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What frightened the generals of Le Chongjin was that the dark shadow from the distance on the Evil Dragon River on the left side of Lianyun Road turned out to be a row of displacement warships.

With the strength of the warriors, they can clearly see a bed crossbow on the naval battleship, and they can also see the dragon flag on the deck of the ship.

It is the dragon flag of the Nanyan Kingdom!

This is the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom!

"This...how is this possible?"

All the generals of the Liyang Dynasty, including Le Chongjin, looked terrified, and they couldn't believe that it was a naval battleship from the Nanyan Kingdom.

How could there be a naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom in this place?

And this naval battleship came from the Evil Dragon River.

Aren't there those bloodthirsty and vicious dragons in the Evil Dragon River? Don't they attack anything they see? How could it be possible to let the people from the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom come over?

what's the problem?

Le Chongjin and the lieutenants under his command were in a state of bewilderment while frightened.

"Your Majesty, we are almost within the attack range," Zhou Yu said behind Lu Feng, who was standing on the deck, on the naval battleship.

Lu Feng nodded and stared at Lian Yundao.

He could see that on the Lianyun Road, the troops of the Liyang Dynasty were rushing towards Yue Fei's army.

I also saw the raging fire burning in front of Yue Fei's army formation.

"Is Huoya ready?" Lu Feng asked.

About the Yue Fei battle, Jin Yiwei has been reporting to Lu Feng through the teleportation array.

He knew what was going on.

Therefore, he plans to come to a more direct one, directly setting fire arrows to attack the middle and rear of the Liyang Dynasty army, so that the Liyang Dynasty army can't take care of both ends.

"All arrow seedlings have been made into fire arrows and can be used at any time." Zhou Yu said respectfully.

"Start the attack!"

Lu Feng did not hesitate,

Direct order.


Zhou Yu immediately went down to give orders.


The arrows on the crossbows on the navy battleships have been wrapped in rags soaked with special kerosene.

Under Zhou Yu's order, the soldiers immediately set fire to the fire.


Flame burns.

A bright fire appeared in the front of the entire naval battleship.

"Not good, hurry up, let the Holy Crossbow attack the enemy warship, hurry up!"

When Le Chongjin saw the flames ignited by the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom, he immediately thought of the flames that appeared in front of the battlefield.

It's hard to beat!

If the bed crossbows on the navy battleships are aimed at the middle and rear of the army for a few rounds of such shots, would that be worth it?

The soldiers responsible for destroying the holy crossbow quickly turned their angles and wanted to attack the naval battleship.

But the holy crossbow is huge, and it still takes some time for everyone to move.

And this time was enough for the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom to launch an attack.


With a single order, the bed crossbows on hundreds of warships were fired in unison.

With the piercing sound of breaking through the air, tens of thousands of bed crossbow arrows burning with open flames shot towards the central part of the Liyang Dynasty.


In an instant, the crossbow arrow fell with a loud noise and hit the soldiers.


Huge crossbow arrows shot through the bodies of the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty.

The kerosene of the arrow was even stained on the corpse, and it burst into flames.

The kerosene carried by the tens of thousands of crossbows and arrows ignited the corpses, and the fire suddenly filled the sky.

Even those soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty who were not hit by the bed crossbow were swallowed up by the fire because they did not escape in time.

Many soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty died in the fire.


Lu Feng watched this scene without any change in his eyes, he just ordered to continue.

Following his orders, all the bed crossbows used for attack on the naval battleships were reloaded with new crossbow arrows.

The naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom was built by the master craftsman Lu Ban, and the crossbow on it was also improved by him.

The reload speed has become very, very fast, three times that of a normal crossbow.

In a short period of time, the bed crossbow bolts were successfully loaded, and the attack continued!

For the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty, this was the beginning of a nightmare.

Starting from the first wave of volleys of fire arrows, followed by several successive waves, the sea of ​​fire on Lianyun Dao became even bigger.

More soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty died in the sea of ​​​​fire.

But most importantly, the attacks brought by the naval battleships caused huge chaos in the middle and rear of the enemy.

In particular, the sea of ​​​​fire continued to spread, and a large number of soldiers crowded together. There was no way to retreat. They could only watch the sea of ​​​​fire spread over and devour themselves.

That kind of despair made these soldiers unable to hold on any longer.

In this case, what kind of fighting spirit is there?

The military formation of the entire Liyang Dynasty also appeared to be crumbling.


Le Chongjin scolded angrily and said loudly, "Condensation!"

The sound fell, he moved his hand, and a flag stood in front of him.


The flag flew out of his hand and hung in the void, a translucent wave spread out, and in the blink of an eye it spread to the entire army of the Liyang Dynasty.


I saw that the shaky army formation of the Liyang Dynasty army suddenly stabilized a lot.

Although it is not as good as the beginning, it will definitely not be broken.

"God Town Flag!"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, looking at the flag flying out from Le Chongjin from a distance.

The Zhenshen Banner is unique to the military commanders in the mainland of Kyushu, and can be used to greatly eliminate the fear in the hearts of the soldiers of the army, improve the cohesion of the army, and establish the morale of the army.

This makes the army unbreakable.

But the Zhenshen Banner is not a weapon, and it is not refined if you want to refine it.

In order to condense this kind of God-suppressing flag, in addition to requiring that the warriors themselves are not weak, they also need a lot of experience in leading troops to fight, as well as the killing spirit to kill the enemy.

In particular, the killing energy to kill the enemy army requires a very, very large number, millions, or even more.

In the entire Nanyan Kingdom, only Gao Shun, Lian Po, and Lu Bu have formed the Zhenshen Banner, and the rest are like Yue Fei, Zhang Liao, Zhou Yu and so on.

It's not that they have no ability to unite, but because they have too little experience in leading battles at present, and the killing energy to kill the enemy is far from enough to allow them to condense the flag of the gods.

The Zhenshen Banner is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Specifically, according to the general's own skills, the strong are naturally strong, and the weak are also vulnerable.

The Zhenshen Banner is closely related to the life of the generals. When the generals die, the Zhenshen Banner is broken.

The flag of the town god is broken, and the general is dead!

Moreover, once the Zhenshen Banner is used to stabilize the army formation, the army formation will be broken in the end, which will also cause huge damage to the Zhenshen Banner, and will naturally cause serious injuries to the generals.

Seriously, it may even cause the generals to die out.

Therefore, when the two armies fight, unless it is a last resort, or few generals will use the Zhenshen Banner.

In addition, the use of the Zhenshen Flag requires at least one million for one's own army.

As a result, the battle between the two countries in the Kyushu Continent caused the Zhenshen Banner to appear less frequently.

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