military formation's restraint on warriors, they didn't take it to heart at all.

Because they are all warriors in the late stage of the master, with extremely strong strength, but there are only 50,000 troops in the camp at the moment. In their eyes, how could they be able to stop them with such a few people?

You must know that in the Song family, they have also fought against the army. If they want to pose a threat to them, they must be elites like the Huolin Army, and the number of them must exceed 100,000 to cause some threats.

Even, these are just some threats. If you want their lives, 100,000 elites are not enough.

So, with the 50,000 trapped camp, how could they take it seriously?

Meng Taoming, who was in command of the trapped camp, was stunned when he saw more than a dozen warriors coming from the sky.

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