The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 931: The Threat of the Bed Crossbow

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From the very beginning, Lu Bu's purpose with the ten thousand vanguard cavalry was not to compete with Song Tonghao's two million army.

Because that's totally courting death.

Every fool knows that it is impossible for 10,000 elite cavalry to defeat an army of 2 million.

Because two million people are too many, 10,000 iron cavalry do not have so much physical strength to kill.

No matter how well the cavalry can restrain the infantry, no matter how well-equipped the cavalry is, it is impossible.

The gap in numbers is simply too great, not to mention the existence of an army formation.

But 10,000 well-equipped vanguard iron cavalry plus Lu Bu, the unparalleled fierce general, is enough to disrupt the enemy's front.

Because their armor is made of fine iron and stone, there is no need to worry about bows and crossbows, unless the enemy can quickly form a formation with bed crossbows, or it is impossible to encircle them.

But they don't have so much time.

From the destruction of the west gate to the gathering of the army in the barracks, the time will not exceed half an hour. It is already very good to be able to condense into a bow and crossbow array. If you want to condense a bed and crossbow array, it will take at least another hour.

And this was Lv Bu's chance to disrupt the enemy's front line with his vanguard cavalry dressed in fine iron and stone armor, and then charge directly to the Chinese chariot.

In this way, the enemy army commander will definitely think that these ten thousand vanguard iron cavalry are trying to kill them, and they will find a way to ensure their own safety.

The best way is to surround yourself with 10,000 pioneers and iron riders in the center, and then slowly surround them.

In this way, the front troops on both sides must be moved to defend the periphery, otherwise the speed of the encirclement will be very slow, enough for the iron cavalry to break through.

And as soon as the front lines on both sides move, the bow and crossbow formations used to target the cavalry will also change with the line, so they can't assemble to attack the periphery in an instant.

Lu Bu's 10,000 pioneer cavalry had armor made of fine iron and stone, so they could not be afraid of bow and crossbow formations, but the 290,000 loyal cavalry behind them did not.

The bow and crossbow formation poses a great threat to them.

But after such actions by Lu Bu,

The enemy's bow and crossbow formation has changed, and it is difficult to cause much threat to the loyal and righteous cavalry behind.

In this case, if there are 290,000 elite loyal and righteous iron cavalry charging at the periphery, they can easily tear through the enemy's army and slaughter wildly in the army of more than two million.

The 10,000 elite vanguard cavalry cannot defeat the two million army, but once the 300,000 elite loyalist cavalry takes shape, defeating the two million army is simply easy.

This is Lu Bu's chance.

But there was something that surprised him.

Originally, Lü Bu thought that Song Tonghao would think that he still had 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry that he did not use. Even if he moved the front troops on both sides, he would still leave some precautions, lest he be charged by another 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry.

But he didn't expect that Song Tonghao was so direct. In order to surround himself, he directly ordered the front troops on both sides to encircle at the fastest speed. He didn't even think about defending the remaining 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry.

Even Song Tonghao may have forgotten that he still has 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry.

That being the case, Lu Bu could only say that Song Tonghao was stupid.

Right now, he has no chance.

"Loyalty iron cavalry, charge!"


Wu Song brought 290,000 all the way to the front of the enemy's formation, without being hindered at all.

This made Wu Song even feel a little strange. Why didn't the enemy troops attack them?

But he didn't think about anything, and directly ordered the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry to charge.


The 290,000 loyal and righteous cavalry instantly accelerated and charged directly into the enemy formation.

Those infantrymen had just received the order to encircle the 10,000 vanguard cavalry inside, and there would be other cavalrymen in the rear at this time, and it was too late to do anything to resist.

He could only watch the terrifying torrent of cavalry rushing over and drown himself in this terrifying torrent.


The Zhongyi iron cavalry, carrying the charge, instantly broke through the front of the enemy's army, came towards Lu Bu's vanguard iron cavalry, and merged with Lu Bu's vanguard iron cavalry.

Without any hesitation, Lu Bu immediately condensed the loyal and righteous cavalry into an army formation with himself and the vanguard cavalry as arrows, and charged directly in the direction of the Chinese chariot.

Previously, there were only 10,000 vanguard cavalry, far from the current power of 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry.

The terrifying iron cavalry charged, and those infantrymen dared to resist, and many people chose to flee back.

But this escape made it easier for the iron cavalry to charge, and the slaughter was even more violent.

In just a short while, he had already broken through the first line of defense of the Chinese army and charged directly to the second line of defense.

"Shoot the arrow, drop the arrow, drop the arrow!"

On the Chinese army chariot, Song Tonghao roared wildly.

The bowmen in the central army formed an arrow formation and quickly shot out waves of arrows that covered Lu Bu's 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry.

But most of these arrow rains hit the front-most vanguard cavalry and were bounced off by the armor on them.

Only a few far away landed on the Zhongyi iron cavalry wearing ordinary armor behind, but the number was too small, and the effect was extremely poor.


Song Tonghao looked at him with anger on his face, but more panic in his eyes.

He knew very well that once Lu Bu's iron cavalry rushed to the front of the Chinese chariot under such circumstances, there was only a dead end waiting for him.

Surrender doesn't work!

Because he already understood, Guo Jia chose to write down the imperial decree to make them surrender, and at the same time quickly recruited Wen Chou to attack Nagasawa City without giving them a chance.

The real purpose is not to make them surrender, the purpose is just to break Nagasawa Castle.

"Great... Great General, I... what should we do?"

The lieutenant beside Song Tonghao asked again.

Compared to just now, the voices of these lieutenants were trembling and fearful this time.

Because they have seen 300,000 loyal and righteous iron cavalry charge their infantry, and the damage caused is terrifying.


Taking a deep breath, Song Tonghao stabilized his freshman, looked at a soldier beside him and asked, "How are the preparations for the bed crossbow array?"

"Half prepared, there are more than 100 crossbows that can be used."

"Can't wait, order them to fire arrows immediately, and be sure to block the enemy's iron cavalry."


Song Tonghao ordered to go, and the bed crossbow array next to the Chinese army chariot immediately reflected.

"Boom boom boom!"

More than a hundred crossbows reflected in unison, and the sounds gathered together to form a deafening roar.

"Bed crossbow!"

Lu Bu's eyes locked on the position of the bed crossbow array, and his eyes were condensed.

The armor of the Pioneer Cavalry can block the shot of the bow and crossbow, but it cannot block the shot of the crossbow.

It's not that the strength is not enough, it's mainly because the impact force brought by the bed crossbow is too great, and the soldiers in the armor can't stand the impact force and will be directly killed in the armor.

But he didn't have any choice, the loyal cavalry could not retreat because the bed crossbow was in front.

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