The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 938 Yue Fei's Choice

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Yue Fei didn't speak for a long time, but just stared at the map in front of him, which marked where the enemy and our troops were now.

At present, the advantage is naturally that the Nanyan Kingdom is larger and can easily occupy the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, but this advantage may also become a failure to ruin everything.

"and many more……"

Suddenly, Yue Fei's eyes narrowed, and he stared at the Evil Dragon River on the map, or more accurately, at the riverside of the Evil Dragon River close to Zonglan Kingdom.

"Haha, in this way, everything will be fine!" Yue Fei suddenly laughed loudly.

"General, what do you mean by that?"

Qin Qiong, Zhang He, Shen Zhengwen and the three looked at Yue Fei suspiciously, not understanding why he suddenly laughed loudly.

With a smile on his face, Yue Fei pointed to the Evil Dragon River on the map, and said: "We have been worried before, if we choose to stick to Lianyun Road and take advantage of the advantages of naval battleships to fight the enemy, we will lose the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road. , lose the initiative to follow-up take the initiative."

"But we forgot one thing."

"What's up?"

"The current Evil Dragon River is no longer the previous Evil Dragon River." Yue Fei shook his head and said: "There are no dragons that can hinder the passage of naval battleships in the Evil Dragon River today. We are completely in control. the entire Evil Dragon River."

"In this case, the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, and even the strategic significance of Lianyun Road has dropped very, very much."

Qin Qiong was stunned, looked at the map, and suddenly said, "General, are you planning to shift the direction of the follow-up army to take the initiative to attack from Lianyun Road to the Evil Dragon River near the Zonglan Kingdom?"


Yue Fei was very satisfied with Qin Qiong's response, nodded and said, "In this way, we have control of the Evil Dragon River, and with navy warships in control of the waters, we can transfer the battlefield to the river beach, and let the army land on the river beach at that time. , navy warship cover, there is a 70% chance to complete the combat mission."

"Therefore, at the moment we don't need to fight for the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road for the initiative of the follow-up war. We only need to control Chuanping County to ensure that the enemy cannot attack from Lianyun Road, and we only need to persist until the general's army. When support arrives, you will be able to control the initiative on the battlefield!"

Qin Qiong heard several people,

They all fully understood, and said in unison, "We are not as good as generals!"

When the three of them still set their sights on Lianyun Road, Yue Fei had already set his sights on the entire front. This alone was far ahead of the three of them.

Yue Fei didn't say any more, and immediately started to set up defenses.

In this situation, defense is the best option.

Half an hour passed quickly.

The army of 200,000 pioneers arranged by Le Zhongjin arrived at Lianyun Road.

"General, the spies are here to report that the enemy general Yue Fei has set up adequate defenses on the only way from Chuanping County to Lianyun Road to guard against our attack." The spies came to the vanguard general and reported.

The general who led the 200,000 vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty was named Chu Feipei.

There are also some reputations in the Liyang Dynasty, and their abilities are not weak.

When Chu Feipei heard the report from the spies, he immediately smiled disdainfully, and said, "Before the general came, let me be careful about Yue Fei, saying that according to the dynasty's intelligence, Yue Fei is a powerful general and should not be underestimated. Now it seems that it is an exaggeration!"

"Why did the general say this?" The lieutenant next to him looked at Chu Feipei with some doubts.

"Look at..."

Pointing to the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, Chu Feipei said: "Before we came, we discussed with the general and we are very aware of the importance of this high mountain. It is necessary to arrange hundreds of thousands of crossbowmen on it to completely seal Lian Yundao and take the initiative in the entire battlefield."

"Before I came, the general told me that if Yue Fei captured the mountain on this side, he would have to suspend the attack until the army in the rear arrived, and then attack the mountain. First, seize the commanding heights, and then attack Lianyundao."

"You know, I was already prepared for a fierce battle, but now I never thought that Yue Fei of the Nanyan Kingdom would be such a waste, so incompetent, to give up such a good strategic location. ."

"Right now, those troops in Chuanping County are like a bunch of stupid pigs waiting to die, just kill them!"

"That is, what is there to value in a mere kingdom general? It's just trash, it's not comparable to a general at all!" A lieutenant behind Chu Feipei immediately echoed.

With a smile on Chu Feipei's face, he agreed with the lieutenant's words.

Staring in the direction of Chuanping County again, he smiled coldly and said, "Go on, let the army immediately pass through Lianyun Road and attack Chuanping County!"


Another lieutenant looked at Chu Feipei and said, "General, our vanguard army has spent a lot of physical strength on the road for a long time. Should we let the army rest for an hour before attacking Chuanping County?"

"There's no need for that."

Chu Feipei waved his hand directly and said, "A general who can't snatch a strategically important place, what kind of defense do you expect him to be able to set up?"

"Right now, even an army with physical exhaustion can easily defeat Yue Fei!"

The lieutenant who opened his mouth heard it and thought about it for a while. Also, what kind of ability can a general who can't even grab a strategically important place? How could it be his own opponent?

Not much to say.

After Chu Feipei's order went down, the Liyang Dynasty's 200,000 vanguard army immediately advanced to Chuanping County.

It has to be said that the army of the Liyang Dynasty is really good. If the general army consumes part of its physical strength, it will definitely cause some confusion in the formation if they launch an attack.

But the army of the Liyang Dynasty was still able to maintain its formation, and quickly changed to an offensive formation to go to Chuanping County.

"General, the enemy is attacking!"

In the defense line of Chuanping County, Yue Fei sat in the chariot of the Chinese army.

He heard the report from his subordinates, frowned slightly, and said, "Attack so soon? Where did the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty come to rest? Could it be that Chu Feipei attacked directly with the vanguard army that consumed a lot of physical strength?"

Everyone in command of the army knows that it is a very stupid thing to rashly launch an attack when the soldiers are tired.

The Kyushu mainland army usually relies on the army to fight in order to limit the attack of the enemy's martial arts masters.

The formation of the army formation depends on the soldiers' killing spirit, and when the killing spirit is strong, the army formation is strong.

However, in order to condense the killing spirit of the soldiers to form an army formation, what is needed is the courage of the soldiers not to be afraid of fighting. Only an army with courage can easily form an army formation with unparalleled combat power.

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