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"And that's not good news for us."

Lu Feng stared at the three of Yue Fei and said, "If we want these forces in Yuzhou to be unable to block us, then we must break the current predicament!"

"Now it is not only necessary to block the army of the Liyang Dynasty, but also to win the Zonglan Kingdom. Only in this way can we ensure that the kingdom has enough room for development in the future, so that we can turn from defense to the war with the Liyang Dynasty. attack!"

"Therefore, we must get rid of Le Zhongjin's holy crossbow. Only in this way can we have a chance to destroy Le Zhongjin's army!"

Lu Feng knew very well that if the Sacred Crossbow was not dealt with, it would be impossible for the Nanyan Kingdom to get out of Lianyun Dao.

The power of the Holy Crossbow, although only three hundred, was enough to seal the entire Lianyun Dao.

In this way, the Nanyan Kingdom and the Liyang Dynasty will confront each other on Lianyun Road.

The Nanyan Kingdom occupied the Evil Dragon River on the left side of Lianyun Road. The Liyang Dynasty could not solve the naval battleships of the Nanyan Kingdom, and could not enter the 15th County of Hongbao from Lianyun Road.

However, the Liyang Dynasty controlled the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, and with the help of the Saint Exterminating Crossbow, plus other bed crossbows and crossbows, they could build a death charge road on Lianyun Road.

If the army of Nanyan Kingdom wanted to fight it out, the terror would have to pay hundreds of thousands in Lianyun Road, and even the corpses of a million army could be knocked out.

And this is only to be able to fight Lianyun Dao, not to win the Zonglan Kingdom.

You must know that there are millions of troops belonging to the royal family of the Zonglan Kingdom in the Zonglan Kingdom, and the Liyang Dynasty can send large troops to support them far and wide in the rear.

Once the stalemate in Lianyun Dao continued, it would be really too difficult for the Nanyan Kingdom to break out of the encirclement and break out of this blockade.

For the Liyang Dynasty, their goal has been achieved. Blocking Lianyun Road is equivalent to blocking the road of Nanyan Kingdom's development to the south.

If the Nanyan Kingdom wants to develop, it can only go north and enter the northern grasslands to compete with the barbarians.

But there are witches in the northern grasslands, which is definitely not a good thing!

"It's all to blame for the last commander, if the last commander had directly led his troops to Lianyun Road,

If you stick to the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, there will be no predicament today. "Yue Fei understood the plight of the kingdom at this time and said aloud.

Very remorseful.

"Pengju doesn't need to blame himself."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "The choice you made that day was not a wrong choice, but the best choice under the circumstances. After all, no one would have thought that the enemy army would have the Sacred Crossbow. It's not your fault."

If Yue Fei had chosen to lead the army to the front section of Lianyun Road and stick to the high mountains on the right, it might be good to have 100,000 left in the 600,000 army now.

Because the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road is the strategic focus of this battle, unless Le Chongjin is a fool, or he will definitely attack with death.

The army in Yue Fei's hands could not stop an army twice his size from attacking.

In addition, Yue Fei knew that there were his own navy warships on the Evil Dragon River, and making such a choice was equivalent to giving up the great help of the navy warships.

Under the circumstances, no one would have made such a choice.

Therefore, Yue Fei chose to give up the mountain on the right and stick to the camp was the best choice.

The only variable is that no one thought that Le Zhongjin had the Holy Crossbow in his hand, which was too powerful and too lethal to the army.

"Your Majesty, in the current situation, the last commander thought that we should immediately attack the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road at night!"

When Yue Fei heard Lu Feng's words, he no longer blamed himself too much, and immediately stood up and expressed his thoughts.

Said: "If we want to break this deadlock, we must solve the enemy's Holy Crossbow, and even control the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road into our own hands!"

"Right now, the enemy army is newly defeated, its morale is damaged, and it is difficult to recover in a short time, so it is the best time to attack at night!"

"As long as we can capture the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, we can control the initiative on the battlefield and break through the blockade of the Liyang Dynasty."

As Yue Fei, the general of the army, he could understand what Lu Feng said, he knew what it meant, and he was very clear about the current situation of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, the last commander is willing to lead 10,000 elite soldiers tonight to raid the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road!" Yue Fei asked for orders.

Lu Feng did not answer immediately, but after pondering slightly, he said: "The high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road faces the direction of Chuanping County, it is a steep mountain road, and it is basically impossible for ordinary troops to attack. Don't do it, just do the support work in the camp, and leave the rest to me."

"But Your Majesty, the last general..."

"This is my order!"

"Yes! The last will obey the holy order!" Although Yue Fei still wanted to ask for orders, he still did not dare to disobey Lu Feng's holy order.

"Go down!"


Yue Fei led Qin Qiong and the others down.

"Zhengang, where did they go?" After Yue Fei and the others left, Lu Feng asked Zhengang beside him.

"I've already arrived at the foot of the mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, and I've made a good concealment. As long as the night falls, I can act." Zhen Gang said.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Go and tell Tong Yuan that there is action tonight."



When night fell, a few figures flew over to a remote place under the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road.

"Last General Zhang Han, see your Majesty."

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty."

When the figure was just standing, a middle-aged man in a military general's armor quickly came to him and bowed to pay homage.

Lu Feng nodded, looked at Zhang Han in front of him, and said, "How are things going?"

"The end general has selected 10,000 elites to prepare for battle in accordance with His Majesty's decree." Zhang Han replied immediately.

"Okay, act in a quarter of an hour."


When Lu Feng learned that Yue Fei chose to give up the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, he had already asked the shadow guards in Hongbao City to come quickly, preparing to attack the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road with shadow guards who were all warriors.

Also, I plan to lead the team myself.

After all, as long as Le Chongjin is not a fool for such an important position as the Holy Crossbow, he will definitely send a large number of troops and masters to defend it.

Let others lead the team, Lu Feng is not at ease.

And he himself is a warrior in the realm of the emperor, and there are also the warriors of the emperor's Jiuzhongtian, Duan Shui and Tong Yuan, unless the Liyang Dynasty sends a saint, or is able to cope with all situations.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and the 10,000 shadow guard elites waiting at the foot of the mountain were ready for battle.

Lu Feng stood up, looked at these people, and said solemnly, "Let's go!"

Immediately, under his leadership, the ten thousand people circulated their infuriating energy and moved up the steep mountain road quickly.

After a while, they saw the soldiers Youle Zhongjin had arranged to defend on the mountain road, and immediately a few shadow guards shot and killed them.

The rest went on without making a sound.

Soon, everyone reached the upper position, and they were already able to see the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow.

"Jie Jie, as expected, you are indeed here!"

As soon as everyone arrived, a cold laughter came from the front.

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