The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 930: A Reckless and Reckless Man?

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"Hmph, Lu Bu, I'm going to see how long you can be majestic!"

On the chariot of the Chinese army, Song Tonghao looked at the front troops on both sides who were about to complete the encirclement, and then looked at Lu Bu, who was still charging with cavalry, with a sneer on his face.

Even in his heart, he was still laughing at Lu Bu's stupidity.

If Lu Bu chose to break out of the encirclement now, with the cavalry's charging ability, there would still be a great chance of breaking out of the encirclement. After all, the encirclement had not yet been completed.

But now Lu Bu still chose to lead the iron cavalry to charge forward, which is completely courting death.

Because after a while, the consumption of these iron cavalry is too high, and if the encirclement is successful, the road behind will be completely blocked. At that time, it will be even more difficult to break through the encirclement.

"Courageous and foolhardy, after all, it's a waste!"

Song Tonghao smiled coldly.

"General, there is news from the front that General Lu Bu led 10,000 vanguard cavalry into a tight siege, should we send troops to rescue?"

At the west gate, Meng Taoming, who was temporarily in command of the trap camp, had a lieutenant beside him to report the battle situation ahead.

"Stuck in a siege?"

Meng Taoming's face was full of doubts. The vanguard iron cavalry led by Lv Bu used the same fine iron stone as the trapped camp to make armor. Coupled with the ability of the cavalry to charge, how could it be trapped in a siege?

Not to mention, General Lu Bu is not a reckless and reckless man, how could he be surrounded by 10,000 elite vanguard cavalry?

After thinking for a while, he said, "Are you sure you are caught in a tight siege?"

The lieutenant said: "It can be confirmed, but now the charge of the vanguard iron cavalry led by General Lu Bu has not stopped, so..."

"Tap Tap"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sound of iron cavalry charging from outside the city.

"This is……"

The lieutenant was full of doubts, and when he was about to speak, Meng Taoming suddenly laughed: "General Lu's hand has wiped out all hope for Song Tonghao!"


What the hell is going on? ' the lieutenant asked suspiciously.

Meng Taoming looked at the rest of the loyal and righteous cavalry who rushed into the city and went directly to the center of the city, with a smile on his face, and said: "Song Tonghao's army is now fully encircling the 10,000 pioneer iron cavalry led by General Lu Bu. The cavalry eats it."

"But I never thought that General Lu Bu's real killer move was not the 10,000 Pioneer Cavalry, but the remaining 290,000 Loyalty Cavalry."

"Right now, Song Tonghao's front army is besieging General Lu Bu and the 10,000 vanguard cavalry. Now the 290,000 loyal cavalry is charging, and the enemy can't stop it!"

The lieutenant understood immediately after hearing it, and exclaimed in shock: "If it can't be stopped, then Song Tonghao's more than 2 million infantrymen will face the charge of 300,000 iron cavalry, so he can only wait to die?"

"That's right!"

Meng Taoming nodded and said, "Now, Song Tonghao can only wait to die!"

Although an army of two million is a lot, it also depends on what kind of army it is facing.

More than two million infantry, facing the charge of 300,000 elite iron cavalry, and the infantry are not paying attention to the periphery, it is almost equivalent to waiting to die.

Meng Taoming sighed in his heart. It was rumored that General Lu Bu was the number one general in the Nanyan Kingdom. The emphasis was on generals, and no one ever said that he was handsome.

But now it seems that General Lu Bu is also a handsome man.

No wonder His Majesty took it so seriously.


The remaining 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry, led by Wu Song, shouted loudly to kill, and rushed directly to the enemy army camp in the center of the city.

Wu Song was trained in Zhang Han's shadow guard before, but later, Lu Bu found that he was unusually brave and a good general, so he asked for it from Zhang Han.

Now the official position in the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry is Lv Bu's lieutenant.

"what sound?"

The screams of the 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry were so loud that Song Tonghao, who was sitting firmly in the Chinese army chariot, could hear it.

Some of the lieutenants around him looked at me and I looked at you, and they all looked confused, and they didn't know what the sound was.

"boom blah blah"

At this moment, they suddenly felt the earth shaking.

"What's the matter? Is there an earthquake?" Several lieutenants said strangely.

"No, it's not an earthquake!"

Song Tonghao stood up abruptly, stared at the west gate city wall, uncontrollable fear appeared in his eyes, and said with a trembling voice, "This... this is the sound of cavalry charging."

"Cavalry charge? Lu Bu's cavalry are all here, how can there be cavalry charge? How can this..."

Before one of the lieutenants could finish speaking, he was suddenly stunned, and exclaimed in shock, "There are only 10,000 iron cavalry surrounded, but Lu Bu has 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry, isn't it..."


The heads of all Nagasawa Castle generals on the chariot roared, as if struck by lightning.

They thought of a very important thing. There were 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry of Lu Bu, and now only 10,000 people are charging under the leadership of Lu Bu.

And they also ordered the front troops on both sides of the defense to surround Lu Bu's 10,000 people under Song Tonghao's order, and the remaining 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry, if they charge at this time, what will they use to resist?

"Great... Great General..."

All the lieutenants' eyes were locked on Song Tonghao at once, and their expressions were more or less fearful.

But there is still hope in his eyes, hoping that Song Tonghao can have a way to turn the corner and save them from dying without a place to die under the charge of 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry.

But at this time Song Tonghao was not as good as them.

Now his face was pale, and he couldn't help saying: "It's over, it's over, it's over."

At this time, he still didn't understand, and from the very beginning he fell into Lu Bu's strategy.

All the attention was attracted by the 10,000 vanguard cavalry, and he tried every means to surround and kill the 10,000 vanguard cavalry, so that the front troops on both sides of the defense were directly involved in the siege.

This instantly broke most of the defenses on the periphery. At this time, the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry charged again, what did he use to stop it?

Even, the reason why Lu Bu violently beheaded several of his generals was to make himself angry.

The reason why he brought the vanguard iron cavalry to the central army was to make himself think that Lu Bu's purpose was his Chinese army chariot, and the purpose was to force his front army to mobilize both sides to surround and kill him.

In this way, it gave the following 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry a chance to kill them.

Thinking about how he used to scold Lu Bu for being a reckless and reckless man before, but now Lu Bu is using actual combat to tell him who is the reckless and reckless man.

Not even brave enough.

Song Tonghao's smile was very bitter, some miserable, and more desperate.

The former army formations on both sides were destroyed by himself, and it was almost impossible to join and block the 290,000 loyal and righteous iron cavalry.


Lu Bu, who was leading the charge of the leading iron cavalry towards the Chinese chariot, heard the voice and had a smile on his face.

This battle, which has only begun now, will end soon.

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