
Chu Feipei finally reacted. Seeing that the defensive formation of the shield soldiers in front was broken, he was shocked and angry in his heart.

Surprisingly, the catapults of the Nanyan Kingdom turned out to be so powerful. The shield array that could block the shot of the bed crossbow was actually unable to block the bombardment of the catapults.

He was angry that his arrangement had failed miserably, which made him very angry.

"Send an order to ask the bowmen to fight back immediately. Yue Fei's army must be suppressed in the army formation!"

Chu Feipei's order was passed on immediately.

But before the bowmen received the order, it was suddenly dark again.

"This is……"

Everyone looked up, and when they saw the thing that darkened the sky, their eyes were filled with fear.

It was a terrifying rain of arrows!

These people quickly find a place to hide.

"Puff puff!"

But before they could find a place, a rain of arrows poured down.

Pieces of soldiers from the Liyang Dynasty fell to the ground and were killed by a rain of arrows.

This is a crossbowman in Yue Fei's army. After the catapult broke through the enemy's shield formation, he immediately obeyed the order to shoot arrows.

Without the shield soldiers to protect the troops of the Liyang Dynasty, these soldiers walking on the road of charging are living targets, and they can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

But with every step, thousands of soldiers fell.

In order to defend against the attack of the Liyang Dynasty army, the bowmen of Yue Fei's army formation reached a terrifying 200,000.

That's just the archers, not the cribs and the catapult armies.

The rain of arrows composed of 200,000 archers was like a head harvesting machine, frantically taking away the lives of the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty.

But the army of the Liyang Dynasty was worthy of being the elite, and no one took a step back and rushed forward abruptly.

A wise soldier rushed to the place where the shield formation was broken, bent over to pick up the shield from the ground, put it on his head to block the rain of arrows, and then continued to charge forward.

With the first person taking the lead, there are many more.

It made them go a long way.

"Bed crossbow array, let go!"

But in Yue Fei's army formation, Zhang He, who had been ordered a long time ago, had already arrived at the bed crossbow formation, adjusted the angle of the bed crossbow, and fired the bed crossbow with a flat shot.


The crossbow shot out with a piercing sound.

Puff puff!

A huge bed crossbow arrow pierced the enemy soldiers who rushed over and took their lives.

Suddenly, the pace of the enemy's charge slowed down instantly.

The biggest reason why these soldiers charged in the rain of arrows was because this was their only chance to survive.

Standing in place, you will be shot by arrows; if you retreat, you will be killed by the rear superintendent.

Their only chance is to dash forward, break through the enemy lines, and then have a chance to survive.

But now, with the terrifying salvo of the bed crossbow, these soldiers realized that not only did they have no chance to survive, but they might die faster.

Perhaps now, the best chance of survival is to lie among the dead and cover yourself with other people's corpses, lest you be shot by arrows.

The elite infantrymen of the Liyang Dynasty who were charging forward suddenly lost their previous courage to move forward, and a wave of fear began to permeate.



When Chu Feipei saw it from behind, he immediately cursed.

He didn't know it yet, and now he has no chance to break through the enemy's army.

And it all started because the damn catapult blasted his warrior army and caught him off guard.

As a result, he is now on the verge of failure.

"Will... general, withdraw... withdraw!"

The lieutenant looked at Chu Feipei and suggested in a low voice.

It has only been two quarters of an hour since the catapult broke through the shield formation.

But it was these two quarters of hours that completely declared their failure.

Without the shield formation, they could not stop the enemy's bow and crossbow formation, and the army could only attack the enemy by sending heads and continuing to fight.

It can only be a waste of troops.

You know, in just two quarters of an hour, they have lost more than 50,000 troops, and this number is still increasing wildly.

Moreover, after losing so many soldiers, none of their troops had even come close to Yue Fei's army formation.

Continue to fight, according to the current situation, even if the entire army is lost here, it may not be able to encounter Yue Fei's army formation.

This is not an exaggeration, but it is indeed possible.

Before the shield soldiers could resist the enemy's bed crossbow array and bow crossbow array, their charge was only for the soldiers to die.

Even if there were shield soldiers, they had to find a way to break the catapult attack of the Nanyan Kingdom, otherwise they would still be unable to break through Yue Fei's army.

But all of this can only be a temporary retreat, from a long-term plan, until the arrival of the 1.3 million troops behind Le Zhongjin.

It is absolutely impossible to fight now!


Taking a deep breath, Chu Feipei looked at the soldiers who fell on the ground on the battlefield in front of him. His eyes were filled with anger, but in the end he became helpless.


The lieutenant heard this, heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried down to give orders.

With an order, the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty immediately retreated.

Chu Feipei was indeed a capable general. He knew very well that once the army was in chaos when the army retreated, Yue Fei would definitely not miss this good opportunity to launch an attack, and the losses would be twice as high as now.

So he ordered the army to condense and retreat, the purpose is to avoid such a thing from happening.

However, there was one thing he hadn't considered.

Before the war, the vanguard troops of the Liyang Dynasty were already in a state of exhaustion. In this case, Chu Feipei ordered the attack forcefully to force them to fight with courage.

If you win, it’s okay to say, once you lose, the courage to mention it will quickly fade away.

This is the situation at the moment. Following Chu Feipei's retreat order, the courage of the Liyang Dynasty's exhausted vanguard army who fought with courage plummeted, and the vigorous fighting spirit instantly fell.

The military formation was even more shaky.

In addition, there was already fear in the hearts of the soldiers who were charging at the front. When they heard the retreat order, they no longer worried about the rear superintendent.


There was a roar in the void.

Accompanied by the roar, the army of the Liyang Dynasty collapsed.

"This is……"

Chu Feipei, who was leading the troops retreating, heard the sound and turned his head suddenly. When he saw that there was no army formation above his army, his expression suddenly became fearful.

Just as he was about to order the army to speed up and retreat, suddenly an angry shout came from behind: "Kill!"

When Yue Fei saw the enemy retreating again and the army collapsed, he did not hesitate and immediately led his troops to kill.


Behind him, Qin Qiong, Zhang He, and Shen Zhengwen each led their troops towards the retreating vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty.

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