The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 932 The 00,000 army was destroyed in one day!

Huge crossbow bolts fell from the sky and landed on the front of the vanguard of the iron cavalry army.

Bang bang bang!

Many iron knights were knocked away by the huge impact and fell to the ground dead.

Under a salvo, more than 300 people lost.

The number of people seemed small, but blood was dripping in Lu Bu's heart. Pioneer cavalry was the most elite part of the loyal cavalry. Everyone was one of a kind, very precious.

Song Tonghao in the Chinese army chariot was full of excitement when he saw it.

Facing Lu Bu's iron cavalry, he finally had a way to deal with it.

Although the loss of this round of salvos to the enemy was not large, the effect was excellent, proving that the dark green armor could not block the shot of the bed crossbow.

"Quick, order the soldiers in charge of the bed crossbow to reload at the fastest speed, and launch the second round of salvos as soon as possible. Be sure to restrain the enemy cavalry!" Song Tonghao immediately ordered.


The lieutenant went down immediately to give orders.

At this time, Lu Bu looked at the direction where the arrows were shot from before, with a grim expression on his face, and said loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, aim at the enemy's bed and crossbow array, and all arrows will be fired!"



All the soldiers of the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry took out their equipped bows and crossbows, aimed at the enemy's bed and crossbow array, and fired arrows in unison.

In an instant, a terrifying rain of arrows took shape, instantly covering the enemy's bed and crossbow position.

Puff puff!

The rain of arrows fell, and the sound of sharp knives piercing into the flesh instantly sounded on the crossbow position, which made people's scalp numb.

The soldiers in charge of the bed crossbows, without exception, all turned into hedgehogs, fell on the bed crossbows.



Song Tonghao scolded and said, "Where are the shield soldiers? Where are the shield soldiers who are responsible for protecting the bed crossbow position? Where are they?"

"General... General, they have just reached the front line of the Chinese army, and they have been broken through by the loyal cavalry." The lieutenant standing beside Song Tonghao said cautiously.


Cursing angrily, Song Tonghao looked at the bed and crossbow position like hell on earth with an ugly face.

Once the bed crossbow array loses its function, it means that he has no way to face the charge of Lu Bu's loyal iron cavalry, which is absolutely impossible!

"Quick, send someone to regain control of the bed crossbow position. Be sure to let the bed crossbow position play its effect as soon as possible and shoot the enemy." Song Tonghao ordered immediately.

"But General, if you let the soldiers in now, Lu Bu will definitely order the horse and shoot again. Then we..."

"Whoever dares to disobey, kill without mercy!"

Before the lieutenant could finish speaking, Song Tonghao's gloomy voice came out.

The lieutenant trembled and did not dare to say more, and immediately went down and arranged for someone to enter the position.

Under the order of Song Tonghao's "disobedient, kill Wushe", a group of soldiers soon entered the bed crossbow position, trying to control these bed crossbows again.

"Fire arrows!"

But at this moment, Lu Bu shouted again, loyal and righteous iron cavalry, all arrows were fired at once.

That dreadful rain of arrows has appeared again!

With the piercing sound of breaking through the air, arrows rained down, and the group of soldiers who had just entered the crossbow position became hedgehogs again.

"Go up, go up to Ben!"

Song Tonghao was unmoved when he saw it, and roared at the soldiers under his command.

In his eyes, if he could attract Lu Bu's firepower and prepare the rear army for battle, he would not be able to compete with Lu Bu.

It's just that this calculation of his has already been seen through by Lu Bu.

After this shot, Lu Bu Fangtian waved his halberd and said loudly, "Charge!"

He directly led the loyal and righteous iron cavalry behind him, taking advantage of the fact that the bed crossbow position could not function for a short time, and carried out a deadly charge.


The heads of the enemy soldiers flew up again.

Blood was continuously sprayed from the necks of these headless corpses, flowing on the ground, dyeing the ground blood red.

The war horse stepped on the blood, and the sound was like passing through a river.

This is a real river of blood!

"Block, block."

"Hurry up!"

Song Tonghao saw,

Roaring madly.

Hearing his order, the soldiers rushed forward, trying to block the charge of the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry, but in the end they could only turn into a corpse, adding one more point for Cheng He's blood.


These soldiers did not hinder Lü Bu and the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry in the slightest.

Under the leadership of Lu Bu, the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry was still on the charge, but the difference was that their direction had changed.

The direction of the previous charge was the Chinese chariots, but now their target has become the bed crossbow position.

Lu Bu's purpose is very simple. The biggest threat to his iron cavalry is the bed crossbow. As long as the bed crossbow position is destroyed, he can continue to charge with the iron cavalry and kill the enemy.

It's not too late to kill Song Tonghao at that time.

"Lu Bu wants to..."

Song Tonghao was shocked when he saw this scene. He instantly understood Lu Bu's plan, and his face became even paler.

Once the bed crossbow position is destroyed, then he really has no way to stop these iron cavalry.

At that time, you really just have to wait to die.

"Big... General, what should we do now?" asked the lieutenant next to Song Tonghao.

Song Tonghao didn't answer immediately, but stared at the direction of the charge of Zhongyi's iron cavalry.

Under his gaze, the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry quickly rushed into the bed crossbow position.

Then, he saw that the bows and crossbows in the position were destroyed by the loyal iron cavalry led by Lu Bu, and they were broken into pieces, and they were no longer useful.

Song Tonghao closed his eyes, the crossbow was destroyed, and the only thing aimed at the loyal cavalry was gone.


On the Chinese army chariot, all the lieutenants looked at Song Tonghao with anxious expressions.

Now that the crossbow position has been destroyed, you don't need to think about it and know that Lu Bu will definitely not let them go.

"Look for an opportunity...break...break through!"

With a long sigh, Song Tonghao ordered to go down.

Because of the wrong decision, just facing the attack of the loyal and righteous iron cavalry, our side is already in chaos, and there is no resistance.

If they waited until Gao Shun's million infantry entered the city, they would have no chance.

Although Song Tonghao was very unwilling to retreat like this, he had to accept this reality.

Because this is the result of his own creation, if it wasn't for being dazzled by anger, Lu Bu's 10,000 vanguard iron cavalry, who were surrounded by the front troops on both sides, would not have been defeated so quickly.

Even, he is very likely to rely on the terrain advantages of the barracks and Gao Shun to fight back and forth. Even if he finally chooses to surrender, he will still have the ability to show it, so that he will not be looked down upon.

But now...

Even if he wanted to surrender, it was unlikely that Gao Shun would accept it.

Can only choose to break through.

Those lieutenants had mixed expressions when they heard it. Song Tonghao's order basically meant that he had given up his resistance and planned to give up Nagasawa Castle.

This made it difficult for some generals to accept.

But more people were relieved.

The Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is dead, even if they stay here, it is useless, why should they work hard for a ruined kingdom.


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