The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 927 10,000 Pioneer Cavalry

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Song Tonghao saw that Lu Bu was charging directly with cavalry, and sneered disdainfully: "It seems that Lu Bu, the so-called No. 1 general of the Nanyan Kingdom, has really earned his reputation. To dare to charge directly with cavalry is simply courting death!"

Everyone knows that the biggest weapon against cavalry is the bed crossbow and the bow.

At present, there are more than two million troops in the barracks, and hundreds of thousands of bowmen, but Lu Bu was charging directly with the cavalry. Is this not courting death?

Shaking his head, Song Tonghao said, "If Gao Shun is in command, he will definitely wait until a large number of infantry arrives in the rear before attacking, and use shield soldiers to resist the bowmen."

"Right now, it seems that the horse-rejection fence is useless, and the idiot cavalry Lu Bu will turn into a hedgehog if he can't get close to the horse-rejection fence!"

"Bowmen obey orders!"

Hundreds of thousands of crossbowmen in the barracks instantly picked up their bows and arrows, and their angles rose.

"Fire arrows, shoot the enemy cavalry!"



An ear-piercing sound of breaking the air instantly resounded in this side of the world.

This is the true meaning of ten thousand arrows... no, it is hundreds of thousands of arrows fired at once.

The terrifying crossbow arrows are densely packed in the sky, forming the most terrifying arrow rain.

Those arrows glowing with cold light make the scalp numb.

What was even more terrifying was that the hundreds of thousands of crossbow arrows completely covered all the routes that Lu Bu led the charge of 10,000 pioneers and cavalry.

"Bow and crossbow?"

Lu Bu raised his head, looked at the terrifying rain of arrows in the sky, and said disdainfully, "What threat can a mere ordinary bow and crossbow pose to this general's vanguard iron cavalry?"

"The whole army listens to the order and charges at the fastest speed!"


Ten thousand pioneer iron cavalry shouted loudly and beat the war horse with force,

The war horse was in pain and charged at the fastest speed.

Song Tonghao saw that Lu Bu did not stop, but accelerated his charge, smiled coldly, and said, "Lu Bu, let you be buried with Changze City!"

He didn't think that Lu Bu's iron cavalry could survive the arrow rain.

Not one person!

The arrow rain fell quickly under his gaze, completely covering the charging iron cavalry.

Song Tonghao had a smile in his eyes, as if he had seen the scene of these cavalry being shot into hedgehogs by his bow and crossbow.

"Ding ding ding."

Just as the smile in his eyes became more and more intense, suddenly there was a crisp collision of gold and iron from the arrow rain.

"what sound?"

Song Tonghao asked suspiciously, and at the same time turned his head to look around.

"Great...General, look ahead!!!" Suddenly, a frightened voice of a personal soldier beside him entered his ears.

"In front? In front of them, what else is there other than the cavalry who turned into hedgehogs?"

After Song Tonghao said something, he turned his head back and looked in front of him. This sight made him dumbfounded, and he said in uncontrollable surprise, "How is this possible?"

As far as he could see, there were 10,000 vanguard cavalry led by Lu Bu.

What frightened him was that the 10,000 Pioneer Cavalry actually passed through the numbing arrow rain, and he could even see the sharp arrows falling on the soldiers of the Pioneer Cavalry, but not only did they not shoot them. Killed, but was bounced off.

But how is this possible?

That's a sharp arrow!

What cavalry can carry sharp arrows and charge with arrows?

This is simply not possible!

But the momentum of the iron cavalry charge in front of him made him have to believe that all this was true.

"General, look at their armor." A lieutenant beside Song Tonghao suddenly said loudly.

The voice woke Song Tonghao and made him react.

The pioneer iron cavalry led by Lu Bu was getting closer and closer to them, and they could clearly see the armor on the iron cavalry.

Unlike the leather armor of ordinary cavalry, the armor on Lu Bu's vanguard iron cavalry was actually dark green.

All the iron knights were shrouded in dark green armor.

The entire body, only the eyes, nose, and mouth are exposed, and the rest of the body is covered by dark green armor.

It was this dark green armor that completely protected these iron knights and bounced off all the sharp arrows that hit their bodies.

Even on the warhorses of the 10,000 pioneers, the backs and heads are covered with dark green armor, making it impossible for the arrows to shoot these warhorses.

"This... what kind of army is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

Song Tonghao said in shock.

As the chief general of the more than two million army in Changze City, he only knew that Gao Shun had Lu Bu's 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry, but he had no idea that among the 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry, there was such a team that did not fear the rain of arrows. army!

Lv Bu did not stop because of Song Tonghao's anger. He led 10,000 vanguard cavalry to the barricade outside the barracks.


Lu Bu shouted loudly, Fang Tianhua halberd swung violently, and a frenzy of energy directly knocked the barricade in front of him halfway, clearing a passage sufficient for the cavalry to charge.


Without the barricade, the cavalry could not be hindered in any way, and rushed directly towards the barracks.

"Shot the arrow, let the arrow go, let the arrow go!"

Song Tonghao stood on the Chinese army chariot and roared anxiously.


The piercing sound of breaking through the air resounded in the sky again, and once again formed a terrifying rain of arrows, which once again fell on Lu Bu and the ten thousand vanguard iron cavalry.


Once again bounced off by the dark green armor, not a single iron knight fell under the rain of arrows.

"You've fired two rounds of arrows, now it's our turn."

Lu Bu looked at the defensive formation that had long been set up in the barracks in front of him, smiled coldly, and said loudly, "Release the arrows!"

When the sound fell, he directly took out the Lingxi bow and pulled it full, with three sharp arrows hanging on it.


"call out!"

Lu Bu used his supernatural power, the God of Arrows.

Three sharp arrows flew out, forming a terrifying energy on the way, directly hitting the front of the enemy army.


With a loud bang, thousands of enemy soldiers were knocked away by this energy.


Followed by Lu Bu, the 10,000 pioneer iron cavalry who were good at riding and shooting used Lu Ban's improved repeating crossbow to shoot arrows.

Although there are only 10,000 people, Luban's improved repeating crossbow can shoot 15 sharp arrows at a time.

The same terrifying rain of arrows formed in the sky, leaning down towards the enemy army formation.

The difference is that Song Tonghao's Changze City soldiers do not have the armor of Lu Bu's 10,000 pioneer iron cavalry.

"Quick, shield hands on top, quick on top!"

Song Tonghao's lieutenant ordered the shield soldiers to step forward again and again, trying to block the rain of arrows.

However, because of the commotion caused by the three arrows of Lu Bu just now, the speed was a beat slower.

It was this shot that made it impossible for the enemy shield soldiers to get on top immediately, and the arrows rained down, and the enemy soldiers were shot to death and fell to the ground.

Like cut rice, it fell down piece by piece.

A wave of arrows directly caused more than 10,000 soldiers to fall to the ground.

This scene made people tremble.

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