The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 933 General Song, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

Song Tonghao let out a long sigh, and immediately took his own soldiers out of the chariot of the Chinese army and went to the rear army.

Then, with his own direct line troops, he quickly retreated to the east gate.

He is also smart, knowing that Lu Bu's iron cavalry came in through the west gate, the east gate must be the most unlikely city gate to be controlled, and now there is definitely a chance to break through the east gate.

The rest of the generals of Nagasawa City also brought their troops with them and prepared to evacuate.

"General, Song Tonghao and his generals are no longer on the enemy's Chinese chariot."

Wu Song, who had just destroyed the enemy's bed and crossbow position, said to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu looked at the chariot of the Chinese army, and sure enough, there were no Song Tonghao and his lieutenants on it, only a few low-level generals were on it to stabilize the heart of the army.

"Hmph, it's quite decisive, running so decisively!"

Lu Bu snorted coldly.

But I have to say that Song Tonghao's ability to fight against himself was not very good, and his ability to escape is not small.

Very clever, leaving a few generals to command the army, so that the army will not be defeated in an instant, and can continue to resist Lu Bu and the Zhongyi Iron Cavalry.

So that Lu Bu could not lead his troops to hunt them down.

If only Lu Bu and Zhongyi Iron Cavalry attacked Changze City this time, it might be possible that Song Tonghao and those generals would run away.

but now……

Lu Bu smiled coldly, Song Tonghao ah Song Tonghao, you won't know what despair is until later.

Instead of leading troops to hunt down Song Tonghao, he continued to lead the loyal and righteous iron cavalry to attack the enemy's army formation, destroying the enemy's combat effectiveness, and at the same time waiting for the follow-up army to come to receive these descendants.

On Song Tonghao's side, he brought his 200,000 direct line troops in addition to the Huo Lin army to the east gate at the fastest speed.

"Quickly open the city gate!"

Song Tonghao sent someone to shout at the general defending the east gate.

"General, do we want to attack now?" On the city wall, the general who was supposed to be the defender of the east gate had completely turned into a corpse.

It was replaced by Gao Shun and the 30,000 trapped camp.

Gao Shun looked at Song Tonghao who was leading the army below and wanted to break through the east gate, waved his hand, and said, "Open the city gate."


When Wen Chou next to Gao Shun heard this, he was stunned for a moment. When he was about to ask something, Gao Shun said again, "Open the city gate!"

Gao Shun was puzzled, but he did not disobey Gao Shun's order and immediately opened the city gate.

Song Tonghao was relieved when he saw the east gate slowly opening, and secretly said that it was okay, the east gate was in the hands of his army.

"The whole army obeys the order and leaves from the east gate as quickly as possible."


After Song Tonghao gave the order, he let his own soldiers open the way, he immediately followed and went out of the east gate.

Behind him are his 200,000 direct line troops, who also quickly left the east gate.

The gate of Changze City is very large, and the roads are very wide. The army leaves very fast, and there are at least 80,000 to 90,000 people who leave soon.

On the city wall, Wen Chou, who was beside Gao Shun, looked anxious.

What was the general thinking? How do you watch the enemy retreat from the east gate? Doesn't he want to capture Song Tonghao and make a great contribution?

When he was in a hurry, Gao Shun opened his mouth and said, "Send the order to immediately put down the Dragon Gate Stone and completely block the east gate of Changze City."

The Dragon Gate Stone is the lock stone that almost all the cities in the Kyushu mainland will get.

The stone is very hard. Once put down, it will completely block the stone door. It is basically impossible to open it in a short time.

Only the extremely powerful warriors are smashed with powerful infuriating energy.

However, there are military formations on the cities of the mainland of Kyushu, and it is difficult for warriors to smash the Dragon Gate Stone even if they are close to the city.

Therefore, the Dragon Gate Stone played a great role in the battle of the Kyushu Continent Kingdom. Once the defending side put down the Dragon Gate Stone, it could delay the speed of the enemy's attack.

Right now, Gao Shun ordered the Dragon Gate Stone to be put down because he wanted to block the east gate and prevent the soldiers inside from continuing to break through from this direction.

Wen Chou was shocked when he heard it. He didn't expect that Gao Shun would be so decisive and put the Dragon Gate Stone directly.

But also curious,

Why didn't you let it go before, and waited until Song Tonghao left.

However, he also knew that now was not a good time to ask these questions, and immediately took someone to put down the Dragon Gate Stone.


With a loud noise, the huge dragon gate stone fell, directly blocking the entire east gate.

At the moment of falling, there were still many enemy soldiers standing below, all of which were pressed under the Longmen Stone and turned into meat sauce.

"what's the situation?"

Song Tonghao, who had left Changze City with the 80,000 to 90,000 in front of him, was shocked and asked anxiously when he heard the voice.

"General, it seems that the dragon gate stone of the east gate has been put down." The personal soldiers around him immediately said.

"Dragon Gate Stone?"

Hearing this, Song Tonghao suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

At the same time, on the city wall of the east gate behind, the light suddenly increased, and a flag was erected.

"That is……"

Song Tonghao's eyes narrowed, and he said in shock, "Catch the banner of the camp!"

"Gao Shun is actually here?"

The flag of the army is often where the main general is. The flag of the fallen camp now appears on the city wall of the east gate of Changze City, which means that Gao Shun is on the wall of the east gate.

Song Tonghao knew that the trap camp had entered the city, and after previous mistakes that led to the disastrous defeat of the army, he also thought about it a little more, and thought that the reason why the trap camp did not appear on the battlefield might be to control other city gates.

So he chose the East Gate to break out of the encirclement, because the East Gate is the farthest from the West Gate, and it is not so fast to fall into the camp.

But what's going on now? Why is Gao Shun at the East Gate?

More importantly, when Gao Shun was here, why would he let himself go?

Song Tonghao didn't believe that Gao Shun arrived after he left.

"General Song, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Just when he was wondering, a chuckle suddenly came from the front.


When the sound fell, a light suddenly appeared in front of Song Tonghao's army. Not far from him, soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom stood, holding torches high in their hands.

The leader is a young man dressed in a scholar's robe, sitting on a war horse, looking at himself with a smile.

"Guo Jia!"

Song Tonghao had never met Guo Jia, but at the first sight of this young man, he could conclude that it was Guo Jia.

Then, there was fear in his heart, and he said in shock: "How did you know that I would break through from here?"

"This matter still needs General Song to come to my camp to talk about it. When that time comes, I will have a good talk with General Song." Guo Jia laughed loudly.

"You think I'm a fool?"

"Is it okay in your camp?"

Song Tonghao looked at the torches that lit up in front of him, and made a rough estimate in his mind that the army was no less than 200,000. If all his troops came out, it would be fine.

Less than half of Guo Jia's army.

Once played, the odds of winning are extremely low.

But he didn't want to let him get away with it.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Song Tonghao said loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, break through from the left, hurry up!"


He decided to fight, after all, it was night, and there was still a possibility of breaking through.

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