The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 945 Optimistic Le Zhongjin

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Compared with Lu Feng, who was happy with the naval battleship, the other person related to this battle was not happy.

In a military tent not far from Lianyun Road, Chu Feipei knelt on the ground, his face pale and shivering.

His eyes didn't even dare to look at the general who was sitting above the military tent.

"Chu Feipei, I will trust you and give you 200,000 of the most elite troops to form a vanguard army and let you control Lianyundao."

"Not only did you fail to control Lian Yundao, but instead, you lost 170,000 of the 200,000 vanguards of this general, why should you be blamed!"

The general above is Le Chongjin, the general of the Liyang Dynasty who was in charge of attacking the Nanyan Kingdom.

At this moment, he was looking at Chu Feipei coldly, with murderous intent deep in his eyes.

"General...General, at the end...the last will be convicted and willing to be punished." Chu Feipei kowtowed.

Le Chongjin said: "It's nothing to lose hundreds of thousands of elites. War is where the dead are. Even if a million troops are killed, this general will not feel weird."

Hearing this, Chu Feipei was instantly relieved. Hearing the general's words, he should not be held accountable for his defeat in this battle, which resulted in the damage of hundreds of thousands of elites.

It seems that a confidant is a confidant, and the general is still reluctant to kill himself.

When the other generals in the account heard it, there was a burst of slander in their hearts. A confidant is a confidant. Such a defeat will not be punished. The general is simply too partial.

They also believed that Le Chongjin's words were announcing Chu Feipei's innocence.

But they only dared to slander them in their hearts, because they were supposed to be generals under Yan Yangfei's command, and they were taken over by Le Chongjin later.

Naturally, he couldn't compare to Chu Feipei, a confidant general who had been following him all the time.

Even if he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say anything.


Before waiting for these people's thoughts to end, Le Chongjin suddenly spoke up, his voice was cold, and said, "I would have accepted your defeat, but I cannot accept that you, as a general of the dynasty, were defeated by a general of a small kingdom."

"You are defeated,

Shame on the dynasty. "

"You are to blame for such humiliation!"

"Come here, drag it down, and divide the body by five horses!"


Chu Feipei was stunned. Just now, he felt that he was the confidant of the general and would not be punished, but he did not expect that Le Zhongjin would actually cut himself into five horses.

The other generals in the account were also stubborn. They thought that Chu Feipei was the confidant of the general, and that he would not be punished for this defeat, but he did not think that he would not only be punished, but also be divided into five horses in the end.

This made them even more afraid of Le Chongjin, and their dissatisfaction was quickly put away.

After reacting, Chu Feipei burst into tears and begged: "General, spare your life, spare your life!"

It's just that his words didn't change Le Chongjin's mind. Several of Le Chongjin's personal soldiers came up and dragged him down.

"General, I beg you to spare my life because I and you have worked hard for many years. I will repay your kindness to General General in the future. General, please forgive me..."

"Drag it!"

It was just Chu Feipei's hard pleading that did not make Le Chongjin change his mind.

"General, spare your life, spare your life!"

Chu Feipei's voice gradually drifted away, and after a while, there was a scream from outside, followed by a soldier running in, kneeling in front of Le Chongjin, and saying: "General, the criminal general Chu Feipei is dead. !"

Only then did Le Chongjin nodded, and looked at the other generals in the account, seeing that they were all a little afraid of him, and he was even more satisfied.

He killed Chu Feipei first because Chu Feipei was defeated by a kingdom general, and he should have been killed.

After all, they were all generals under Yan Yangfei's command before, and it would be bad if they waited until they fought against the Nanyan Kingdom later.

After a while, he said: "Now the vanguard army has been defeated and returned, which will damage our army's morale, but it cannot change our army's combat goals. What advice do you have?"

The generals in the account looked at each other, and the last middle-aged general stood up and said, "General, although Chu Feipei's defeat was the reason why he led the troops rashly, it is undeniable that the army of Nanyan Kingdom is indeed not to be underestimated. ."

"That's right!"

Another general stood up and said: "Especially the strange catapult in the Nanyan King's ** team, we must be careful to deal with it, I think we should let the people in the intelligence system find out this catapult before attacking. ."


The other generals also agreed for a while.

But Le Chongjin looked at them, but shook his head and said, "What you said is indeed something that should be considered. If it is an ordinary situation, we should do so. But the situation is different now. The initiative in the battlefield is completely in our hands, so we will You should take the initiative!"

When the other generals heard this, they all looked at Le Chongjin with some doubts, and did not understand what he meant by saying that the initiative in the battlefield was in their own hands.

Le Chongjin looked at these generals and said, "Yue Fei can defeat Chu Feipei, it can be seen that he is indeed capable, but he has made a very serious mistake!"

"What is wrong?"

"He didn't send troops to occupy the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road!"

Le Chongjin stood up, pointed to the map of Lianyun Road in front of him, and said, "The high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road is a high place, as long as you occupy this place, you can be commanding, and cover the army with bows and crossbows. attack."

"If this place is occupied by Yue Fei, if we want to occupy Lianyun Road, we must first take down the mountains here, but Yue Fei didn't do that."

"He gave up this place and just chose to stick to Lianyun Road. In this way, he gave us the initiative of the Lianyun Road battlefield. As long as we send a large army to occupy the right mountain, we can control the initiative of the battlefield!"

"But General, even if we occupy the high mountain here, it will only play a big role in preventing the enemy's counterattack. If we attack, the enemy will only stick to Lianyun Road, and the army on this high mountain cannot help us. , For us, the greater threat is still the catapult of Yue Fei's army!" A general stood up and said.

"If it was before, it was true, but it's different now."

With a smile on his face, Le Chongjin said, "Not long ago, I received news from His Majesty that he had someone buy 300 God-destroying crossbows from Oufeng Commercial Bank."

"What? Sacred Crossbow?"

The crowd will be shocked.

The Sacred Sacred Crossbow is a reinforced crossbow independently developed by Oufeng Firm. It is not only powerful, but also has three times the range of the current crossbow.

And the bed crossbow fired at one time is not the ten bolts of the current bed crossbow, but twenty bolts.

It is rumored that each Saint Extinguishing Crossbow is made from the bones and bones of fifth-level monsters, which are very hard and very expensive.

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