The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 937 Two glasses of poisonous wine in front of Yue Fei

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At this moment, Zhen just hurried to Lu Feng's side.

He glanced at Tong Yuan one more time, and his heart was not in general shock, but he could feel Tong Yuan's realm far surpassing himself.

But now he was standing respectfully behind Lu Feng, how could he not be shocked?

However, he didn't ask more, just quickly handed the secret report from Jin Yiwei to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng took it, looked at it, and immediately frowned.

The spies arranged by Jin Yiwei in the army of the Liyang Dynasty came to the news that Le Chongjin received the death order of the Liyang Dynasty, told him the changes in the Hongbao Kingdom, and at the same time told him to take down Lianyun Road at all costs and block it. The road from Nanyan Kingdom to Zonglan Kingdom.

Le Chongjin immediately recruited 200,000 elites from the army of 1.5 million and rushed to Lianyun Dao at the fastest speed.

Right now, it is less than half an hour away from Lianyun Dao.

The remaining 1.3 million troops followed.

"Send this news to Yue Fei immediately and let him get ready." Lu Feng ordered immediately.


"In addition, send an order to Zhou Yu, the sailor must speed up!"


Really just went down immediately to give orders.

"Liyang Dynasty, Liyang Dynasty, you want to seal the Nanyan Kingdom, but I won't let you do!"

Muttering in a low voice, Lu Feng stared in the direction of Zonglan Kingdom with a very firm gaze.


In Yue Fei's barracks, he got news from Lu Feng.

"General, what's the news from Your Majesty?" Zhang He looked at Yue Fei and asked suspiciously.

Qin Qiong and Shen Zhengwen next to him were also looking at Yue Fei.

"Your Majesty heard a secret report from Jinyiwei, and Le Chongjin dispatched 200,000 elites to rush to Lianyun Dao as quickly as possible, and now there is less than half an hour's journey away from Lianyun Dao.

"Yue Fei said.

"So fast?"

Zhang He was startled and said, "Why hasn't any news from the scouts we arranged come from?"

"Le Chongjin, the commander-in-chief of the Liyang Dynasty, is not a generalist. The scouts we sent out are no accident. They should have been all dealt with by the enemy."

Yue Fei shook his head and said, "Now we must find a way to keep the enemy from Chuanping County."

"General, the last general thinks that we should immediately send troops to seize the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road."

Shen Zhengwen stood up and said solemnly: "If this mountain falls into the hands of the Liyang Dynasty, our war on Lianyun Road will be at a disadvantage, even if His Majesty leads the navy to arrive, it will only control Lianyun Road. The left side and the right side are still in the hands of the enemy."

"At the most, the war will be balanced, and the initiative will not be taken. Therefore, the last general thought that if he wants to take the initiative in the war, he must take the mountain on the right, and only in this way can he gain the upper hand in the subsequent offensive and defensive battles. "

"General Shen's words are true, but at the end of the day, the general thinks that this arrangement is not a good plan."

As soon as Shen Zhengwen finished speaking, Qin Qiong stood up and said.

"General Qin, what do you mean by that?" Shen Zhengwen looked at Qin Qiong and said, "Could it be that we have to give up the mountain on the right?"


Qin Qiong said solemnly, "If we can master the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, we can indeed take the initiative in the battlefield, but in this way, we will lose our greatest advantage."

"Navy battleship!"

Looking at Yue Fei, Qin Qiong said solemnly, "The structure of the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road is easy for us to defend and difficult to attack, but for Zonglan Kingdom, it is easy to attack and difficult to defend."

"That high mountain, facing the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom... No, it should be called the Rainbow Leopard Fifteen Counties now, and the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom has been wiped out.

The high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road faces the 15th County of Hongbao. The terrain is steep and it is difficult to attack from this side. However, when it faces Zonglan Kingdom, it is very flat and a gentle slope. very easy. "

"If we occupy the high mountain on the right, the general of the Liyang Dynasty, Le Chongjin, is not a fool. He will definitely seize the high mountain at all costs. At that time, the main battlefield will be transferred from Lianyun Road to the high mountain on the right, but that place is far away. Evil Dragon River, naval battleships cannot provide support."

"Right now, Chuanping County only has an army of more than 600,000, while the Liyang Dynasty army has 1.5 million, and there are two to three million army of Zonglan Kingdom behind them. Their speed is very fast, it is completely possible. effective support."

"But behind us, General Gao Shun has just led his troops to break through Changze City. If we want to get to Chuanping County, it will take five or six days even if we arrive at the fastest speed. Therefore, in this respect, we are no match for the Liyang Dynasty. Army."

"So, our biggest support is the naval battleship on the Evil Dragon River. The army on the battleship can provide us with a lot of firepower support, so that the enemy cannot gather all the forces to attack Chuanping County."

"If we take the initiative to move the battlefield to the high mountain on the right, we will lose the support of the navy warships, which is definitely not the best choice for our army."

"But if we give up the mountain on the right, we will lose our offensive initiative in the follow-up battlefield." Zhang He said, "As long as Le Zhongjin firmly controls the mountain on the right, it will be able to form the advantage of high and low, just like They attacked Chuanping County, and our navy warships can support them."

"At that time, it will be too difficult for the army to attack again! The biggest possibility is to stalemate, but this is not the best choice for the subsequent development of the kingdom."

Qin Qiong sighed helplessly: "But right now we have no other choice. The Liyang Dynasty is too decisive, the army is coming too fast, and we have too few troops in our hands."

Qin Qiong's words made Zhang He and Shen Zhengwen silent. If they had one million troops, they would be able to take the initiative to move the battlefield to the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road.

Because in that case, as long as they can hold the high mountain on the right, when Gao Shun's army arrives, they will not be at a disadvantage in terms of the number of troops, and they will have a chance to fight.

But right now, the number of their troops is too inferior!

Taking the initiative to transfer the battlefield is equivalent to asking for a dead end.

However, if the battlefield is not shifted, the subsequent offensive initiative will be lost.

No matter what you choose, there will be drawbacks.

Finally, they turned their eyes to Yue Fei.

Yue Fei is the main general of the army, what should he do in the end depends on his choice.

Yue Fei did not order immediately, and fell into silence as well.

As an excellent commander, Yue Fei is naturally able to see through these situations, and he knows the two options now.

We are also aware of the drawbacks of these two options.

One is the current disadvantages, and the other is the disadvantages of future operations.

This requires him, the Lord, to make a choice in the future, whether to choose the current disadvantages or the disadvantages of future warfare.

This made Yue Fei a little difficult to handle.

It is equivalent to placing two glasses of poisonous wine in front of him, one is a strong poisonous wine, and you will die after drinking it; one is a chronic poisonous wine, which will slowly eat away your body.

It can be said to be the wrong choice to choose that, but you have to make a choice.

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