The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 959 Is Lu Feng Surely Human?

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Following Lu Feng's order, Liu Jiannu once again raised his sword and rushed towards Le Chongjin's group.

"Block, hurry, block them!"

Le Chongjin shouted in a hurry.

The lieutenants around him rushed over immediately, trying to stop the Six Swordsmen.

Just at this moment, the figure of the Six Swordsman suddenly changed, and Zhen Gang and Chaoshen took the sword and rushed to the warrior in the black robe.

"court death!"

Seeing the actions of Zhengang and Chaoshen, this person sneered and wanted to kill Zhengang and Chaoshen.

But he didn't want Zhen Gang and Chaoshen to join forces to block his attack.


This man frowned slightly, but he didn't expect his attack to be blocked by a warrior from the sixth level of the emperor and a warrior of the fifth layer of the emperor.

Although the two were reluctant to block, they still made him very angry, which was a shame for him.

Because he is a warrior of the emperor's Jiuzhongtian, but he is blocked by two warriors whose realm is not as good as himself, and he has not been laughed at when he spreads it out.

Immediately, he shot with anger and quickly attacked Zhengang and Chaoshen.

But at this moment, the two sisters, Zhuanpo and Miehun, shot together and quickly attacked him.

This made the black-clothed warrior look gloomy. If he didn't defend, Zhuanpo and Mie Soul would definitely be able to seriously injure him. If he defended, he would withdraw the attack and give Zhengang and Chaoshen a chance to attack again.


With a cold snort, he quickly retracted his hand, blocking Zhuanpo and Destroyer's attacks, and at the same time slapped Zhuanpo with a palm, wanting to kill Zhuanpo first, and then kill others.

"Jie Jie."

But before the hand was out, a sneer suddenly came from behind.

At the same time, a chill appeared behind him.

The sprite holds a sharp sword,

stabbed to the back of his heart.


The black-clothed warrior cursed secretly and had to withdraw his hand to avoid the blow.

But just as he moved, Zhen Gang and Chaos God's attacks came again, and at the same time, the attacks of the two sisters, Zhuan Po and Destroyer Soul, also arrived.

The four of them joined forces to restrict his movements all at once, and the fact that there were sprites behind him made him very uncomfortable.

For a time, this person was actually trapped by the five Zhen Gang.

Although at a disadvantage, it is absolutely impossible for the black-clothed warriors to break away from the restriction of the five real members for a period of time.

At the same time, the water-breaker held the water-breaker sword and performed the water-breaker sword technique, and in the blink of an eye, he wrapped several lieutenants close to him in it.


Soon, a scream came out.

Followed by a few more miserable screams.

Under the broken water sword, the few lieutenant generals Le Chongjin who were wrapped in the broken water sword technique were all killed.

The purpose of the Six Sword Slaves is very simple. With the perfect cooperation of the other five people, they will fight against the black-clothed warrior whose strength has reached the Emperor's Nine Heavens, and let the strongest cut off the water to solve the others.

The five of them cooperated perfectly, and they could block the emperor's Nine Heavens for a moment and a half, but the lieutenants under Le Chongjin didn't have such strength and could not block the broken water.

It was soon lost.

"Block him, hurry, block him!"

Le Chongjin was furious and shouted in a hurry.

But the lieutenants behind him hesitated.

The strength of Water Break has reached the Emperor's Nine Heavens. This is something they all know. Isn't it courting death?


The black-clothed warrior found out that he had been tricked. He was furious, and as soon as he forcibly beat him back, he wanted to withdraw to fight Shuan Shui.

But at this moment, the Chaos God attacked again and wanted to hold him back.


With a roar, the black-clothed warrior felt the sword energy of Chaos God, gritted his teeth, and took out a talisman from his storage ring.

There was some reluctance in his eyes, but he still threw it directly at the six sword slaves.


As soon as the talisman appeared, there was thunder in the sky, and nine lightning bolts appeared, quickly hitting Chaos God.

"You will turn into nothingness under the thunder talisman today!"

The black-clothed warrior sneered, attacking Chaos God with lightning, and his body also rushed to the water at the fastest speed.


Really just snorted, the swords in the hands of the other five Six Sword Slaves moved in unison, and their true qi surged in the void, turning into a sword formation in front of them.


The first bolt of lightning struck the sword formation.


A crack appeared in the sword formation in an instant.


When I saw it, I was shocked. I didn't expect that the sword formation composed of five people was cracked by a bolt of lightning.

You must know that even if the water is not cut off, the sword array formed by the five of them is enough to resist the full blow of the emperor's Jiuzhongtian peak martial artist.

But right now, it was actually cracked by a bolt of lightning.

And this is just the first lightning bolt among these nine lightning bolts!

"Tianlei Talisman!"

Seeing this, Le Zhongjin's eyes flashed, and he said, "I didn't expect that he actually has a Tianlei Talisman in his hand. This is a top-grade talisman, and it is very precious!"

"at the moment……"

Looking at Lu Feng, Le Chongjin sneered and said, "When the Six Swordsmen are finished, I'll see what else you can do!"

The Tianlei Talisman is a top-grade talisman, and it is also a purely offensive talisman. Even a warrior in the semi-holy realm will have to peel off a layer of skin.

In Le Chongjin, I saw that the five people from Liu Jiannu were already corpses.

No, no, there should be no corpses left, and Tianlei will directly smash their bodies!

When Liujian Slave is killed, he will be able to directly kill Lu Feng with someone. At that time, the battle will be completely won, and he will still be the biggest winner.

Le Chongjin seemed to have seen the scene where his army drove straight in after Lu Feng was killed and took the Nanyan Kingdom.


Lu Feng looked at the lightning in front of the sword formation of Zhen Gang and murmured in a low voice, "If it's other people, there may be nothing I can do, but lightning... just a trivial matter!"

"Lightning control!"

With a slight movement in his hand, Lu Feng instantly used the supernatural power control thunder that he obtained by killing the Silver Flood Dragon King in the Senjin Mountains.

A lavender lightning bolt emerged, and under its control, it drilled into the remaining eight lightning bolts.

"what is that?"

Seeing this scene, Le Zhongjin frowned slightly.


Under his gaze, the eight lightning bolts suddenly made trembling and harsh sounds.

Immediately after, a lavender light flashed, and the eight lightning bolts disappeared completely, leaving only a lavender lightning bolt.

"how can that be?"

Le Chongjin was shocked. It was the lightning that was transformed into the Tianlei Talisman. It was not only extremely powerful in attack, but also very violent.

But how could it turn into a lavender lightning now? And this lavender lightning is exactly the same as the one that flew out of Lu Feng's hand before!


When Lu Feng turned his right hand, the lavender lightning flew over and stayed in his hand.

"He... can he control lightning?"

Le Chongjin was completely stunned, there was only one thought in his mind, is this Lu Feng standing in front of him really a human?

Are you sure it's not a monster?

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