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"I will report this matter to His Majesty the Emperor truthfully."

After these lieutenants left, a warrior in a black robe appeared behind Le Chongjin, speaking coldly.


Hearing this, Le Chongjin didn't panic, instead he smiled coldly and said, "I will tell His Majesty the Emperor without you saying it, and tell him how badly you guys in the dynasty's intelligence system are doing!"

Turning around suddenly, Le Chongjin stared at the man in black and shouted, "If it wasn't for the fact that you didn't find out about the different catapults of the enemy before the war, how could the 200,000 pioneers of my army fail?"

"If you didn't find out that the kerosene of Nanyan Kingdom is different from ordinary kerosene, how could the enemy army make a wall of fire in front of the camp to stop our army from advancing?"

"If you hadn't found out that the Nanyan Kingdom had already eliminated the evil dragons in the Evil Dragon River and allowed the navy warships to travel from Pingyuan River to Lianyun Road, how could our army have been caught off guard by the enemy and lost nearly three One hundred thousand elites?"

"You have to take full responsibility for these things!"

At the end, Le Chongjin almost shouted.

He himself was also very wronged. If it weren't for the failure of the Dynasty's intelligence system, he didn't find out the enemy's details, how could he not be prepared for these defensive measures of the Nanyan Kingdom?

Le Chongjin believed very much that if he knew all the information, he would be absolutely sure that he would be able to arrange all the defensive measures, and then completely defeat Yue Fei.

Instead of the current situation, a whole army of 1.3 million attacked the camp of the Nanyan Kingdom, but in the end they had to retreat in despair, leaving behind 300,000 elite corpses.

It's a shame!

Shame of his life!

Intolerable shame!


The man in black who belonged to the Liyang Dynasty intelligence organization snorted coldly and disappeared.

After Le Chongjin left, he sneered again and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "You want to be loyal to the prince, but you can't see who is the real leader of the younger generation in the current dynasty.


"People, don't be on the wrong side!"


"Your Majesty, the enemy has withdrawn!"

On the navy battleship, Zhou Yu pointed to the Liyang Dynasty army that was constantly retreating on Lianyun Road and said to Lu Feng, a little excited in his words.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Unsurprisingly, Le Chongjin finally chose to withdraw his troops."

"Haha, even if Le Chongjin thought about breaking his head, he would never have thought that the dragons in the Evil Dragon River had already been dealt with." Zhou Yu laughed.

Lu Feng also had a smile on his face. When he asked Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci to get rid of the dragons that had mutated from water snakes, he asked them to block the news so that the intelligence personnel of the Liyang Dynasty would not get the information and take precautions.

It has now been proven that this effect is excellent.

Le Chongjin never thought that he would bring a naval battleship from the Evil Dragon River and caught them by surprise, and made their aggressive attack a complete failure.

In the future, if Le Chongjin wants to attack again, he will have to think more about it.

Of course, Lu Feng didn't think that just relying on this wave of attacks could make Le Chongjin stop attacking the Nanyan Kingdom.

That is simply impossible!

Le Chongjin lost this time, and he will definitely think of a way to deal with it next time. It is impossible to give up like this.

As for whether they can do anything, Lu Feng has absolutely no doubts. After all, they are from a dynasty. If there is no way, then it would be too bad.

However, the benefits of winning this battle are also enormous.

The biggest advantage is that it successfully delayed the time and bought enough time for the follow-up Gao Shun reinforcements to arrive.

As long as Gao Shun's more than 2 million reinforcements arrive, the Nanyan Kingdom will not lose to the Nanyan Kingdom in terms of military strength, and it will be very simple to defend Lianyun Road at that time.

"Continue to let the bed crossbow shoot arrows, don't stop, and shoot the enemy soldiers as much as possible."

This is an excellent opportunity to lose the enemy's strength, and Lu Feng will naturally not let it go.


Zhou Yu immediately went down and ordered.

On Lu Feng's side, after the arrangement, he also took the Six Swordsmen to Yue Fei's camp.

As for Gu Chen, after the Evil Dragon River matter was resolved, he let him go back to Gu's house.

There is a Guxuan business in the Gu family. It is a secret son of Lu Feng buried in the Liyang Dynasty. It is very important.

There must be a master over there to ensure that nothing will happen.


"General, the enemy has withdrawn!"

In the Nanyan Kingdom's camp, at the Central Army Department, the lieutenant next to Yue Fei pointed to the slowly retreating enemy troops on Lianyun Road.

Yue Fei nodded and said, "Le Chongjin is not a fool. He knows that after His Majesty's naval battleship arrives, the possibility of him wanting to attack the main camp is zero, so he chooses to withdraw his troops now."

"That's right, His Majesty's naval battleship arrived just in time!" Zhang He, who had returned from Yingzhaicheng, said excitedly, "Otherwise, when our army's special kerosene is used up, we will try to block the invulnerable siege vehicle. , but it was too difficult.”

He had previously commanded the battle at the head of Yingzhaicheng, and was very impressed with the siege vehicles of the Liyang Dynasty, and he knew very well how powerful it was.

In the case of a formation, it is simply impossible to break through.

If he hadn't figured out a way to stop the enemy's infantry from attacking, just relying on that siege vehicle would have easily caused the Nanyan Kingdom's army to suffer heavy losses.

With the infantry attacking the battalion, it is really possible to break the battalion.

Everything will be hard to say by then.

The other lieutenants nodded in agreement when they heard Zhang He's words.

"Oh, it's just a pity, I can't pursue the victory!" Shen Zhengwen sighed softly.

The wall of fire and the sea of ​​fire in front of the large army camp not only blocked the enemy's attack, but also eliminated their desire to pursue the victory.

The sea of ​​​​fire does not distinguish whether you are the army of the Nanyan Kingdom or the army of the Liyang Dynasty.

"It's not a pity."

Yue Fei shook his head and said, "I have carefully observed the enemy's retreat. The formation is neat and tidy. Even if there is no fire wall or sea of ​​fire, it cannot be pursued, because if one is not careful, it may lead to a counterattack."

Shen Zhengwen was stunned for a moment, thinking back, the army formation was really neat when the enemy retreated, and then he looked a little ashamed, and said, "It's just that I didn't observe carefully."

"It's not that you didn't observe carefully, but under normal circumstances, everyone in this retreat would think that the enemy army was in chaos, but Le Chongjin was different."

Yue Fei stared at the position of the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, and said, "That Le Chongjin is not easy. He condensed the Zhenshen flag, which was used to stabilize the army formation."

"Otherwise, the salvo of His Majesty's bed crossbow on the Evil Dragon River would be enough to disrupt the arrangement of the enemy's army."

"It's just that the town god flag is a little too powerful, alas!"

Yue Fei sighed when he said that, still a little envious in his heart.

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