The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 926 Iron Cavalry Charges

"What are these people doing? Don't you know the restraint of the military formation on the warriors? How dare you fly over like this?"

Meng Taoming looked very strangely at these warriors who came from the air, shook his head, and said, "The whole army listens to the order, condense the army!"


The 50,000 trapped camp shouted in unison, and the army formation took shape in an instant, directly pressing on these warriors who came from the air.

"Hmph, it's useless!"

These people snorted coldly, with disdain in their words.

"Kill that general!"

The grandmaster Jiuzhongtian martial artist who headed it said coldly.

Then they continued to charge with other warriors, but this time they hadn't taken a step, and suddenly a burst of energy pressed on their infuriating energy.

In an instant, the warriors in the master realm felt that the true qi in their bodies seemed to be trapped in the mud.

"How is this possible? How could their army be able to suppress our true qi?"

The grandmaster Jiuzhongtian martial artist at the head was full of horror. They had tried it on the Huolin Army before, and an army formation of less than 100,000 people was useless to them.

But now, how can the army formed by the 50,000 trapped camps have such great restraint on them?

"The bowman obeys the order, the sky-level air-breaking arrow, let it go!"

Before they could react, Meng Taoming had ordered the bowmen at the rear of the camp to fire arrows in unison.


The silver-white sky-level qi-breaking arrow pierced through the void, with a piercing piercing sound, covering the more than a dozen master-level warriors in the sky.

"Do not!"

These people looked terrified, they wanted to dodge, but the infuriating energy in their bodies was difficult to run, making them unable to dodge at all, they could only watch the sky-level Qi-breaking arrows fall.

Puff puff!

A sky-level air-breaking arrow born to restrain the warriors pierced their bodies.

The dozen or so Grandmaster Realm warriors who were standing in the sky just now turned into corpses and fell from the sky in the blink of an eye.

Meng Taoming looked at it and shook his head. He really couldn't figure out what was going on in the minds of these dozen or so masters. Facing the army that was trapped in the camp, he dared to rush over like this. He really wasn't afraid of death!

The strength of the army formation depends on whether the army that gathers the army formation has a strong fighting spirit.

The trapped camp has been fighting all year round, and the aura of killing is very strong, and it can even be said to be terrifying, and the condensed army is even more ferocious.

Although the Huolin Army is elite, they rarely participate in battles, and their aura of killing is not strong.

These dozen or so master-level warriors didn't know this at all, so they rushed up stupidly and sent their heads.

The guard of Huo Linjun was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene. More than a dozen warriors from the master realm rushed up and were killed in an instant?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.


The attack of the trapped camp did not stop because of this episode, and continued to advance, killing the soldiers of the Fire Forest Army.

General Huo Linjun looked at it, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Order the entire army to withdraw!"

The Song family worship hall was completely wiped out, and the Huolin Army has lost more than 10,000 people now, but the loss of the trapped camp may be less than 1,000 people.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great. Huo Lin Army can only wait to be killed if they continue to stay here. The best option right now is to retreat and let the general command the army of more than two million in the barracks to come and forcibly retake Ximen. .

The command went down, and the Fire Forest Army quickly retreated.

"General, are we going to catch up?" asked a lieutenant next to Meng Taoming on the side of the trapped camp.

Meng Taoming looked at it, shook his head, and said, "The entire army is ordered to withdraw to the city wall. Our mission is to guard the city gate, not to hunt down the enemy."

He was worried that he would lead his troops to chase, and Simon would be taken away by other enemy troops.


Under Meng Taoming's order, the trap camp quickly retreated to the city gate.

"Tap tap."

Just after withdrawing, the ground shook terribly, and at the same time, the sound of the iron cavalry stepping on the ground came.

"General Lu is here!"

Meng Taoming's expression brightened when he heard this, and he hurriedly stood on the city wall and looked outside the west gate.

All of a sudden, I saw a fire dragon rushing over not far away.

Soon, they had rushed to the west gate.

Wearing a purple-gold crown, wearing a black tiger armor, and holding a Fang Tianhua halberd, Lu Bu charged into the west gate first, and said loudly to Meng Taoming on the city gate, "You wait immediately after this general's iron cavalry charges, and cut him off. kill the enemy."


Meng Tuo Ming responded loudly.


With a loud shout, Lu Bu rushed towards the center of the city. Behind him, the loyal cavalry in dark green armor followed.

Only ten thousand people!

But these 10,000 people were the most terrifying 10,000 iron cavalry under Lu Bu's command. The armor on their bodies was made by Ou Yezi himself with refined iron stones.

The hardness of each armor is no less than that of a human-level high-grade defensive weapon.

After these 10,000 people, are the rest of the loyal and righteous cavalry, a total of 300,000!

"what's the situation?"

The General Huo Linjun, who was walking towards the center of the city just after he had withdrawn, felt the earth shaking, and his face was full of doubts.

"General...General, we found a large number of enemy cavalry in the rear." At this moment, a soldier ran up to him and said anxiously.


The general was shocked and was about to ask angrily what was going on when suddenly a loud shout came from behind:

"Loyalty Iron Cavalry, charge!"

"Loyal... Righteous Iron Cavalry?"

The general's face turned ashen. Who knew about the loyal cavalry under the command of Lu Bu, the hussar general of the Southern Yan Kingdom?

The cavalry charged, how could they escape?

Especially when he saw that Lu Bu, who was wearing a purple-gold crown, wearing a black tiger armor, and holding a Fang Tianhua halberd, rode a tall red rabbit horse and rushed over.

Can't even bring up the fighting spirit.


Lu Bu rushed over with his loyal iron cavalry, Fang Tianhua swung his halberd, and killed a large number of Huolin Army soldiers.

The loyal and righteous cavalry followed closely behind them, like a tank, and all the enemy troops who blocked them in front of them were killed.

Without exception.

The Huo Lin army that had just withdrawn had completely disappeared before returning to the center of the city.

Lu Bu, who had eliminated the Huolin Army, did not stop there, and continued to charge towards the center of the city with his loyal and righteous cavalry.

The battle of Nagasawa Castle was a siege battle before, and his loyal and righteous cavalry was useless, but now it can be regarded as a good fight.

Soon, he took the foremost and most elite 10,000 loyal and righteous iron rider to the center of the city.

Here, Song Tonghao had already received the news that Lu Bu Zhongyi's iron cavalry had entered the city, and he had set up a large number of stalls and bowmen.

However, due to the rush of time, the bed crossbow formation has not had time to arrange.

"Hmph, with just this little thing, can it stop this general's iron cavalry?"

Lu Bu looked at the things outside the barracks in front of him, smiled disdainfully, waved the halberd in his hand, and said loudly, "Charge!"


He didn't stop at all and charged directly.

When Song Tonghao saw this scene, his eyes suddenly filled with joy.

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