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Right now, Lu Feng didn't expect Le Chongjin to condense the God-Suppressing Banner. You must know that when he killed Yan Yangfei last time, he never saw Yan Yangfei have it.

Of course, at that time, Yan Yangfei didn't have an army of millions, and even if he had the Zhenshen Banner, it wouldn't work.

The current Le Chongjin is different, he has an army of millions.

And seeing that when he came out of the Town God Banner, he suddenly stabilized the crumbling army formation of the millions of troops, which was enough to prove that Le Chongjin's Town God Banner was not the kind that was vulnerable to a single blow.

"This person has real skills." Zhou Yu, beside Lu Feng, sighed as he looked at the Zhenshen flag standing on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Zhou Yu also wanted to condense the flag of the town god.

But at the moment, he is still far away from the 'killing the enemy's killing energy' that he needs to gather the Zhenshen Banner.

There are some regrets in my heart.

"He does have some skills, but at the moment, his town god flag is useless!"

Lu Feng said lightly.

The Zhenshen Banner is indeed a good thing, but it also depends on the current situation.

Even if you Le Chongjin can stabilize the general formation, what can you do?

Let the army swim in the Evil Dragon River and attack the naval battleship? Then stop dreaming!

Continue to let the army advance and attack Yue Fei's camp?

Don't be ridiculous, there is a sea of ​​fire ignited by special kerosene in front of Yue Fei's camp. When his army rushes past, it may not be close to the camp, and the army will suffer heavy losses, let alone attack the camp.

Coupled with the presence of naval battleships, if the Liyang Dynasty really attacked the camp, the firepower of the naval battleships alone would be enough for them to suffer heavy losses.

Right now, for Le Chongjin, the best option may be to withdraw.

Before that, Lu Feng wanted to let the naval battleships cause damage to the enemy as much as possible.

"Order the battleship bed crossbow to continue shooting the enemy, even if all the crossbow arrows are used up, it doesn't matter!" Lu Feng ordered.


Lu Feng's purpose is very simple. With the Zhenshen Banner, it is basically impossible to break Le Chongjin's army. After all, they are also a dynasty army, so they can't be so weak.

But it is the best to be able to shoot the enemy as much as possible with the convenience of the naval battleship.

Now the reason why the Nanyan Kingdom can take the initiative in the battlefield is because Le Chongjin didn't know that the evil dragon in the Evil Dragon River had been dealt with long ago, so the naval battleship arrived here and caught the enemy by surprise.

If Le Chongjin had known this before, he would definitely have taken precautions.

Now, all Lu Feng can do is to cause damage to Le Chongjin's army as much as possible, which is very beneficial for the subsequent battle.

Waves of crossbow arrows were continuously fired from the naval battleships, constantly shooting and killing Le Chongjin's army, causing great losses to it.

In addition, the sea of ​​​​fire is still spreading, which makes these army soldiers very uncomfortable.

Le Chongjin looked at it with anger on his face.

Although there is a town god flag, there is no need to worry about the army formation being broken, but if it goes on for a long time, he cannot afford the loss of those soldiers!

In this battle, before and after, he has lost more than 200,000 troops!

And this number is still growing wildly. If it continues, it may not be long before his army of 1.3 million will be left with less than one million.

"Is the Holy Crossbow ready?"

Turning to look at the soldiers in charge of adjusting the angle of the holy crossbow, Le Zhongjin asked angrily.

Now his only recourse is to destroy the holy crossbow.

If the Holy Crossbow can smash the enemy's naval battleship, then he can still have the power to fight, if not...then...

"Returning to the words of the general, it's ready!"

Finally, the good news came.

Le Zhongjin breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said, "Then why are you still standing there? Immediately shoot arrows and smash the enemy warships for this general!"

"This... General, the enemy warship may have exceeded the range of the Holy Crossbow." The general in charge of the Holy Crossbow replied in a low voice.


Le Chongjin was startled, and then became furious, shouting, "I would have told you to let go of the arrow, so why do you need to say so much nonsense?"

"Quick, let go of the arrows!"

Although the general in charge of destroying the holy crossbow still wanted to persuade him, but looking at Le Zhongjin's angry look, he did not dare to say any more, and hurriedly responded and ordered the holy crossbow to release arrows.


Three hundred holy crossbows were fired in unison, accompanied by a thunderous sound.

Le Zhongjin's eyes followed the crossbow bolts of the Sacred Saint Crossbow, and finally watched these bolts fly over the Lianyun Road, enter the sky over the Evil Dragon River, and quickly approach the naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom.

His heart was full of hope, and he hoped that this batch of Saint Extinguishing Crossbow Arrows could smash the enemy navy warships.


Soon, those holy crossbow bolts in the sky reached the limit of their range and lost their strength. They fell into the river within fifty meters of the Yang Dynasty naval battleship.

When Le Chongjin saw it, he closed his eyes and looked a little desperate.

The Sacred Crossbow he had high hopes for was useless, and the location of the enemy battleship exceeded the maximum range!

But what can I do?

The high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road was already a certain distance away from Lianyun Road. In addition, the distance between Lianyun Road and the battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom Navy on the Evil Dragon River was far too far.

Even the Holy Crossbow doesn't have such a long range!

Now, Le Chongjin understood why Yue Fei dared to give up the strategic importance of the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road.

Because, for the Nanyan Kingdom, there is no need for high mountains as a strategic location!

Because the Nanyan Kingdom has navy warships, it can provide sufficient firepower support on the river at any time, and can change its position at any time, and its own army poses no threat to it at all.

Completely incapable of this.

Zonglan Kingdom also has no navy, only Jinshui Kingdom has navy warships, but they have to help Jinshui Kingdom army attack Dunchuan City in Dunchuan City.


He opened his eyes and let out a long sigh. He was very unwilling in his eyes, but in the end he could only give an order, saying: "Send the whole army, the rear army will become the former army, the former army will become the latter army, bypass the sea of ​​​​fire, and retreat."

Even if he is unwilling, he can only retreat.

Otherwise, as the sea of ​​​​fire continues to spread, the loss of the Liyang Dynasty will be even greater.

Right now, the loss is approaching 300,000 yuan, and no matter how big it is, he can't bear it.

Before he killed Chu Feipei, it was because Chu Feipei, as a military general of the dynasty, was defeated by Yue Fei, a military general of the Nanyan Kingdom, which brought shame to the dynasty, so he killed the criminal general Chu Feipei.

But it was absolutely unexpected. When he led 1.3 million troops, used the most powerful siege weapon in his hand, and the siege vehicle, as well as the excellent weapon to destroy the holy crossbow, in the end, he still did not even attack the enemy's camp. go up.

And also lost more than 200,000 troops!

It was a big defeat, a big defeat enough to describe his soul.

This is a great disgrace!

But he had to swallow this humiliation.

Following his order, the lieutenant next to him immediately went down to arrange the retreat, and walked away cleanly.

"I will report this matter to His Majesty the Emperor truthfully." After the lieutenants left, a warrior in a black robe appeared behind Le Zhongjin, speaking coldly.

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