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"A siege vehicle?"

Zhang He stared at those who appeared behind the enemy army, his eyes were a little puzzled, because the speed of this siege vehicle was too slow.

Not just a little bit slower than the other siege vehicles he'd seen.

But he still quickly ordered: "Order all bowmen to aim at the enemy siege vehicles!"


Zhang He ordered them to go down, and all the bowmen and crossbowmen at the head of the camp walled their bows and arrows, aiming at the enemy's siege vehicles.

"Fire arrows!"


The arrow broke through the air, and the arrow rain took shape, and instantly shot at the enemy siege vehicle.

But soon there was a sound of 'ding ding ding'.

All arrows that hit the siege vehicles were blocked.

"That is……"

At the same time, Yue Fei at the Central Military Department also saw those siege vehicles advancing slowly, and also saw the scene of his own arrows being blocked.

"It's also made of fine iron stone!"

Yue Fei frowned slightly, but the craftsmen of the Liyang Dynasty had some skills, and even used fine iron to build a siege vehicle.

The Kingdom of Nanyan also intends to do so, but because His Majesty first ordered the creation of the vanguard iron cavalry armor in the trap camp and the loyal iron cavalry, it has not yet been built.

He knew very well that with the defensive power of the fine iron stone, ordinary arrows could not be useful.

"Immediately send all the fire arrow reserves in the general's battalion to the city head and hand them over to Zhang He." Yue Fei ordered the lieutenant beside him.

For siege vehicles made of fine iron stone, ordinary arrows will not be useful, but the fire arrows of Nanyan Kingdom are not necessarily.

The rags on the fire arrow are soaked with special kerosene. Once it is ignited, unless the kerosene is burned out, it will not stop burning.

Yue Fei didn't ask the fire arrow to shoot through the siege vehicle, but only needed the fire arrow to hit the siege vehicle at the same time.

Smear some kerosene on the arrow rags on the siege vehicle to ignite sparks.

When tens of thousands of sparks come together, it becomes a fire.

At that time, even if the fine iron stone could not be melted, the high temperature generated would be enough to kill the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty in the siege vehicle.

Soon, Fire Arrow was sent to the head of Yingzhaicheng.

At the same time, the enemy's siege vehicles also advanced a lot, and they were not far from the head of the camp.

"Order all bowmen to put on fire arrows immediately!"

Zhang He ordered to go down, and all the bowmen on the city head were replaced by fire arrows, and at the same time aimed at the enemy siege vehicles.

"Fire arrows!"


Tens of thousands of fire arrows cut through the sky and shot at the enemy siege vehicles.

Ding ding ding.

The fire arrow hit the siege vehicle and was blocked as expected.

But just as Yue Fei expected before, Huoya stained the kerosene on the siege vehicle.

The kerosene brought by a fire arrow is not enough to fear, but tens of thousands of them are different.

Almost in an instant, the more than 20 siege vehicles ignited open flames.

"Hmph, you still want to use this method to deal with this general's siege vehicle?"

Seeing Le Chongjin from a distance, he snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, a light blue light suddenly flowed through the flaming siege vehicle.

The flame was instantly extinguished.


Zhang He's eyes narrowed, and at the moment when the light blue light flowed past, he clearly felt the fluctuation of the formation.

This was also beyond his expectations. He did not expect that the enemy's siege vehicles would even be equipped with formations.

Yue Fei, who was in the central army, also saw this scene, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. He did not expect that the Liyang Dynasty would arrange a formation in the siege vehicles.

Moreover, the real purpose of this formation is definitely not to put out fires, no accident, it should be used to release the defensive cover to protect the siege vehicles from harm.

"Haha, let's see what else Yue Fei can do now!"

On Le Chongjin's side, everyone laughed and laughed.

At the same time, the siege vehicles have come within the attack range.

The front baffle of the siege vehicle opened, and a crossbow with a cold light appeared.


Above more than 20, more than 200 crossbows were fired immediately.

The crossbow arrow glowing with cold light shot directly at the head of the camp.

"Quick, shield soldiers, stop!"

Zhang He immediately ordered.

But the power of the bed crossbow is simply not something that ordinary shield soldiers can block.

In a short period of time, a large number of the soldiers guarding the city were shot and killed by crossbow arrows.

Fortunately, more than 200 crossbows could not completely cover the city, and some places were not covered.

"General, what should we do?"

The lieutenant next to Zhang He asked anxiously.

Zhang He didn't answer immediately, but stared at the enemy's bed crossbow array. After pondering for a while, he immediately said: "Send the bowmen and let them immediately shoot the fire arrows near the bottom of the siege vehicle, hurry up!"


The remaining bowmen on the city head quickly followed Zhang He's order and fired arrows of fire below the siege vehicle.

Soon, a large number of flames were ignited under the siege vehicle.

Those soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty who wanted to follow the siege vehicles suffered heavy losses immediately.

"It's kind of smart."

When Le Chongjin saw it, he sneered and said, "But unfortunately your intelligence is limited to this!"

"The siege vehicle listened to the order and continued to advance, and the follow-up infantry immediately followed!"

Le Chongjin's military order was immediately transmitted to the ears of the soldiers in charge of the siege vehicles through the military formation, and the siege vehicles moved forward immediately.

Le Chongjin's plan is very simple. You can make the siege vehicle burn under the siege vehicle. Is it possible that the fire arrow can always follow the route of the siege vehicle?

As long as the siege vehicle opens the way in front, the follow-up army can quickly keep up.

But at this time, Zhang He, who was at the head of the Yingzhai City, brought a few lieutenants to the place where special kerosene was stored behind the city head.

Everyone carried two huge wooden barrels filled with kerosene to the top of the city and said loudly: "Throw these wooden barrels to the place where the fire is burning!"


Zhang He took the lead, and the lieutenants followed him, trying their best to throw the wooden barrel to the place where the flames were burning.

"What is this for?"

When the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty saw them, they were all a little puzzled.

But soon, these wooden barrels fell to the ground, shattered with a 'bang', and the kerosene inside flowed out.


The kerosene touched those flames, ignited directly, and spread rapidly with the flow of kerosene.

It has spread far and far in a short period of time, swallowing many soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty inside.

"That's it, come on, go on!"

Zhang He was overjoyed when he saw that it was useful, and went back with a few lieutenants to get these wooden barrels containing kerosene.

It's not that he didn't think about asking the soldiers to help, but because the camp was still far from the burning place, ordinary soldiers couldn't throw the barrels at all.

Only these generals can do it because they are warriors themselves.

Soon, with the efforts of Zhang He and his lieutenant, a wall of fire was formed not far from the front of the camp.

The siege vehicle also activated the formation, but all it could do was to ensure that it would not ignite, but it could not extinguish other flames.


Le Chongjin was furious, and was about to order the army to continue the attack, when suddenly the lieutenant beside him said in shock, "General, look at the left side of Lianyun Road, what is that?"

Le Chongjin was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look in that direction, but saw a dark shadow slowly appear.

When his eyes narrowed, he was suddenly filled with fear, and said in shock, "Is this the naval battleship from there?"

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