The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 939 The Elite Dynasty Army

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As the so-called, again and again, again and again, three and exhausted, it is the courage of the army.

The first attack is very courageous. If you can win the first battle, you will be able to set the tone for victory in the war. If you can't, you need to beat the drums for the second time to attack, but the courage of the army is already in the first attack. After a lot of wear and tear, the attack cannot be as sharp as the first attack; if the second attack is still not successful, the third attack cannot be carried out again.

Because after the second stop, the army's combat courage was gone, and the third drumming to launch the attack, the army lost its combat courage, and it was difficult to form an army formation.

In this case, nine out of ten battles!

Tired soldiers often have difficulty maintaining their fighting courage at their peak.

Letting tired soldiers fight is equivalent to skipping the normal 'repeated' and entering a state of 'repeated'.

It is undoubtedly a very wrong thing to let soldiers in this state attack an army with high morale and a solid formation.

At present, the Liyang Dynasty army launched an attack in this state, making Yue Fei a little confused.

"Strange, according to Jinyiwei's information, although the enemy vanguard general Chu Feipei is not as good as the general of Le Zhongjin, he is also a famous general in the Liyang Dynasty army, and his ability is not weak, how could he make such a stupid mistake? " Zhang He next to him also had a strange expression on his face.

Yue Fei thought about it for a while, but really couldn't understand it, so he didn't think much about it, and asked, "How is the defensive front?"

"It has been completely formed, and it can definitely block anyone's attack!" Qin Qiong said immediately.

Fortunately, Yue Fei had already started to arrange defense matters when he came to Chuanping County, otherwise he would not be able to build a defensive front in a short period of time.

Nodding his head, Yue Fei said: "Go down and prepare the army for battle. Never let the enemy army break through the front line!"


The command went down, and the soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom who were in the defensive line immediately made preparations for battle.

Soon, the Liyang Dynasty army appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The 200,000-strong army, dressed in black armor, carried a strong killing aura, like waves.

Only in this 'wave',

But with a follow-up weakness.

It was caused by the fatigue of the soldiers and the lack of morale.

"I have to say that the Liyang Dynasty is worthy of being a dynasty. Even if the army is tired, it can still form a good offensive formation." Yue Fei looked at the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty and praised it.

As far as the armies of the kingdoms in the southwest of Yuzhou he fought against, few of them were able to do this.

Even the soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom, the regular army, except for the first Nanyan Ruishi, few can do this.

There are still some gaps between the rest of the army and the dynasty's army.

The reason is because the other armies are fighting against ordinary kingdoms in the southwest of Yuzhou. Although the combat effectiveness will improve, it will definitely not be able to compare with the dynasty.

But as long as they were given a chance to fight against the army of the dynasty, Yue Fei believed that the soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom, under the leadership of His Majesty, would definitely become more powerful than the army of the Liyang dynasty.

At the current stage, there are a lot of opportunities to fight against the dynasty army.

But what is more important now is to defeat the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty!

tuk ~ tuk...

As the horns of the attack sounded in the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty, the soldiers standing in the forefront suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Yue Fei's army formation.

When Yue Fei saw it, his eyes flashed, and he said loudly: "Send the order, the bowmen will attack immediately!"


"Bowmen obey orders!"

"Fire arrows!"


There was a piercing sound of breaking through the air in Yue Fei's army.

All arrows fired!

The rain of arrows was like a sky, blocking the sunlight in an instant, making the sky dark.



Following the order of the general who organized the charge, the charging soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty suddenly slowed down, took out shields from behind, and quickly formed a shield array to block them.

Ding Ding Ding!

The sharp arrow hit the shield, making a crisp sound.

Many sharp arrows were blocked by the shield.

Only a few sharp arrows passed through the gaps between the shields, hitting the soldier holding the shield, causing damage to the enemy.

But such a small loss is harmless to the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty.

Chu Feipei even sat in the middle army, sneered, and said, "How can a mere bow and crossbow hurt my army?"

"Send an order to let the army headed by the shield soldiers and advance steadily!"

"Let a small country like the Nanyan Kingdom see what the army of the dynasty is, and let them understand that the army of the dynasty will never be comparable to them!"

"Haha, what the general said is very true, I'll go and order!"

The lieutenant beside Chu Feipei laughed and immediately went down to give orders.

"Change formation!"

After the first wave of arrow rain, a loud voice came from the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty.


The shield soldiers at the front quickly formed a formation and were divided into five rows. The defensive formations were arranged one by one, and they advanced slowly. After each row of shield soldiers, a large number of elite soldiers with sharp blades were closely followed.

With bloodthirsty killing intent in their eyes, they couldn't wait to cut off the enemy's head with their sharp blades.

When Yue Fei saw the rapid evolution of the Liyang Dynasty's vanguard army, he sighed in his heart that the army of the Dynasty was the army of the Dynasty, and it was indeed powerful.

After the 'block' command from the general who had organized the attack earlier, the soldiers who rushed forward suddenly slowed down, and quickly took out their shields to form a defensive formation.

For this alone, among the kingdoms in the southwest of Yuzhou, no army of that kingdom can do it.

But don't underestimate this.

You must know that it is very difficult to hold a soldier in a charge state, because there are too many charging soldiers. Once the front stops and the back cannot stop, accidental injuries will be caused.

All of them don't need to fight, and their own people will be abandoned. It is already a defeat before a battle.

Not to mention, after this, the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty immediately took out their shields to form a shield array to defend against the arrow rain.

To achieve these two points, even the army in Yue Fei's hands is difficult to achieve.

This is the gap between the kingdom and the dynasty's army. To make up for this gap, it needs to go through constant battles and constant training.

After seeing the enemy's formation again, Yue Fei looked at it and ordered again: "Send the bowmen, another wave of arrows!"



In the army of Yue Feijun, the sound of sharp arrows breaking through the air sounded again.

The rain of arrows appeared again, and the sky darkened again.

"Ding ding ding."

But it fell into the enemy's advancing army, but it did not cause any damage to the enemy, and was completely blocked by the enemy's shield.

The enemy's footsteps only slowed down a little, but immediately resumed that speed, and kept advancing, constantly approaching Yue Fei's army formation.


Seeing it, Shen Zhengwen said with amazement in his eyes, "As expected of the dynasty army, it is stronger than what I heard when I was studying at the Kingdom College."

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