The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 958 There is an old man who pretends to be!

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Lu Feng originally wanted to use his movement to escape, but just when the thought appeared, he found that the infuriating energy had already locked this space, and even if he wanted to use his movement to escape, he couldn't do it at all.

Helpless, he could only hold the Gan Jiang sword, infusing the infuriating energy in the body of the sword and blocking it in front of him.


With a loud noise, Lu Feng's figure was directly knocked away.

"His Majesty!"

When Duan Shui and Liu Jiannu saw the other five, they swept away their opponent with one sword and returned to Lu Feng to protect him at the fastest speed.

"Cough cough."

"I'm fine."

Lu Feng stabilized his body and coughed twice.

At the same time, he stared at the brocade-robed old man who had already arrived in front of Le Chongjin, and said, "A master of the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty, a semi-sage!"

In the previous blow, Lu Feng recognized the identity of the person who came from the Liyang Dynasty royal family.

Because he had seen this kind of infuriating fluctuation in Zhang Hengyuan before, it was exactly the same, he couldn't go wrong.

However, what surprised him was that the Liyang Dynasty would send a half-sage here!

This also made him a little more vigilant about Zhang Jiaqi, the royal princess of the Liyang Dynasty. The woman before said that the Liyang Dynasty only had warriors from the Emperor Jiuzhongtian, and there were no semi-sages.

"Last General Le Chongjin, see the emperor." Le Chongjin respectfully stood behind the old man.

The old man nodded and did not answer Le Chongjin, but looked at Lu Feng and said, "Old man Zhang Mo, one of the ancestors of the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty."

"My name is Lu Feng, the monarch of the Nanyan Kingdom!" Lu Feng said.

"No, no, you don't need to speak."

Zhang Mo shook his head and said, "I don't usually remember the names of dead people. I can't remember them even if you told me about them, so I might as well not say them."


A cold light flashed in Lu Feng's eyes,

Staring at Zhang Mo, he said coldly, "It seems that you old man is quite confident? I just don't know where your confidence comes from? If it's just you, then you can save it, you don't deserve it!"


"Shizian dare to insult the emperor?"

When Le Chongjin heard this, he shouted angrily.

"It's okay!"

Zhang Mo waved his hand and said with a smile: "What's the harm in letting a dying person let him use his tongue?"

Then he looked at Lu Feng and said: "Originally, this old man came here not to kill you, but to deal with the ignorant sect behind you, but I never thought that you would lead the army to attack at night stupidly. I've dealt with you, and let the people of Wangqing Daomen know that they can't reach the land in Yuzhou."

After speaking, before Lu Feng could answer, he paused for a while, and then pointed at the soldiers of Yingmiweidu who were still beheading the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty, still smiling, and said, "What? You still want these little characters. let them continue?"

"Save it, don't let the old man do it. Today the old man will start the killing ring, but he will not open the killing ring. Therefore, the old man will give you a chance to let them leave. The old man will not want their lives, as long as yours."

"Old guy, I advise you, don't pretend to be too old when you are old. If you have that ability, come..."

Standing on the spot, Lu Feng patted his chest and said, "I'm standing here, are you here to kill me?"

"You are courting death!"

Zhang Mo's face sank, and he said, "Well, I'll kill you first, and then deal with these little shrimps."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Lu Feng, his true energy surged out, turned into a golden dragon under the dark night, and charged towards Lu Feng.


However, before his golden dragon hit Lu Feng, he saw a bright white spear shot through the air, hit the golden dragon, and directly shattered the dragon.

"Old guy, it seems that your attack is somewhat useless, you can't kill me!"

Lu Feng smiled and looked at Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo didn't answer, but stared at the void, and said solemnly: "Who is in the dark? Why don't you dare to come out and see?"

"Why don't you dare!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud shout came.

The spear prodigy Tong Yuan walked out from behind Lu Feng and stood beside him, holding a spear and pointing at Zhang Mo.

"Tong Yuan!"

When Zhang Mo saw the person who came out, his face changed, and he became gloomy in an instant, and said coldly: "Tong Yuan, I have no grievances with you in the Liyang Dynasty, and I, Zhang Mo, have no grievances with you, why are you with me? The Liyang Dynasty, and I, Zhang Mo, are enemies?"

Tong Yuan's identity is set as a Yuzhou Ranger with high strength. Zhang Mo, as the ancestor of the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty, one of the top ten dynasties in Yuzhou, naturally knows Tong Yuan.

It's just that he didn't understand how Tong Yuan and Lu Feng came together.

"You want to hurt my lord, and you still say there is no grievance or enmity?" Tong Yuan said coldly.

"Your lord?"

Zhang Mo was stunned for a moment, then his eyes narrowed suddenly, staring at Lu Feng, and said solemnly: "You actually joined the Nanyan Kingdom?"

"Can you kill him?" Lu Feng ignored Zhang Mo's words and asked Tong Yuan instead.

Although Tong Yuan's strength is very strong, Zhang Mo is a strong person in the semi-sacred realm, and his strength is not under the fairy sword Fu Xinyue of the Baiguo College that Lu Feng killed.

At that time, Lu Feng still had some tricks in beheading Fu Xinyue, which meant that Fu Xinyue's semi-sacred realm was not fully utilized, but now Zhang Mo's situation is different.

Lu Feng knew that Tong Yuan was very strong, and he knew that after he used the Martial Dao Comprehension Card for him, his Martial Dao Comprehension improved to a higher level and his strength became stronger.

But he didn't know if Tong Yuan, who was still at the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian, was Zhang Mo's opponent.

Tong Yuan didn't answer Zhang Mo's words, and said respectfully to Lu Feng: "If he dares to fight with me all the time, within half an hour, I can kill him!"

"Crazy Tong Yuan!"

When Zhang Mo heard Tong Yuan speak like this, he was furious and shouted: "Today, this old man wants to see how you take my head!"

When the sound fell, he punched Tong Yuan.

Tong Yuan was not afraid at all, he rushed up with a spear, and the two instantly fought in the sky.

But under Tong Yuan's intentional control, he completely pulled the battlefield into the void, and would not affect the soldiers below.

As for the battle between the two sides, Zhang Mo showed the absolute strength of a semi-sacred warrior at the beginning, and completely suppressed Tong Yuan. It looked as if Tong Yuan was being suppressed and beaten.

"Haha, Lu Feng, you are finished!"

Seeing the great joy, Le Chongjin said to Lu Feng, "After the Emperor Huangzu kills that short-eyed Tong Yuan, it will be your turn!"

Kill Tong Yuan?

Looking at the battlefield, Lu Feng shook his head for a while. Those who think like this are the ones who will die.

Lu Feng possessed the 'mind and eye' supernatural power, and coupled with the observation power brought by his high-ranking profound formation master, he was able to sense very accurately that Tong Yuan obviously had spare power.

Moreover, as the battle progressed, he could find that Tong Yuan had an aura that was similar to Zhang Mo's.

The difference is that Tong Yuan's temperament is more pure, while Zhang Mo's is a little chaotic.

Not surprisingly, this should be the gate to the realm of the Holy Venerable.

Tong Yuan wanted to use Zhang Mo, a good opponent, to verify the martial arts he comprehended and improve his strength!

He regarded Zhang Mo as an alchemy stone!

This also proves that Tong Yuan really has the confidence to solve Zhang Mo, so Lu Feng doesn't need to worry about the threat posed by Zhang Mo.


Turning to look at Le Chongjin, who was overjoyed, he lightly ordered the Six Swordsmen beside him, "Kill!"

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