The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 944 General Yue is really a god

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Chu Feipei and one of his lieutenants stood on the chariot and retreated with the rear army.

"General, what should we do now?"

After losing the first battle, these lieutenants of Chu Feipei shivered when they thought about going back to face Le Chongjin's anger.

Chu Feipei didn't answer immediately, but stared at the direction of the battlefield with unwillingness in his eyes.

He knew very well that in this battle, he lost.

Completely defeated!

The 200,000 dynasty vanguard army rashly attacked the defending army of a kingdom, and the final result was only to flee in a hurry with the rear army.

And the army is only 30,000 people!

There were 170,000 people in the former army and the central army, and with luck, 10,000 or 20,000 people escaped.

If they are unlucky, they will all be killed by Yue Fei.

That's an entire army of 170,000!

But what made Chu Feipei even more clear was that in this battle he failed not only to pay the 170,000 troops of the former army and the central army, but more importantly, he himself was finished.

When the dignified general of the dynasty fought against a general of a small kingdom, not only did he fail to defeat the enemy army with a destructive force, but in the end he was beaten and fled in a hurry, and he also paid the price of the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the dynasty.

He can't afford this price!

After this battle, even if he is a confidant of Le Chongjin, he will inevitably be punished, and there may even be no chance to lead the army from now on.

It's just that he can't blame anyone else.

To blame, I can only blame myself for underestimating Yue Fei, and even more underestimating the Kingdom of Nanyan.

Without getting all the information, the rash attack led to this defeat.

But even now, he still can't figure it out.

This battle made him see Yue Fei's ability and knew that Yue Fei was not an idiot, but since that was the case, why would he give up the strategic importance of Lianyundao? Could it be that Yue Fei thought that, even without the strategic power of the mountains on the right,

Can he also lead the army to fight against the Liyang Dynasty army and win?

Chu Feipei couldn't understand at all.


Only a long sigh.

Chu Feipei turned to look at the lieutenants beside him, and said with a wry smile: "Tell the generals what happened here, you can't hide it."

"Yes!" These lieutenants also had bitter faces.

None of them thought that the first game would be the result.

The dignified army of the dynasty was actually defeated, completely defeated.

When this news spreads, the entire Yuzhou may be shocked.

And they are the jokes of other dynasty generals.

"General, Chu Feipei ran away with the rear army."

On the other side, Qin Qiong said, pointing to the retreating Liyang Dynasty army.

"This Chu Feipei is very decisive."

Yue Fei looked at it and nodded slightly.

Although Chu Feipei's behavior of abandoning the former army and the middle army is very shameful, but I have to say that this is indeed what Chu Feipei can do now.

Retain the combat power of the rear army.

Or, when the former army and the central army are completely defeated, the latter army will inevitably be implicated. At that time, there may not be a few people left in the entire Liyang Dynasty's 200,000 vanguard army.

"Order the entire army, charge, and kill the enemy army!"

Yue Fei saw that Chu Feipei ran away with the people, and without any further delay, he immediately ordered the army to attack.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of troops behind him began to charge.

The front army and the central army of the Liyang Dynasty had already lost a lot. In addition, the retreat of the rear army and the retreat of the main general made these soldiers lose their fighting spirit.

Facing the assault of Yue Fei's army, he was powerless to resist.

What should have been an evenly matched battle, or even a battle in which the Liyang Dynasty had the upper hand, turned into a one-sided slaughter.

This one-sided massacre did not end until the sun went down.

The combined front and middle troops of the Liyang Dynasty totaled 170,000. In this battle, 150,000 were killed.

Of the rest, nearly 10,000 people became prisoners, and the rest were lucky enough to escape from Lianyun Road.

After the war, blood lingered on Lianyun Dao, and the blood stained the earth and flowed into the Evil Dragon River on the left.

The nearby river surface was dyed blood red.

"Send the army to clean up the battlefield immediately and bring back everything that can be used."

"This battle will not end so easily, we need a lot of things later." Yue Fei looked at the battlefield and ordered loudly.

The enemy was defeated, and there were a lot of equipment left on the battlefield, all of which could be used again.

"Also, pass the good news to His Majesty and tell him what happened here."


The guards around him immediately went down to give orders.

After Yue Fei made arrangements, he looked at the other end of Lianyun Dao, his eyes still dignified.

Although this battle was won, he was not at all relieved.

Because his army also exceeded ten thousand.

Although this number is not worth mentioning compared with the losses of the Liyang Dynasty army, the situation on both sides is completely different.

The Liyang Dynasty was because of Chu Feipei's wrong decision in the end, which led to the fragmentation of the army formation. Yue Fei and Qin Qiong led the troops to break through the formation and formed a rout.

The army under his own command was taking advantage of such an opportunity to rush to kill.

But in the end, the defeated Liyang Dynasty army was forced to exchange 10,000 Nanyan soldiers under such circumstances.

It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the Liyang Dynasty's army is worthy of the dynasty's army, and its combat effectiveness is very strong.

It must not be underestimated to fight against it.

After the 200,000 vanguard troops of the Liyang Dynasty, there are still 1.3 million elite troops of the Liyang Dynasty behind, not to mention the Zonglan Kingdom army that was previously known as the first combat force in the southwest of Yuzhou.

Yue Fei was under a lot of pressure.

But fortunately, today's battle gave the army a good start, so that those who underestimated the Nanyan Kingdom would put their minds away.

It will make them understand that the army of the Nanyan Kingdom is not something they can underestimate.

"Haha, Yue Fei really didn't disappoint me!"

Lu Feng's side got the battle report from Yue Fei at the first time, and his face was full of excitement.

"Your Majesty, is General Yue Fei's side blocking the attack of Chu Feipei's army?" Zhou Yu below asked in confusion.

"More than blocking it, Yue Fei led the troops to destroy the 150,000 vanguard troops under Chu Feipei's command, and received more than 10,000 descendants. Chu Feipei was completely fighting!" Lu Feng laughed.

He is really happy.

Yue Fei is worthy of being the Yue Wumu in history, and he is really capable and did not let him down.

This battle gave a good start to the battle against the Liyang Dynasty army, and made the soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom full of confidence in this battle.

At the same time, it can also greatly reduce the morale of the Liyang Dynasty army.

Victory in this battle is extremely important!

Zhou Yu was also full of amazement and said, "General Yue is really a genius in this battle!"

"Whatever I can do, I want to be like General Yue, who can lead the army to defeat the army of the dynasty."

In addition to being amazed, Zhou Yu was also somewhat envious of Yue Fei.

He is a smart person, and he naturally knows what impact this battle will have on subsequent battles.

Lu Feng laughed and said: "Don't worry, such an opportunity will come soon. When the navy arrives at the Evil Dragon River, there is time for you to play well!"

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