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Yue Fei rode a war horse and rushed to the front.

He held a spear in his hand, and his body was surging with infuriating energy.

With a wave of the spear, a 100-meter-long shot shot out, hitting the rear of the retreating Liyang Dynasty vanguard army.


Hundreds of enemy soldiers were killed as gun gas fell.

After Lu Feng broke through to the realm of the emperor, Yue Fei's strength was unsealed to the fifth layer of the emperor.

Previously, the Liyang Dynasty vanguard army led by Chu Feipei was in formation, and the Qi-breaking arrow was also there, so he could not rush into the battlefield to fight.

But now, with the enemy army's formation broken and the army retreating, he naturally would not miss this good opportunity.

Directly kill the enemy soldiers with your greatest ability, reducing the enemy's combat power as much as possible.


In the same way, there are Qin Qiong, Zhang He, and Shen Zhengwen behind him.

Although the strength of the three of them is not comparable to Yue Fei, the weakest Shen Zhengwen also has the strength of the master realm.

The army formation, which had already been broken, was even more shattered after the chaos of the four of them, and it was absolutely impossible to reunite the army formation in a short period of time.

The soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty all showed fear and fled wildly, and they did not dare to be the enemy of Yue Fei and the others.

At the same time, the elites of the Nanyan Kingdom, who followed Yue Fei and the others, also rushed over.

They saw their four generals rushing to kill the enemy like no man's land, each with high morale, forming a battle formation, frantically harvesting the enemy's heads.

In just a few minutes, under the slaughter led by the four Yue Fei, the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty lost more than 10,000.

And, with more and more follow-up troops coming, this number is still growing wildly.

"Damn bastard!"

Chu Feipei saw,

Angry, but very helpless.

Right now, the army formation of our own army is completely useless, and we can't suppress Yue Fei, a martial arts master, he can only let him start slaughtering in the army.

After a long time, let alone 200,000 soldiers, even 2 million soldiers without a military formation could not stop a martial arts emperor.

"General... General, what should we do now?" The lieutenant shivered beside Chu Feipei.


Chu Feipei took a deep breath, calmed himself down, stared at Yue Fei, who was killing a lot of people in his own army, and said solemnly: "Order the bowmen at the rear to attack Yue Fei and a few people with air-breaking arrows immediately, hurry up!"

"But General, there are many soldiers of our army where Yue Fei and the others are now. Once we launch an attack now, our soldiers..."

"No need to say more, hurry up and order them to shoot arrows!"

Before the lieutenant could finish speaking, Chu Feipei said loudly.

Chu Feipei knew very well that if Yue Fei and Qin Qiong were to continue to kill, the vanguard army under his command would be doomed.

So now, even if you know that you will accidentally injure your own soldiers, let the bowman shoot arrows.

When the lieutenant heard Chu Feipei's order, he didn't dare to say more, and immediately sent the order to the bowman.

The bowmen who had just withdrawn immediately followed Chu Feipei's order, swiped their bows and arrows, and shot arrows directly at the battlefield without aiming at all.


Silver-white air-breaking arrows formed a silver-white arrow rain, pouring down on Yue Fei and the others.

"It's quite decisive!"

Yue Fei saw the rain of broken air arrows in the sky, and glanced in the direction of Chu Feipei.


Yue Fei shouted at Qin Qiong and the others, and immediately resisted the rain of broken air arrows in the sky.

Qin Qiong also used the weapons in their hands to resist the arrow rain, and at the same time quickly retreated.

Soon, they merged with the infantry who came over.

"Raise your shield!"

Yue Fei shouted loudly.

A row of soldiers holding shields immediately appeared at the forefront of the army that followed, advancing quickly.

"Bowmen, cross and fire arrows!"

At the same time, the bowmen who followed behind were also firing arrows quickly.

The crossbowmen fire arrows in a cross, ensuring that the arrow rain of their own troops on the battlefield will not have any pause, although this is less powerful than the salvo of all bowmen.

But the advantage is that there will be no interruptions, and it can provide a steady stream of cover for the advancing army.


Yue Fei organized a large army to form an army formation and rushed forward quickly.

"Send the arrow, release the arrow!"

Chu Feipei also ordered the bowmen to release arrows in an attempt to block the advance of Yue Fei's army.

But unfortunately, their arrow rain was basically blocked by the shield soldiers in front of Yue Fei's army, and only a part of the bows and arrows were shot into the army formation.

The damage it can bring is not large, and it cannot stop the speed of Yue Fei's army's advance.

On the contrary, his own army, because the previous shield soldiers were smashed by the catapults of Yue Fei's army, and the army behind them was completely shattered, so it was impossible to form an effective defense.

Facing Yue Fei's army with bows and crossbows, he could only fall down soldiers one by one, turning them into dead bodies one after another.

"Quick, gather the army!"


Chu Feipei saw it in the back and shouted frantically.

But his words were of no use. The vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty, which had lost its courage, was completely unable to condense the general formation according to the order of the commander Chu Feipei.

It was even more impossible to resist the advance of Yue Fei's army.

It can only be that the soldiers fell one by one under the shooting of the bow and crossbow.

"General, retreat!"

"We can't stop it now."

The lieutenant beside Chu Feipei said anxiously.

Chu Feipei was very depressed when he heard it, but it wasn't that he didn't retreat.

The key is that he just ordered the army to retreat, but Yue Fei seized the opportunity to counterattack, and now he wants to continue to retreat.

But once they retreat, it will cause Yue Fei's army to kill at a faster speed, which is not something they can resist at all.

But if they continued to fight, they would not be able to stop Yue Fei's army at all.

Fighting in such a plain area, one side has both offense and defense, and one side's army formation is not formed, and the soldiers have no fighting spirit. It is conceivable who will win the battle.

Right now Yue Fei's army is in a state of both offense and defense.

Looking up at Yue Fei's advancing army, Chu Feipei gritted his teeth and said, "Immediately order the rear army to retreat at the fastest speed, and at the same time let the bowmen cover!"

When the lieutenants heard it, they were shocked.

Chu Feipei only mentioned the rear army, but did not mention the front army and the middle army. This is to make it clear that he wants to use the front army and the middle army to stop the advance of Yue Fei's army, so that they can exchange their lives for the retreat of the rear army. time.

These lieutenants wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, they found that this was the only way now.

If no one can stop Yue Fei's army's attack speed, they will continue to fight and retreat like this, and they will definitely be wiped out by Yue Fei in the end.

Immediately, the lieutenant no longer thought about it, and immediately went down to give orders.

Soon, the last part of the Liyang Dynasty vanguard army retreated at the fastest speed.

After a while, they were far away from the former army and the central army.

The crossbowmen stood behind the central army and kept firing arrows to cover the retreat of the rear army.

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