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Lu Bu Fangtian drew the halberd and took away the heads of the two enemy soldiers in front, and turned to look in front of him.

Seeing these generals, he shook his head and said, "Let's go together!"

"It's what you've been waiting for!"

One by one they really dare not.

Several people shouted and rushed forward.

Only the skinny general remained in the distance. Lu Bu saw it, but didn't care.

In his eyes, these generals did not pose any threat to him. If he didn't want to kill them to damage the enemy's morale, he could leave it to the lieutenant behind him.

With the combat power of these few people, his lieutenant can solve it.

Lu Bu rode on the red rabbit horse, still the same as before, waiting for these people to rush up and deal with them.


Several people were a little bloody, and after rushing over, they each held a weapon and called at Lu Bu.

Lu Bu held the Fang Tianhua halberd with one hand and blocked it directly in front of him, blocking the weapons of these people.

"call out!"

At this moment, an unpleasant sound of breaking through the air suddenly came.

"Cold Arrow!"

Lu Bu reacted immediately, his left hand stretched out suddenly, just a little to the left of his head, he held a sharp arrow with a jet black arrow.

"Poison arrows."

Seeing the arrow, Lu Bu immediately reacted.

Instantly furious.

Among the generals on the battlefield, the most annoying thing is to hurt people with secret arrows, but the most annoying thing is those who use poisonous arrows.

Soon, his eyes were locked on the thin general who hadn't rushed over just now. At this time, he was holding a curved bow in his hand.

"court death!"

Lu Bu scolded angrily,

With a sudden force of his right hand, Fang Tianhua halberd slashed directly, and instantly cut off the heads of the generals in front of him.

Then he took out the Lingxi bow, picked up the bow, and shot it directly at the thin general.

Although the infuriating energy in the body cannot be used, and the 'Arrow God' magical power cannot be used, the speed of this arrow is still very fast.

The thin general didn't have time to react, and was directly penetrated.

And after the sharp arrow pierced his body, it pierced through the bodies of several soldiers before it stopped. It is conceivable how powerful it was.

The soldiers saw that several generals who rushed over from their own side were killed again, and their morale was even lower, and they did not dare to go forward.


The furious Lu Bu carried Fang Tianhua halberd and continued to charge with the iron cavalry behind him.

Under the halberd, the enemy's life was taken away.

"Big... General, what should I do now?"

On the Chinese army chariot, Song Tonghao's confidant lieutenant's voice trembled.

Lu Bu was so fierce that several people besieged him and didn't kill him.

But what is even more terrifying is that under the leadership of Lu Bu, those iron cavalry are also fierce and abnormal, constantly charging and killing.

In a short period of time, at least their soldiers lost more than 100,000.

Moreover, now Lu Bu is still leading them to charge towards the central army. Once they charge, their Chinese army chariots will not be safe.

Song Tonghao's face was gloomy, and he did not expect that Lu Bu would be so fierce, without true qi, and with such terrifying combat power.

But what terrified him was that the 10,000 iron cavalry completely ignored the obstruction of his soldiers and continued to charge.

"General, come up with an idea. If we let them go to the Central Army, we will be in danger." The deputy general said anxiously again when Song Tonghao didn't speak.

"Wait, it's time for the Central Army?" Suddenly Song Tonghao was shocked, he laughed, and said, "Okay, okay, okay!"

"it is good?"

The lieutenant's face was full of incomprehension, and he looked at Song Tonghao with suspicion. Was the general frightened? The enemy's iron cavalry is about to charge into the middle of your own army, how could you still say yes? What is this good for?

Is it okay to die?

"Quick, send orders to the front troops on both sides to besiege them at the fastest speed. As long as we surround Lu Bu and his ten thousand iron cavalry at the center, even if we can't kill him, we will still be able to kill him!" Song Tonghao shouted loudly. command.

The lieutenant's eyes suddenly lit up, he understood what Song Tonghao meant, and immediately said, "The general is wise, I'll go down and make arrangements."

"Also, let the bed crossbow array quickly move to the front of the Chinese army chariot, where I was going to shoot Lu Bu!"

"At that time, I want to see if Lu Bu, his army that can ignore the bow and crossbow, can stop the crossbow shooting!"


The lieutenant immediately went down to give orders to the army.

Following Song Tonghao's order, the front troops on both sides of him surrounded him at the fastest speed, and wanted to surround Lu Bu and his 10,000 cavalry in front of the central army.

This movement was quickly noticed by Lu Bu's soldiers, and the lieutenant approached Lu Bu at the fastest speed and said, "General, the enemy army has begun to encircle it, and it will take at most a quarter of an hour to complete the encirclement."

"Have you started yet?"

Lu Bu sneered and said, "Okay, let them encircle them!"

"But General, once the encirclement is completed, it will be difficult for us to break through." The lieutenant looked embarrassed.

"Breakthrough? Why break through?"

Lu Bu looked up at the Central Army Department, and he could see Song Tonghao standing on the Central Army's chariot.

The lieutenant was stunned for a moment, completely ignorant of what Lu Bu meant, but before he could ask, Lu Bu directly ordered: "Send the vanguard iron cavalry, let them reduce their speed, and show the enemy that they are weak."

The lieutenant felt strange in his heart, knowing that even though there were only 10,000 vanguard cavalry in their loyal cavalry, they were all elites, and the horses they used were all excellent horses.

But now the general didn't take advantage of the strong stamina of the war horse to rush to kill a few more times, and even let them deliberately reduce the speed. Isn't this to make the army fall into a tight siege?

It was strange in my heart, but Lu Bu was the main general, and the lieutenant did not ask any further questions, and immediately went down to give orders.

Soon, the speed of the 10,000 vanguard cavalry slowed down, giving the illusion that the horse was exhausted.

"Look, General, the speed of the enemy's charge has slowed down." On the chariot of the Chinese army, the general next to Song Tonghao pointed to the slow-moving vanguard iron cavalry and said loudly.

"Okay, great!"

Song Tonghao was full of excitement and said, "Quick, send orders to the front troops on both sides to speed up the closing of the encirclement. We must not give Lu Bu a chance to break through."


The order went down, and the speed of the front troops on both sides, which had already begun to encircle, accelerated.

But with this acceleration, there were some flaws in the defense of the outermost military formation.

It's just that the current Song Tonghao is intent on killing Lu Bu and the ten thousand vanguard cavalry, and he doesn't care about it at all.

"General, the enemy has accelerated the encirclement, and it will be successful in a quarter of an hour." The lieutenant went to Lu Bu to report again.

"Don't worry about them, continue to charge at the current speed!" Lu Bu ordered.

The lieutenant opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything and took the order.


The 10,000 Pioneer Iron Cavalry were still charging forward under the leadership of Lu Bu. Although their speed was reduced a bit, they were still as if they were no one.

The slaughter is still one-sided!

At the same time, Lu Bu turned his head to look in the direction of Ximen behind him, smiled coldly, and said, "It's time to come!"

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