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With the sound, Le Chongjin, dressed in the armor of a military general, walked out of the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow Array.

When he saw Lu Feng standing at the front, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Okay, okay, very good!"

"This general never imagined that you, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, would dare to bring someone to attack the camp in person. It's just that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell to break in!"

"Kill you, this battle will be a complete victory!"


Le Chongjin really couldn't control his ecstasy.

He figured out that if the Nanyan Kingdom wanted to break the current predicament, he would definitely want to compete for the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, and he thought that it would be Yue Fei or Qin Qiong and Zhang He who would come to attack at night.

At that time, if you capture or kill them yourself, you can also make up for the loss of the defeat during the day.

But I never imagined that the person who came was not Yue Fei and Qin Qiong, but Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Now in his eyes, this is simply a great credit given to him by God.

As long as Lu Feng was killed, the defeat during the day would not be worth mentioning, and he would be rewarded by the emperor.

It really is a pie from the sky.

"Oh? So you've settled for me?"

Facing Le Chongjin, who was waiting for him, Lu Feng not only had no fear, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Is not it?"

Le Zhongjin smiled coldly and said, "I would have known that you, Lu Feng, is a martial arts genius, at least the strength of a holy king at a young age, but do you know the origin of the name of the holy crossbow? This is capable of killing the holy venerable. Sharp weapon!"

"These holy crossbows behind this general, don't say you are a little holy king, even if you are holy, you have to drink hatred here today!"

"I really don't understand where your confidence comes from!"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Could it be that you thought that when I came here today, I wasn't prepared at all?"

Le Zhongjin frowned.

Said: "What do you mean?"


As soon as he finished speaking, a sword groan came from behind him.


Immediately following, in the Saint Exterminating Crossbow Formation behind him, there was a scream.

Then, the screams couldn't stop, one after another!

"what's the situation?"

Le Chongjin was shocked and didn't understand what was going on.

"Hmph, the dignified Six Swordsmen would also do this kind of sneak attack from behind? Isn't it shameful?" A cold snort came, and at the same time, a warrior in a black robe flew over from the army behind Le Chongjin. .


Before the Six Swordsmen could answer, Lu Feng gave an order, and the shadow guards behind him flickered and quickly approached the enemy army formation.

The shadow guards were all warriors, and when the enemy's rear army formation was disturbed by the Six Swordsmen, they carried their True Qi and rushed over as quickly as possible.

"What? It turned out to be a warrior?"

Le Zhongjin was shocked when he saw these shadow guards rushing over. At first, he thought it was the elite soldiers selected by Lu Feng, but he didn't expect that all of them were warriors.

But he still reacted quickly and said anxiously: "Quick, let the arrows, let the arrows!"

However, at the moment, the army formation in the rear was disturbed by the Six Sword Slaves. When his order went down, only a part of the soldiers in charge of destroying the holy crossbow could act according to the order. Many others were killed, and some panicked.




Although the shadow guard's speed is extremely fast, it is not easy to destroy the holy crossbow, and the huge lethality still makes many shadow guards fall to the ground.

But fortunately, because the six sword slaves were chaotic in the rear, the enemy army could not reunite in a short time, and could not suppress these warriors of the shadow guard.

Let more shadow guard soldiers rush into the army formation.

In an instant!

In the Le Zhongjin army, swords, lights, swords and shadows were endless, and the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty fell to the ground and died under the sword of the shadow guard.


Le Chongjin shouted angrily and said, "You wait to block the Six Swordsmen, so that the army will be stabilized in the future!"


The lieutenant beside him shot Qi Qi and rushed towards Liu Jiannu.

The black-robed warrior who appeared at the beginning was the one in the Liyang Dynasty intelligence system.

He rushed towards the broken water, entangling it.

The rest of the Six Swordsmen were also entangled by several lieutenants around Le Chongjin, and could not escape for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Le Chongjin moved his hand and the Zhenshen Banner appeared.

He wanted to use the Zhenshen Banner to stabilize the army formation and kill the shadow guard soldiers.

"In front of me, do you still dare to take out the Zhenshen flag?"

It's just that he had just taken out the God-Suppressing Banner and hadn't used it yet, when a cold voice entered his ears.


With a sword cry, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

Almost relied on an instinctive reaction, he forcibly removed a trace of his body.

Under his gaze, a silver-white sword light almost slid across his neck.

But he escaped, but his town god flag was hit by the sword light.


With a humming sound, the Zhenshen Banner trembled slightly, and a crack that was not easily detected appeared on it.


The Zhenshen Banner was injured, and Le Chongjin also spurted out a mouthful of blood. He suffered some injuries, so he quickly put away the Zhenshen Banner.

Then he dared to look at Lu Feng and said with gritted teeth: "You are actually a warrior in the realm of the emperor!"

Le Chongjin himself is a warrior of the emperor's triple heaven, and his strength is not weak.

When Lu Feng started, he could see at a glance Lu Feng's realm. It was also the realm of the emperor. Maybe it was only the first level of the emperor, but it was definitely the realm of the emperor!

And this shocked him even more. You must know that Lu Feng is already a warrior in the realm of the emperor before he is twenty years old.

If you let him continue to grow and give him a hundred years, what kind of realm should it be?

Holy? It's still the legendary... monarch!

"Three steps to the first realm."


Lu Feng ignored Le Chongjin's words.


Le Chongjin is not weak, he snorted coldly, forcibly controlled his body to avoid the sword, and at the same time poured his True Qi into his feet and kicked Lu Feng.

Lu Feng turned slightly to avoid this kick, and his figure flashed again. The sword in his hand flashed a silver-white sword light under the dark night, and suddenly appeared behind Le Chongjin, grabbing his neck.

"Haha, it is said that you, Lu Feng, have a lot of tricks. Among them, your body is the best. When I see it today, it really lives up to its reputation."

"I am afraid that this kind of movement method can only be broken by a warrior of the holy realm. Unfortunately, although the old man is not a warrior of the holy realm, he is also proficient in some space methods. This movement of yours is useless in front of this old man. It's open."

Le Chongjin didn't speak, but behind him came a laughing voice.

Immediately after, an old man appeared in front of Lu Feng, and when he waved his hand, a burst of infuriating energy hit Lu Feng.

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