The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 955 Suppression from other forces in Yuzhou

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Yue Fei's ability is enough now, but he lacks the experience of leading troops and the killing spirit to kill the enemy.

It's not enough to support him to condense the "Suppressing God Flag" that a famous general must have, and it takes time to accumulate it.

In this battle, if he has the Zhenshen Banner and an additional 400,000 troops, so that the army under his command reaches one million, he is completely confident that with the blessing of the Zhenshen Banner, he will directly lead the troops and Le Zhongjin's army in the army. There was a real battle on Lianyun Road.

But unfortunately, right now he doesn't have the God-Suppressing Banner, so he can't do that.

However, he also believes that with his own ability, he will definitely be able to condense his own town god flag in a few battles, and he will not be too entangled in this.

"General, Your Majesty is here."

At this moment, his personal soldiers came to his side and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty is here?"

Yue Fei was startled and immediately asked, "Where is Your Majesty now?"

"In the tent."

When Yue Fei heard this, he hurriedly took his generals to the military tent.

"The last commander, Yue Fei, did not know that His Majesty was coming, and was willing to be punished."

Soon, Yue Fei arrived at the military tent, and when he saw Lu Feng, he immediately knelt down and bowed.

"What's the crime of Pengju?"

Lu Feng looked at him, laughed and said, "You are commanding the battle here. If you hear that I am coming and give up the command and come to see me, then I will punish you."

"I'm really ashamed. If it wasn't for the timely arrival of His Majesty's navy warship, the last commander would not have dared to say whether he could win." Yue Fei lowered his head and said.

"No, no, you've done enough in this battle."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "If you change someone, you may not be able to be as good as you are."

After a brief pause, Lu Feng continued, "I won't say anything else. Come and tell me about the enemy's strange bow and crossbow."

Before Lu Feng was on the naval battleship,

I got the news from Yue Fei, saying that the enemy has a special bow and crossbow, which is very powerful and has a long range, so the navy battleship was not allowed to approach Lianyun Road.

It was completely to order the warship to use the long-range bed crossbow to shoot at a distance, in order to prevent the threat of the special crossbow in Le Zhongjin's hand.

"Your Majesty, at present we only know that the crossbow arrow is completely made of fine iron stone, it is very powerful and has a very long range. As for the rest, we don't know." Yue Fei said.

Lu Feng frowned slightly, and said, "Is there any news from Jinyiwei?"

"The end general has asked Jin Yiwei to inquire, but there is no news yet." Yue Fei replied.

"Your Majesty, Jinyiwei has sent a secret report from inside the Liyang Dynasty." At this moment, Zhen just came to Lu Feng and handed him a jade tube.

"A secret report from the Liyang Dynasty?"

Lu Feng was a little surprised, took the jade tube, opened it and looked at the information inside.

What is recorded in the jade tube is the news of the holy crossbow used by the Liyang Dynasty this time. It says that the Liyang Dynasty purchased 300 holy crossbows from the Oufeng firm, and I don't know what to use it for.

And the power and range of the Holy Crossbow are introduced.

After reading it, Lu Feng frowned, his expression a little solemn.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Yue Fei asked aloud when he saw it.

"See for yourself."

Lu Feng gave the jade tube from Jinyiwei to Yue Fei.

Yue Fei took the inspection, sighed after a while, and said, "If this news came earlier, I would definitely have taken precautions in the previous battle."

"It's no wonder Jin Yiwei." Lu Feng shook his head and said, "You don't need to think about the news of the Sacred Crossbow, you know it must be a top-secret news within the Liyang Dynasty. It's very good that Jinyiwei can find out."

"Now, although it's a little late, I also realize a very important thing!"

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Lu Feng did not answer immediately, but looked at the lieutenants behind Yue Fei, waved his hands, and let them all leave, leaving only Zhang He, Qin Qiong and Yue Fei.

Seeing that Lu Feng was so cautious, Yue Fei and the others felt a little nervous, realizing that what His Majesty wanted to say must be very important.

"This news from Jinyiwei makes me value not the Sacred Crossbow itself, but the attitude of the Cangchu Dynasty, or the attitude of other forces in Yuzhou!"

Staring at the three of Yue Fei, Lu Feng said solemnly.

"The attitude of other forces in Yuzhou?" Qin Qiong and Zhang He were both stunned, and they still didn't react.

On the contrary, Yue Fei was surprised and said, "Your Majesty, do you mean that other forces in Yuzhou do not want the development of the Nanyan Kingdom? Are you ready to suppress it now?"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "As far as the current situation is concerned, this must be the case!"


Qin Qiong hesitated slightly and said, "Your Majesty, isn't this a little unlikely? Right now, the Nanyan Kingdom is just a kingdom. Even if the vanguard army of the Liyang Dynasty was defeated, the final victory has not yet been achieved. How could other Yuzhou forces choose? For the Nanyan Kingdom?"

"It's for sure." Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Yuzhou has so few resources. If there is another force that is not weaker than them, they must have a share of the pie, and their interests will be weakened. There's nothing wrong with them wanting to suppress that."

"After all, in their eyes, I represent not only the Nanyan Kingdom, but also what they think is the sect of forgetfulness. It is impossible for me to continue to develop the Nanyan Kingdom with me."

"At present, on this matter, the Cangchu Dynasty first began to express its position."

"That's right!"

Yue Fei nodded and said to Qin Qiong: "The strange bow and crossbow that attacked us earlier was called the Sacred Holy Crossbow, which was made by Oufeng Trading Company and provided to the Cangchu Dynasty as a weapon. In the entire Yuzhou, except for the Cangchu Dynasty, other It is a very exaggerated thing for the faction to have a hundred holy crossbows."

"And the Cangchu Dynasty itself has listed the Sacred Crossbow as a taboo, and daring to sell it is a serious crime. The Oufeng Firm has a close relationship with the Cangchu Dynasty, and it can even be said that it is a firm controlled by the Cangchu Dynasty."

"In this case, they sold 300 holy crossbows to the Liyang Dynasty, which were enough to threaten the holy warriors. It would be strange to say that there was no Cangchu Dynasty behind this."

When Qin Qiong heard this, his face became condensed, and he also realized this.

"It seems that these dynasties are really vigilant enough. Before the dynasties have developed, they have already started to suppress them." Zhang He sighed softly.

The words are very helpless. If this is the case, the Nanyan Kingdom will not only face the Liyang Dynasty, but also have other forces secretly helping the Liyang Dynasty.

"It's nothing strange, now is the best time to suppress the Nanyan Kingdom." Lu Feng said slowly, "If they don't act now, after the imperial call-up order, the Yuzhou turmoil will start, and they won't have the mind and energy. We have come to suppress the kingdom, so now is the best chance!"

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